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It takes 24 hours to explain Marx was a gay houseboy?
Still I can't hold it against him. I love being NEET.
>24 hours of mental gymnastics
I think I'll pass
Did you fags even open it? It's just a troll video
>it's a tl;dw troll video, trust me
>watch it anyways
No thanks. I'm old enough to know anything referencing Marx is a fucking scam.
>24 hours to explain socialism
>So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism.
It's just a 5 second voice clip on repeat.
When will Stefan run for Prime Minister of Canada?
>So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism.
it's actually a 1 minute voice clip on repeat
This is amazing.
Molyneux is shit-tier. Have some Hoppe:
" To begin with, what are the “economic” consequences? First—and this is the immediate general effect of all types of socialism—there is a relative drop in the rate of investment, the rate of capital formation. Since “socialisation” favours the nonuser, the nonproducer, and the noncontractor of means of production and, mutatis mutandis, raises the costs for users, producers, and contractors, there will be fewer people acting in the latter roles. There will be less original appropriation of natural resources whose scarcity is realised, there will be less production of new and less upkeep of old factors of production, and there will be less contracting. For all of these activities involve costs and the costs of performing them have been raised, and there are alternative courses of action, such as leisure-consumption activities, which at the same time have become relatively less costly, and thus more open and available to actors. Along the same line, because everyone’s investment outlets have dried up as it is no longer permissible to convert private savings into private investment, or because the outlets have been limited to the extent to which the economy is socialised, there will therefore be less saving and more consuming, less work and more leisure. After all, you cannot become a capitalist any longer, or your possibility of becoming one has been restricted, and so there is at least one reason less to save! Needless to say, the result of this will be a reduced output of exchangeable goods and a lowering of the living standard in terms of such goods. -cont-
"And since these lowered living standards are forced upon people and are not the natural choice of consumers who deliberately change their relative evaluation of leisure and exchangeable goods as the result of work, i.e., since it is experienced as an unwanted impoverishment, a tendency will evolve to compensate for such losses by going underground, by moonlighting and creating black markets.
Secondly, a policy of the socialisation of means of production will result in a wasteful use of such means, i.e., in use which at best satisfies second-rate needs and at worst, satisfies no needs at all but exclusively increases costs. The reason for this is the existence and unavoidability of change! Once it is admitted that there can be change in consumer demand, change in technological knowledge, and change in the natural environment in which the process of production has to take place—and all of this indeed takes place constantly and unceasingly—then it must also be admitted that there is a constant and never-ending need to reorganize and reshuffle the whole structure of social production. There is always a need to withdraw old investments from some lines of production and, together with new ones, pour them into other lines, thus making certain productive establishments, certain branches, or even
certain sectors of the economy shrink and others expand. Now assume—and this is precisely what is done under a socialisation scheme—that it is either completely illegal or extremely difficult to sell the collectively owned means of production into private hands. This process of reorganising the structure of production will then— even if it does not stop altogether—at least be seriously hampered! The reason is basically a simple one, but still of the utmost importance. - cont-
Because the means of production either cannot be sold, or selling them is made very difficult for the selling caretaker or the private buyer or both, no market prices for the means of production exist, or the formation of such prices is hindered and made more costly But then the caretaker-producer of the socialized means of production can no longer correctly establish the actual monetary costs involved in using the resources or in making any changes in the production structure. Nor can he compare these costs with his expected monetary income from sales. In not being permitted to take any offers from other private individuals who might see an alternative way of using some given means of production, or in being restricted from taking such offers, the caretaker simply does not know what he is missing, what the foregone opportunities are, and is not able to correctly assess the monetary costs of withholding the resources. He cannot discover whether his way of using them or changing their use is worth the result in terms of monetary returns, or whether the costs involved are actually higher than the returns and so cause an absolute drop in the value of the output of consumer goods. Nor can he establish whether his way of producing for consumer demand is indeed the most efficient way (as compared with conceivable alternative ways) of satisfying the most urgent consumer needs, or if less urgent needs are being satisfied at the expense of neglecting more urgent ones, thus causing at least a relative drop in the value of the goods produced. Without being able to resort unrestrictedly to the means of economic calculation, there is simply no way of knowing." - HHH
>So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism.
Just watch two seconds of it, you'll understand. Issa meme, my dude.
>So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism.
Dr. Jordan Peterson on "It wasn't Real Communism"
When someone says "That wasn't real communism" here's what it means; I am so narcissistic and arrogant and so convinced of the rightness of my ideology and my moral purity. That if I was the dictator of a communist state, the utopia would have come in as promised. That's what it means.
it's official,he fucking lost it
I tried. Had to click away immediately upon hearing Molyjew's inexplicably condescending voice.
Thanks for wasting my fucking time.
>So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism.
>So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism.
>So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism.
Stefan Molymeme at it again doing the meme!
This is retarded
>So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism.
>So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism.
The Tetris song did it better
I knew Molyneux was long winded, but this is ridiculous
>So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism.
molyjews really scraping the bucket for dem moneys
Capitalist cheerleaders are almost as bad as commies
>So you try again and in 1929 the stock market plunges causing a depression, widespread unemployment and leading to WW2 but that wasn't real capitalism. So you try again and in 1971 you realize that the monetary system failed cuz you ran out of gold but that wasn't real capitalism. So you make a deal to price US dollars in Petrol and if anyone stepped out of line they got bombed. So you try again and in 2008 all of the big banks send the world economy to the brink of ruin but that wasn't real capitalism. So you try again and....
much better video decimating communist scum
>So you make a deal to price US dollars in Petrol and if anyone stepped out of line they got bombed. So you try again and in 2008 all of the big banks send the world economy to the brink of ruin but that wasn't real capitalism. So you try again and....
Net result: 95% less starvation deaths, 99% less government-sanctioned killings, 100% more moon landings
>Capitalist cheerleaders
Is there something better than capitalism? Where?
Assume for the purpose that literacy, education, non-starvation and personal freedom are all desirable outcomes
>lolbertarian talking about retarded systems
very insightful
>So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism.
So I'm @ 16:45:34
He say:
So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism.
Can some one please help me out. I don't get it?
quick rundown pls
Technically speaking, this is not an argument. But it's still 10/10 banter.
>So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism.
>leftyfaggots are permitted to force spam the board by retarded mods on top of nigger, reddit pastas and facebook spam
>durr Im a gommunisd retard have you wasted your lifetime on my hollow gommies cult yet?
>durr Im a gommunisd retard have you wasted your lifetime on my flat gommies cult yet?
>durr Im a gommunisd retard have you wasted your lifetime on my intelligent gommies cult yet?
>hurr why dont you give a shit anymore
Hour 14... WOW. I never knew it went so deep.
>Is there something better than capitalism? Where?
Why don't we start by not putting our faith in systems and models that only exist in economics textbooks.
>Is there something better than capitalism? Where? Assume for the purpose that literacy, education, non-starvation and personal freedom are all desirable outcomes
Here's a neat piece of data(pic related). Russian life expectancy declined sharply after the fall of the USSR as it transitioned to a market economy. It's only back to what it used to be in the late 80s (but that wasn't real capitalism).
>99% less government-sanctioned killings
So to keep the petro-dollar afloat they only needed to bomb half the middle east and cause one of the largest refugee crises in Europe
Note that I'm not a commie or a socialist but these capitalist cheerleaders are some of the most braindead retards I've ever met. The funny thing is that they're literally the same as the socialists they condemn: when things seem to be going well
>See capitalism works you guys
When shit starts hitting the fan
>Well that wasn't real capitalism because X, Y, and Z
Both socialists and capitalists are both true believers of a secular religion that promises peace and prosperity if only enough people believe in it. Not to mention the economists (ie high priests of capitalism/socialism/economic system) have gotten literally everything wrong. In the late 90s the hedge fund LTCM run by Nobel laureate economists and their puerile models nearly caused another global financial meltdown.
13:30 he has a stroke
>Russian life expectancy declined sharply after the fall of the USSR
Natural life expectancy, not including gulag prisoners and intentionally starved communes. Life expectancy with literally zero food is around 2 weeks.
Molyneux has embraced the shitpost....
>So to keep the petro-dollar afloat they only needed to bomb half the middle east and cause one of the largest refugee crises in Europe
The petro-dollar isn't inherent to capitalism. Killing people who try to barter and trade is inherent to communism.
i fucking kek'd at this
stefan is great
>The petro-dollar isn't inherent to capitalism. Killing people who try to barter and trade is inherent to communism.
So you're retarded system fails but that's OK because it wasn't real capitalism. The Petro-Dollar was necessary in order to prop up the failure of the Bretton Woods Agreement which was a retarded system that failed but that's OK because that wasn't real capitalism.
Wow Molymeme's video quality just keeps getting better and better.
>So you're retarded system fails but that's OK because it wasn't real capitalism.
Capitalism is the free market, petro-dollar wasn't a capitalist government structure any more than the USSR was. Terms have meanings, you mongoloid.
>Capitalism is the free market, petro-dollar wasn't a capitalist government structure
So what you're saying is that
the retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real capitalism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real capitalism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real capitalism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real capitalism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real capitalism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real capitalism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real capitalism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real capitalism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real capitalism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real capitalism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real capitalism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real capitalism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real capitalism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real capitalism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real capitalism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real capitalism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real capitalism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real capitalism.
It's working pretty well here, is the nordic model not socialism? We should be putting more money in our health care though. Specialized doctors have been leaving for years.
Stefan is a god damn paycho. Respect.
>So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism.
Wait, was Stalin a capitalist? No? That's why the petro-dollar is also not capitalism's fault.
Capitalism. Is. Not. Why. You. Are. Obese.
Is it working well or is it that you have the proper racial temperament for it not to be utter chaos? For that matter, is it not quickly descending into utter chaos?
Here in the land of the beady eye it is not doing well at all.
>is the nordic model not socialism
every country on this list is undeniably not socialist, having a welfare state and shit doesnt make you socialist. Its just Keynesianism
Total non-sequitur
We've already established that socialism is a retarded system that fails
why don't you scrutinize capitalism and admit that...
it's a retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real capitalism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real capitalism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real capitalism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real capitalism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real capitalism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real capitalism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real capitalism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real capitalism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real capitalism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real capitalism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real capitalism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real capitalism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real capitalism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real capitalism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real capitalism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real capitalism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real capitalism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real capitalism.
>your retarded system fails
even at the depth of the depression stupid keynesian policies don't cause mass starvation lmao, give it a break
>socialism is a retarded system that fails
>why don't you scrutinize capitalism
Because there are no alternatives. The USA proved capitalism out-performs autocracy and monarcy over 150 short years no matter what they try.
>So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism.
>So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism.
hahaha bantz
>So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism. So you try again and your retarded system fails but that’s OK because it wasn’t real socialism.
>don't cause mass starvation
That's because they were handing out free food and their were breadlines and soup kitchens everywhere (essentially socialism) - but that's OK because America wasn't really capitalist in 1929.
The Great depression inexorably lead to WW2, and we know how that story ended.
I'd have more respect for them if they admitted the system sucks and has problems but still occasionally works. I suspect what made America great wasn't merely "the free market" but also its Christian virtues and Protestant work ethic.
charity isn't socialism you fucking dope, thats like saying I'm socialist because I went down to the park and gave a homeless guy some money. Its fundamentally disconnected from socialism in its purpose and societal structure
He thinks socialism is generosity and capitalism is selfishness. Nigger needs to read about twenty books.
Capitalism ALWAYS turned into Corporatism
Government operated many of these soup kitchens.
Many of them were also operated by churches, which goes back to what I said earlier about Christian virtues. Since the profit motive has become the sole organizing principle of society, churches have adopted this mentality. A perfect example of this is Joel "God wanted me to be rich fuck the poor" Osteen
>He thinks socialism is generosity and capitalism is selfishness.
No but I think an excessive faith that the market is efficient and perfect leads many to believe that charity is unnecessary.
fucking just kill yourself
god damn it Moly
here's socialism in one sentence.
one example of some fag using his church for money or not to help people ignored the almost endless examples of churches who do provide the major backbone of charitable, homeless relief, and food bank services. If you look around the poor areas of any city you'll see religious institutions providing things for the poor.
So it's okay for people to live to work for countless generations, otherwise the jew pigs that already rule the world would rule it even more?