Eminem - new album
Give It A Name
Other urls found in this thread:
Lap Dog
>Going with the flow, can't challenge the status quo
Black Inside
Rage on Behalf of the Machine
My lunge for cultural relevancy again - TURBOKIKED Edition
Small and Tight Circle
Based on his deeply profound quote, "Trust is hard to come by. That's why my circle is small and tight. I'm kind of funny about making new friends, and I prefer them all to be black."
Wigs Gonna Wog
eminem is looking physically ill desu and its not all because of age
Soupy Blumpkins
I don't know much about Eminem but why do you people love Trump so much? What good has Trump done? All he's done is make a fool of himself on Twitter, he hasn't done any of those things he promised.
So why do you still love Trump?
>love trump
nah, i just hate rap and even worse...wiggers.
and the fact this wigger has to convey his ass pain through a shit medium just makes it funny and repulsive at the same time
That nigga trump just triggered
Slim salty LP
>t. newfag
Daddy Issues
>what did you mean by this?
Fuck off you retarded shill, Trump was installed for one reason alone : chaos
Every goddamned day I can see we all made the right choice
Fuck, I love this board.
>Status Flo
can someone give me the quick rundown on why is this guy relevant right now?
Gobbling Kike Knob
I haven't heard any of the new album, can somebody give me a quick rundown?
Kim v9.1
Featuring hits such as:
>Never 2 Old
>Prostate Examz
>Choke That Ho
Because Trump is a sincere man with convictions.
Eminem is just a washed up moron who only panders to money.
>mass replier
>nothing to add
It all checks out
The Wigger LP
Can someone JUST him?
in all this fun i didn’t realize the flag of the OP
shalom greatest ally
>Time to Retire
Maybe Ice T and Eminem should do PSAs about not beating women during NFL games.
Doesn't Eminem wear blue eye contacts, makes his hair blonde, call himself white trash in a lot of his songs? That's like the complete opposite of acting like a wigger.
he's like 50 years old
Slim Anus is Famous
That's pretty good
You didn't answer the question though. What has Trump done that is so good? Surely there's a reason you support him other than just being an edgy contrarian.
Fuck off Marshall Mathers you cheap JRoc knockoff.
Talent goes a long way.
Slim Haiti LP
>washed up musicians trying to stay relevant by being armchair politicians
Dre's Bull Prepper EP
Detroit down under ft lil'rabbit and big D
Bullshit he flip flops he's white trash when convenient and albino nigger when convenient
Good, but it was already used for that cucked antifa band.
I like both eminem and trump, surprisingly enough. To answer your question I like Donald Trump because he has the power to make people self destruct and at this point in my life there's nothing I enjoy more than someone else's ass in pain.
He's amazing.
His humor is hilarious. If that stick wasn't so far up your ass you'd see it too.
Find me a man that's never drank or smoked and I'll show you a man with morals that's worth following.
you don’t get it
if this piece of trash was trashing obama. i’d still think the same about him
politicians are and will always be puppets, side steppers and cunts. This one just happens to be a wake up call more symbolically how liberals and leftists are raping this country.
so again. wiggers and rap are horse shit
got it bro?
He reminds me of that sickly Bill Clinton picture
Do you believe that Trump is the emperor of mankind? Youre god damn right you do.
oh, sweetie...
Damn, what a crack head.
were any of you guys actually surprised, he is a lyrical genius yes, but politically he was always surrounded by apes.
eminem looks like a total bum
>you're tearing me apart
N in Eminem
Daily reminder that The Marshall Mathers LP was his last album that was good
And that was 17 years ago
Apparently he calls himself white in a majority of his songs and uses it as his gimmick. His most famous movie is literally about him being white and having to earn respect from blacks in Detroit. He makes his hair blonde and his eyes blue, anyone who wants to be black aka wigger wouldn't do that. That's like the total reverse.
Evidently AIDS can be transmitted via oral copulation.
>eminem comes out and says mean things about trump
>literally the next day top post on front page of Reddit about what a great guy he is
really activates them almonds
>eminem is the opposite of a wigger
yea sure buddy
Half the H1B scammers at my work have returned to India due to 'political climate', we actually hired some American kids this year. Fuck off joo shill. MAGA!!
Jewish Spaghetti
Lmao let's raid his YouTube video and give it The Sup Forums treatment if Jews news doesn't mention us by tonight we've lost our mojo baby
Nigger Bitch
he weighed like 300lbs at one point, he hid from cameras because he was so ashamed
Featuring tops hits such as:
>'We Wuz Kangz', Fet. Shawn Kang
>'Rachel Dolezal Is A Fine Ass Bitch'
>'Fuck You', Fet. Dre
>'Muh 3 Million', Fet. Hillary Rodham Clinton
>'The Jews Better Promote This Nothing Burger On The Radio', Fet. Kendrich Lamar
>'When You Just Want To Fuck Dem Titties', Fet. Martina Adam
He did the hivemind proud by doing an anti Trump 'rap'.
Omfg best kek I've seen today dying
The BLACKED™ Album
< The Slim Dem EP
< The Puppet Show
Following up his hit Single "Kim" with "Drumpf"
shalom shitty
>Trump is a sincere man
The Final Shoah
Pleeezze take this thread to his video comments section on YouTube we get to trigger fans and possibly get slim to an/hero let's male Sup Forums great again!!!
Why has General Schmuli Shekelbergblattstein assembled the entire JIDF in Tel Aviv to spam Eminem threads all day? What do (((they))) gain from this?
> White America
"So to the parents of America
I am the derringer aimed at little Erica to attack her character
The ringleader of this circus of worthless pawns
Sent to lead the march right up to the steps of Congress
And piss on the lawns of the White House
To burn the flag and replace it with a Parental Advisory sticker
To spit liquor in the faces of this democracy of hypocrisy
Fuck you Ms. Cheney, Fuck you Tipper Gore
Fuck you with the freest of speech
This Divided States of Embarrassment will allow me to have
Fuck you!
Hahaha, I'm just playing, America
You know I love you"
This list is great. Is it updated regularly?
ebin xddd
thank god that is fake
raw & uncut II
Absolute 12yo shite; the one thing i learnt from eminem was that even when a white guy wants to be a nigger he will still do a better job than the niggers
Salty Wigger
they say I can't rap an make great albums no more
they ain't say I can't rap FUCK TRUMP some more
DRUMPF you don't think I won't choke some more
till Dre an others make a LP for me to whore?
Trump was a breakthrough for us.
He shattered the foundations of the cuck order.
He showed millions of people that you should not be afraid of thinking and saying what goes against the liberal paradigm of acceptable.
His victory was a slap in the face of those who were destroying whites and western culture worldwide that kept their domination through fear.
He set the stage for the rise of many others to come, Moore maybe an example, and a more Bannonite pro-nationalist (moderately pro-white), traditionalist ubapologetic conservative politics ( tho Trump himself cuck a little bit).
He strengthened a worldwide nationalist movement in the west.
He moved the overton window to a more nationalist, anti-western guilt, anti-cultural left, pro-tradition and pro-white (or at least less anti-white) paradigm.
May this be only the beginning.