This thread is for productive members of society only. Positively no NEETS, neckbeards, Communist/AnCap scum.

Prove that you belong here and list your credentials.

>24 years old
>own 1,000 sqft house - 3 baths - 3 beds
>2016 Model S
>PMP certified, CSM

Voting rights should be rescinded from all non-workers. You should not be allowed to influence policy with your vote unless you have a stake in the system...
I'm the meantime, the NEETS sit here talking about how Richard Spencer is going to lead them to a white ethno state, when they can't even get up because their assess are glued to their chairs with semen.

>pays taxes to a government that's going to exterminate his ethnic group

>be german
>have one of the biggest car industries in the world
>pick an american car
>a fucking tesla

Working sucks ass

Too late. NEET here. Thanks for the tendies!

Salam aleykoum Ahmed

>AnCaps and libertarians are neet
>classic liberal right-wingers are neet
>implying it's not the other way around

It really does. Not only that, they intend to pay you for it sucking so much but somehow commies became a thing.


>Spends most of his adult life being somebodies slave...

>1000 sqft house

That really small by American standards. Fucking pleb.

i'm self-employed you illiterate fuck

how do i get rich too?

Doing the bidding of others I assume.

What a shit .png. This is a perfectly reasonable reaction to the cancer which is communism.

>setting up a bank account in the local SPARKASSE
>has the self awareness to show the pass sheet on Sup Forums instead of Sup Forums

Probably your sugar daddy's money. Go suck another dick you cuck.


wow dude

You can't fix stupid, dude. Just let it happen. And laugh.

that's about how much i spent on my last suit so yeah

>thinks there's more to life than providing for your family & country
>thinks you can't still enjoy life while working a 37.5 hour week

>2016 Model S
He couldn't afford the Model X, poor fag detected

I make more than that in one shitcoin trade. Neetdom gives me the time freedom to actually make a difference in my family and community. Good luck slaving your life away for someone elses endgoal.

How much of that is Papi's Vermögen?

How balls deep are you in the criminal underworld?

What exactly have you contributed to Germany?

Pic related. On break. How's everyone doing today?

>24 years old
>Almost millionaire

>Implies he has earned it trough hard work while being "self-employed"
Ahahaahahahahahaahahha ahahaahahahahahaahahha
Who the fuck are you trying to kid you fucking spastic

Sending greetings to your daddy, trust fund faggot


Do you have more than one car?

Arbeitest du Teil- oder Vollzeit?

Are you married, do you have kids?
If not then you have not done anything to improve society, you are just a selfish prick with money.

Did Mr Shecklsteinberg touch you before he taxed you 40% for importing your replacements?

Shit b8

>company laptop
Who gives a shit?



no but i'll get myself a model 3 in a year or two, the Model S is a company car to save taxes

Sup nigga

Commerzbank masterrace here
lmaoing at your life OP

Model x is trash

Ayy, how's it going?

vollzeit 6 tage die woche

>24 years old
>Commercial truck driver
>2 bed/bath condo
>Cadillac CTS-V and Supercharged MR2

>I make more than that in one shitcoin trade
When dream number was that, the one after where you own a harem and a fleet of jets?? LOL

doing good, enjoying the rest of the day till i can go earn money for my boss again tomorrow

he probably thinks that's 900 dollars and not 900,000. The dots and commas are reversed for Americans.

cool data collection thread FBI


>all murrican made

these cars are designed for the international market and therefore build to compete. the fact that tesla offers a good battery with their electric cars is reason enough to buy one of them.
Electric cars make a lot more sense here in germany because of the relative short distances we have to travel from city to city, plus our cuck gov is eagerly building charging stations everywhere (literally, from the smallest towns, to truckstops to office buildings).
If you are looking to buy such a car in that price range you probably are a modern homeowner with a solarpanel roof (these were heavily subventioned 2005-2014..., so its pretty likely that u build a home with one for next to nothing).
Sure electric cars are in their infancy but Tesla seems to be a company that heavily invests in R&D. This team is probably not all murrican, so the only argument you could make would be against teslas material and build quality.
In that case i would ask you to look at all the other car companies around the world, everything is international nowadays, skoda gets build in CZ, Smart (Mercedes subsediary) in France etc.
Build quality has to do with the company that sits behind it and that ensures quality controll. Again something that Tesla very much implies with their design and tech.
How the other german Car companies decide how to deal with the rising demand for ECs in the future is in question. The Asian Automarket is also on the rise here and Tesla seems to be the only company right now that supplys this demand for a "real" electric car.

tl;dr its cool now to be electric in germany #KRAFTWERK

>20 years old
>working full time, 35 hours a week as a wagecuck at Panera Bread ($12.50/hour)
>commuting to college classes 4 days a week (work in between and after classes)
>living with mom until I transfer next year

Lads, I never have free time anymore and I feel exhausted. I'm always either rushing somewhere, working, studying, or in class. I'm requesting to have my hours cut to 20-25 a week cause I need to do well this semester.

Any advice for staying on track with your health while you're a busy and tired fucker? I feel like I can never make it to the gym and it's hard to eat healthy at the end of the day

Your a good little goy.

I'm only 30, amidoinitright?

if you dont enjoy working youre probably a faggot desu. any man who doesnt enjoy a hard days labor and doesnt feel fulfilled by creating value for his society and people is a tremendous and worthless faggot. kill your self

its an ok start but if you dont have a wife and kids those numbers mean jack all beyond you having worked some shitty 40k/yr job since you were 18.

Verdienst du dein Geld damit ware aus China hier in D zu verkaufen?

>congratz zum kohle scheffeln, hoffe du bist kein JUDE

>Voting rights should be rescinded from all non-workers. You should not be allowed to influence policy with your vote unless you have a stake in the system...
I wish this could be implemented across the USA as well. I Think it is a great policy that the people who are carried have no say.....

>still can't buy proper marker

hhahahahahhahaha state of wagecucks

Why are hick-ass retards so triggered by Tesla?

Labor is the natural state of man.

>Hehe dumb wagecucks pay for my welfare because I'm white and thus superior!
Anyone who is on welfare for mental health issues among other things shouldn't be allowed to vote. I know thats how most of you faggots scam the system with your "social anxiety" and "autism".

nice insurance settlement gibs

1,000 sqft is small.

how big is your own house?

Enjoy the rest of your day.

>if you dont have a wife and kids
I don't. And I am not in debt. I. Am. Free.

>some shitty 40k/yr job since you were 18.
Naw, just since I was 24...ranging from $11/hr at the start, then $25/hr, $45/hr, and now $70/hr for the past couple of years.

picture of a computer screen because I can only view my paystub on my work laptop and I'm not going to visit Sup Forums on said laptop

I do SAP software shit, 27. The money helps.

Infinitely more likely than the OP actually having made the money himself

>being this blatantly obvious about data mining Sup Forums

stop swapping commas with periods, it just makes you look stupid

>"I'm a self-made man!"
>daddy's friends all throw him pittances just to keep up good relations with the real man of the house, the father

You're pathetic and you know it deep down. You're on the business equivalent of a bike with training wheels.

You don’t have a family, make 70 an hour, and only have 100k saved up? Are you a coke addict?

>this thread is for people with jobs
Yeah, that really narrows it down.

>i am free
literally collecting fake shit given to you by kikes for no fucking reason. take it from your elder, or don't and suffer horribly, you're making a very large mistake.

so how did you earn your money?


Why should I care about society, this fucking country is going to hell
My tax money ends up feeding boomers and bombers

I'm a wagie but honestly I can't blame neets for wanting to check out or society.

There's nothing great or even admirable about having a job if you live in the US, all you're doing is funding a a nation that will inevitably be nonwhite and has a history of ruining the west culturally and through things like white guilt and multiculturalism which are specifically US products.

Why are hipsters like you triggered by a 14 year old Chevrolet?

Well, i have about 60k USD in my retirement accounts (IRA and Roth IRA) that I didn't post.

Plus all my belongings, and collectibles.

Also - I live in the USA, in California state - which means even if I make $140,000 - i only get to keep about 95,000. Also, I haven't been making that amount for very long, and cost of living in CA is around 30 to 40k a year (rent + food)

wow, you cannot be more wrong
I spent all the day here shitposting, barely did any work and yet i'll be paid, because employer doesn't gives a fuck about what we do, we just have to be "present"

he's a self employed "wage cuck" ...


>over 9000 years old
>data miner
>own 8br McMansion
>F-350 dually, don't even do truck stuff
>Mazda Miatas (2)
>Have my bitches drive both side by side
>Left foot in one, right in other
>Need constant fluffing to prevent cock from hitting asphalt
Feels good man

>Why are hipsters like you triggered by a 14 year old Chevrolet?
Because the Crown Vic PI was the best Car EVER made. Chevy cop cars can suck it.

>OP is proud of making money to support imported mehmets fucking german women and proceeds to talk shit about NEETs

muh sides

>european flag
>does not compute
you're an idiot. but i'm glad you chose the path you did, the end of your genetic line is a net gain. carry on

I’m not - if you say you own one, I don’t go on a rant about all the subsidies GM gets. If you own a used Chevy and like it, I’m happy for you.

that isn't an answer

the last of the V8 interceptors

that doesnt actually seem to be a lot for someone at SAP

Yeah, that's half the size of my house and a hunnerd square feet smaller than my old condo.

Richard Spencer is a rich NEET who never worked a hard day in his life, he has CIA ties too. LOL, white supremacists are such a fucking joke.

1000sqft home lmao, my living room is bigger than that faggot. Europoors living in studios calling them palaces

They're both subhuman groups

Sounds like you also engage in frivolous spending. But I guess that’s what you mean by “being free.” I contend that is the opposite of freedom.

Must have been a shite suit did you even get it tailored

I'd rather live here on the 3rd world than on an Orwellian state like the jewish Germany today

sometimes I even feel bad about being mostly germanic considering germans today are the biggest cucks in europe

>what is inherited not being better than what is learned
>thinking he knows something
pic related doesn't even contradict you, just looks away

The problem with this is: what about people who cant work? Because they deserve a voice too since policy practically controls their life. Without welfare, people would just straight up die. So without a vote, they have no say in their livelihood.

Do you think that people who genuinely cant work ought not have a say? Because I'd say that people who abuse the welfare system out of laziness shouldnt have a say. Theyre reaping the befits without putting back in. Theyre leeches. But I think that citizens who have no choice but to be on welfare still have the right to have a say in how their lives are influenced since they really do rely on it.

>25 years old

>work physical job for fair wage

>6th form education

>renting room in shared house

>2004 third hand car

>1000sqft home

You got to get away from them strata fees, nigga... That's wasted cash that can be used as buying power towards a freehold home.

Name one good thing about being a wagecuck.

kys wagie

>bragging about your assets on a chinese cartoon board

Could you get any more insecure?

Depends on what you do. Consulting has higher incentive based quarterly bonus pay than other parts of the organization. My annual compensation (with bonus, pretax) is ~$100,000 USD/yr.

I could make at least 20% more if I switched from being there to a third party consulting firm doing the same shit but there would be a shitload more pressure to be 100% billable and work 10-12 hour days every weekday which wouldn't be worth it.

If I went to presales I could probably make 20-40% more, which is something I've been seriously considering.