Would you support giving blacks financial reparations for slavery if it meant they had to renounce U.S. citizenship and move to Liberia or somewhere else in Africa?
How much $$$ would be an appropriate amount if so?
Would you support black reparations if they leave the country?
So was every pissant in Africa a king? No one was a descendant of a regular berrypicker?
Of course I would pay money for them to leave. What kind of question is that?
Why pay people to leave when you can pay people to remove them?
Is this a joke? Of course I would. $50,000 a head would be fine. We'd spike the debt but the following year we'd save 200% of what we spent.
Nope evry man was the kang of his own cowdung mudhut.
Sure. But America doesn't have the money to replace all the wealth generated from slavery and stolen from Africa.
i'm pretty sure it would be much more cost effective, not to mention humane, to just kill them ourselves instead of leaving that up to the africans
I've seen an infograph that over their lifetime blacks are a net drain of like 800k to the tax system. If that's true I would be cool paying that + some because niggers are terrible.
>we are kangs n shit
>Durrr hurrr Durrr Duhhhhhh
>Would you support giving blacks financial reparations for slavery if it meant they had to renounce U.S. citizenship and move to Liberia or somewhere else in Africa?
>How much $$$ would be an appropriate amount if so?
No-nothing. NOTHING.
350k union yankees died to make these niggers free. They can leave whenever they want now, we have tried to pay them to do ANYTHING at all, and most don't. We would pay them and they would find some way to nigger out of the deal involving some jewish lawyers.
NO no no.
>Reparations for slavery
The only time it would have been practical to provide reparations would have been right after slavery was abolished, it is no longer and option.
Africans are so useless they couldn't even save their continent
There's an article on AltRight that broke it down to being roughly 8.5% of the gdp over 3 years to deport all of the foreigners. Easy sacrifice.
>Nope evry man was the kang of his own cowdung mudhut.
the american dream.
Let's keep our money and humanely solve the issue of permanent separation.
>Much of its natural resources are undiscovered or barely harnessed.
i'd give all my savings to get rid of ALL the niggers and their arab buttfriends in france if they never comeback
Absolutely, it would pay dividends law enforcement budget shrinkage.
>freed them from slavery with a war that cost the lives of hundreds of thousands of whites
>gave them civil rights
>passed multiple constitutional amendments for their sake
>no former American slaves alive today
>"we need reparations for some shit that ended 150 years ago!"
Slavery was unironically beneficial to niggers. The end of slavery literally killed a bunch of them with starvation as they were cut off from their masters and union troops didn't care about them. Their life expectancy increased during slavery and decreased with abolition. Niggers back in the day had a higher life expectancy than some free white populations and a lower suicide rate. Freedom failed theses apes. Giving them money to be deported just further proves how much they rely on whites and is just begging for them to fuck up in Africa.
This was already proven with those who did go to Liberia, they literally enslaved other Africans and mimicked the plantations they themselves were slaves on.
>Would you support black reparations if they leave the country?
Absolutely, anyone who says otherwise is a traitor to the white race.
$30,000 for your US citizenship and a one way plane ticket
Give them all a million apiece to leave. That's what they cost the government in their lifetimes. Never let them back.
The problem would be the inevitable collapse of their new country and them asking for aid like 6 minutes after they're gone.
I think them leaving would be reparations enough
Of course
>all a million apiece
well done
>yes, but no more than the cost of a bullet
>pay money for them to leave.
>forgets joo owns the media and therefore nigger minds.
That's almost exactly what happened with the blacks who went to Liberia in the 1800s. They practiced slavery and mimicked the American plantations they themselves used to be slaves on. It didn't work out too great cause niggers.
They'd all have to take the deal and renounce citizenship and go to Africa with a guarantee to never return, and an amendment to never allow their ancestors to return or leave the continent of Africa.
10,000 apiece and free travel would be a bargain.
I suppose we could settle for a nationwide IQ test, and as long as all those under 100 IQ take it, and we sterilize any born under 100 IQ going forward, it would be enough.
I'd support the complete removal of blacks to be deported back to Africa where they belong.
Considering we spend about that much in welfare and jail per person it wouldn't affect the budget at all.
US citizenship is worth a lot more than that. 200k might do it. It'd be just three trillion
yes, paying blacks to literally just go back to africa would do wonders for the west, and might even improve africa because you're going to be getting an injection of at least 10 IQ points
if i could pay niggers to leave the country and never come back you bet your ass i'd accept a tax hike.
Absolutely. If we stay below the annual welfare/prison cost, we profit.
their citizenship was enough. They have rights and opportunity they would never have had if they stayed in Africa and if they went to the middle east they would be dead. Their rights are enough fuck that. They came from the west bank of Africa so they would literally be living in shit houses.
if they can prove they where a slave, I would support it, but they also have to prove I was a slave owner.
Is that Larry from Alc Right?
implying Asia doesn't do it to
Implynig that's the only way the west makes it's money.
Implying that's how the whites got civilized
You may be retarded.
The most valuable thing in an economy is human beings. This statement isn't even fully correct, because the whole purpose of an economy and value is human beings. The economic status quo contradicts this, and is based upon ownership being the thing of most value.
When we invest in human beings in the right ways it gives more economic benefit than anything else. That we have ghettoes in America is both a disgrace and an opportunity as the economic potential of uplifting these communities would be great. We need a war on the destruction of human potential wherever it lies, including disadvantaged minority communities. How can we do this if we are in a social war with each other, virtue signaling on both sides? The conversation should be on what benefits everyone, which isn't a matter of politics but science, what actually helps people.
Politics is a disgrace because it is dominated by fucks who encourage divisions for their own power. Actual outcomes are irrelevant, all that matters is what gets votes and power.
>ape ice
And you as well good sir
It's either him or the other guy that had the same sign. Jayoh or Ignis retweeted that picture from some journalist.
you sound like a kike who only cares about money and wants to use people, even animals like niggers
Yes, even for getting reproduction capabilities removed.
You wouldn't have to pay. In fact you could sell nigger killing permits and actually make money from it.
Looks at how much some people pay to go on feral hog shoots. A typical hog is smarter than a nigger too.
No, I'd rather have a draft, in which anyone on welfare is the first pick. Then we can send them to the Middle East and have them settle there. It would be killing two birds with one stone.
What we need is a war on ghetto dwellers.
China has taken more out of Africa in the past 10 years than the West ever has, even with both American slavery and colonialism combined! So NO! Just remove them! They already identify as AFRICAN!
Yes, get those niggers out.
I would do slave labor for 5 maybe 10 years for this to happen.
What I find funny is that it's all "America is racisss, America hates blacks, we are killed every day, we can't even go outside"
And then someone even mentions leaving and going places not run by the white man
"I'm American, I'm American, this is my home" lol
the gibs train hasn't really been a return on investment up to now, so no.
Sure I would. The social and financial cost of niggers is stratospheric. A pay to leave scheme would be looked back on as similar to the Louisianna Purchase and buying Alaska. A huge benefit for our nation.
Providing they could provide proof of lineage and then the reparations would be divided up amongst the original slave's descendants, rather than just cutting checks, as they're boarding the boat.
You already know that they won't accept such an absolutely shit deal. They're niggers not retarded.
Sorry America, you're stuck with them until people decide genocide is cool again.
I knew OP's was not the original ! thanks user
They will never leave on their own. They already know what it's like to live around niggers.
>Europe isn't a desolate wasteland after its natural resources being used on a civilisational scale for over 2000 years, but 100 years of comparatively little white colonists are enough to completely clear out a continent three times the size
Not even water wants to touch Africa
I'd prefer it to be called a nigger removal tax
>Would you support giving blacks financial reparations for slavery if it meant they had to renounce U.S. citizenship and move to Liberia or somewhere else in Africa?
I would support it more than I've ever supports anything in my entire life
>How much $$$ would be an appropriate amount if so?
All of it
American negroes were fathered by white slaveowners.
Reparate yourself when you get a job.
oh honey
Had a sensible chuckle at that one southernbro. Seriously though, all the welfare we give out should be used to send them back with a little extra in their pocket. They could live like kangz because the cost of living is so low compared to here.
Yes i would pay them money to leave. They will just squander it all anyway.
Nobody actually addressed the statement
Let's just send them half way back.
What statement
nigga whites aren't even responsible for enslavement in the first place. and fuck you, arabs took more slaves and castrated them.
Funny thing is that there was already a movement (Back-to-Africa movement), that ended up in the clusterfuck thats called Liberia. So if you really want em to leave just start some black zionist movement or something, it works
Probably be cheaper than a year's worth of welfare, prison, police in ghettos, etc , if you think about it.
"we" already DO pay them.
if they left, then fucking great.
"So NO!", doesn't count, how?
Welfare money would buy a lot more in Africa.
>We took all the diamonds and gold, which are literally useless besides for computers and shit
>That's why all the niggers are starving to death in africa
Oh my gosh yes
I would dish out a lot of money if they would just leave
only if it comes out of the kike's pockets since it was their ancestors who were the main drive in the west behind slavery.
Yes, oh God yes. No amount of money is too much to get these monkeys back to the jungle where they belong.
and since that isnt going to happen anytime soon they should all be deported to pissrael
Tell them the money is being wired into an account in an African bank all they have to do is go back
Construct massive arks to send them by sea claim plane tickets are too expensive and they’re getting free cruise out of the deal
Load them in and send them on their way
In the middle of the Atlantic set ships a blaze and begin shooting indiscriminately sink all ships from within quickly so no survivors
Claim you forgot to load adequate amounts of KFC, watermelon, and menthol cigarettes causing riots to erupt aboard all ships when you tried to serve parsnips
Cancel wire transfers(never really intended to happen anyway)
$25k a head and it'd be paid off in 9-12 months I did some painstaking math on it one day. That's assuming all social services adjusted to life without niggers immediately(i.e. cops outfitted like Andy Griffith not Judge Dredd)
When am I going to get reparations from Britain? I had three ancestors one as young as 9 deported to Australia and subjected to forced labour and inhumane imprisonment
Would literally all of them leave and then we stop giving all aid to them?
pol forever BTFO!
This picture is so stupid. Why does South America have no dirt on it? It had way more slave than anyone else and it killed a lot of them in the mines.
Yep, inflate the currency after they are out of the country and start fresh.
id support exterminating them en masse