Ben Affleck has been doing some Weinsteining of his own

I hope this burns him to ground. I've always hated this smug little shit.

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barely grabbed any tit, she's just skinny and he's got long arms lmao

still a scumbag

Ben is literally the APex fuck of hollyweird

He gets maniacally hysterical when somebody dares to say something merely critical of Pisslam

What the fuck is his problem? What stake has he in this, he lives in an all white neighborhood without a single muzzie
Fuckin cuck faggot

When is my turn to grope

Love him as Batman, but he probably porked a few ladies who wanted roles in his day.

that would explain his adoration for islam


Goddamn it! I told him to stop doing that

>does nothing to stop it
>says nothing after he did it
>regrets it years later
If you don't want to be groped then don't stand there like an idiot and take it all you sad cunt

Ben "just wanna be your friend" Affleck

On one hand it's good for the victims to speak out against their victimizers but on the other it's easy to start a witch hunt against an innocent man in this kind of climate.


trust all women!

>easy to start a witch hunt against an innocent man in this kind of climate

oh noes do the left-wing clique making spurious accusations against anyone on the right not like it when the tables are turned?

poor things.

>it's easy to start a witch hunt against an innocent man in this kind of climate.
At this point, everyone in Hollywood is guilty of knowing about all this pedo/sex for roles stuff.

They are all guilty in varying degrees.

Yeah, so let's all be hypocrites. Fuck you and fuck anyone else who would rather play for a team than stand by principal.

Assuming women have rights is haram

You guys have been saying this shit for years and I've never really believed it. Time will tell I guess.

How long before he flees to europe for sex addiction therapy?

Fuck off, memeflaggot. You either take your own side or your lose. Principles are for the in-group.

shut up and fan the flames faggot
roastie hate was always divide and conquer
eyes on the prize

The fuck does that mean?

>You either take your own side or your lose
>your lose
It's time to stop posting.

what's wrong with a rich guy touching a woman's tit?

is this like the Fall of Rome or the Soviet rapes of Germany? who fucking cares, no one got hurt.


>he groped me when i was a kid
>21 years old

it wont work I think.

Ben Affleck is an attractive man.

Weinstein was an obese ugly man

remember him losing his shit over islamophobia on maher?

affleck is a hopeful person. The truth is he's been exposed to things that exist in this world enough to know they exist but not enough to understand the true horrors that define their existence.

On one hand I fucking hate these cunts who are most likely making this up to capitalize on a real crime but on the other hand fuck Ben and the rest of these leftist fucks I hope they all eat eachother.

Are you saying my man Mel Gibson is guilty? He's the only actor/director worth anything these days and he got away with naming (((them))). If he spoke out against the pedo shit he'd prob be suicided. He knows what they did to our Savior.

probably told her current boyfriend she fucked ben and he freaked
now its rape

If I was a young hot chick I wouldn't mind if Ben felt my nubile tits up.

guys what happens when the elites of this world start getting humiliated?
... im scared

>and it all came crashing down

They're all guilty in the sense that they all knew about it. But if Mel Gibson had tried to come out and tell everybody, what would have happened? They would have said it was just crazy, bigoted Mel trying to get revenge on the Jews he hates. It would have done no good. That's the main reason lots of people never talked about it: the media would have buried it, they would have been personally destroyed, and nothing would have changed.

Squeezing little girls titties? That's just gross!

Don't forget why we're here people. The more of these stories that come out, the closer we are to exposing pedogate. Even if you think women in Hollywood are whores and deserve it, we need to praise them for their bravery so that more come out.

women are like the gestapo nowadays...

He would be a bad Muhammadan if he wasn't molesting children. Can't embarrass the prophet's legacy, can we?


I swear to god if he touches my Peyton again...

>child molester
Explains why he loves Islam so much

Exactly. You don't have to like the famewhores to weaponize their outrage against the bigger enemy.

Ben is Muslim?

Hollywood is going down, baby.

Caliph Al-Affleki will conquer America in the name of Islam.

never thought I'd see this day user, feels exceptionally good desu.

naw he grabbed a boob on live TV

its not the same.

OMGEEE he made a typo he’s such stupid lol xd
Go fuck a goat.

always fucking hated that guy

Trump curse?

>I've always hated this smug little shit


>Chad Affleck

shit tests, shit tests everywhere...

Ben "I'm Your Handyman" Affleck

It's so sad how times have changed.

I can confirm that Ben Affleck goes both ways

A gay friend of mine said he was chatting with a guy on Grindr who didn't have a face pic and met up with him for sex and it turned out to be Ben Affleck. My friend pretended he didn't know and didn't say anything. He said Ben actually has a big tattoo all over his back

You think this will ruin him? He's still walking free after murdering his wife Laci


"Only a young girl of 21"
Ffs what age are women responsible adults?

This was back when French women went for whites and not immigrants

Ben "pin you down and pump your brown" Affleck

This is what they're talking about? I don't like Ben but she is full of shit. Does she have boobs on her back?

I really dnt think this is beginning of all-out hollywood revelation.
Weinstein got cornered because of some internal conflict which we will never find out.

but isn't she happy abt that?

>WOmen wenting for immigranets

He might grab a tit but hes too much of a pussy magnet to have gotten into the extortion of pussy shit.

Omg, but that's gross, that's racist

Maybe, but you never know. When it gets to be about power or specific fetishes, people can be irrational about what they want. Heck, Weinstein could have had an endless stream of hot young things willing to blow a big-time producer for a small role. He was more interested in degrading certain types. A sicko can fixate on certain women or certain types even when he has others throwing themselves at him.

lol Rose McGowan started up this campaign a year or two ago but now every wash up woman who whored herself into movie roles is clamoring for sympathy

>roastie hate was always divide and conquer

All the movie whores crying now, as if they had no choice but to get down on their knees, all in the name of vanity. Fuck them all, but fuck the press making them out to be victims - if they didn't fucking cave so easily executives wouldn't try it