Why does pol hate black people even though they were kings?
Why does pol hate black people even though they were kings?
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because gibs and property value.
If all black people were kings, then were no black people kings?
Dem wh*te devils is jealous cuz they wuz kangz
Blacks are cancer, man.
Every blacked place in the US became shit.
And you know it.
Face the facts. Throw away your illusions.
we had the spaceship technology hidden under the pyramids and whitey came and stole it from us. we ytaveled the stars while y'all were in caves
Because they are a social and financial burden.
Yakub invented math, science, astronomy, agriculture and taught it to the white man who was running around naked with sharpened sticks
Is this image the birth of AfroFashWave?
Live and learn retards.
congratulations you may have broken through the false statements per word barrier.
Then why can't present day Zimbabweans grow a potato today?
Mugabe ran off all white farmers and now Zimbabweans are starving. If blacks are the intellectual superiors, why can't they even feed their own? It doesn't add up.
They have more population than farming capacity, but they are working on it.
SOME Blacks were kings...on that one continent, that one time...now they just ruin everything...
Wow, us whites have so much untapped power...
to bad you nigs polluted your blood with by fucking apes...
Yall coulda been KANGS.....now youre all just unsigned rappers an sheit....
Was this image due to some white farmers returning to help, after Mugabe begged them to return?
They weren’t kings though and black people have the lowest iq out of all races and haven’t accomplished anything other than being simple minded walking entertainment.
Ahem. The term is "wuz kangz"
i love nigger now.
I tell white people they better show respect because we were kings and shit but they show no respect! I tell blacks show respect because we were kings and they too shown respect!
So when I see blacks vs whites fight, I smile. Respect the true kings and all your race relations will be solved!