Marriage is a bad deal for men
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>Peak at higher than 16
Cuckservative boomer detected
Men have been exploited since civilization became a thing. It's the whole fucking point of it, really.
I wonder (((who))) is behind this
t. beta cuck
Behind you? It´s your wife going in dry with a strap-on while the cum of your neighbour is dripping out of her pussy.
>graph starts at 18
>Marriage is a deal
You're either Anglo, Jew or a nigger
Choose one faggot
Marriage is the institution in which children are raised by two dedicated parents acting as a team. The implication is that you've taken the 'bad deal' for the sake of your children. Were you not aware that parenthood is about sacrifice? The mother sacrifices her body and freedom. The father sacrifices his sexual lust and independence. It's done for the children, not the wife.
Besides, nothing can stop your aging. You may be able to pull some 20-30 year old girls as you approach 50, but it's going to be harder and they're going to drop in quality. And even then, you're just thinking with your dick. There's no comparison to finding a woman who lovingly carries your child, and raises them under your roof. You can wake up with a boner every morning for the latest hot young thing in your bed, or you can develop that long term sense of companionship and teamwork that you get with a wife.
One is the mature man's choice. The other is the choice of a perpetual adolescent who should never reproduce. Which one does the world need right now?
Pamela Anderson is still a MILF, I don't know what that image is supposed to mean
>divorce rate is 50%+ in america
what happened?
op has never had his dick played with
t. fedora wearing ancap incel. Can't wait to be able to buy those child slaves, eh?
>divorce rate is 50%
It went down???
17 to 18 is the all time high
Put some nice clothes, big tits, invest in the bitch beauty, and you have a legit work of art
>lowest number is 18
>"peak beauty" is at 23
obese landwhale is your role model. He voted for Hillary
>white “”””””””””women””””””””””
The ultimate hedonists.
Oldfag reporting in. My grandfather back in the 80's sat me down and we talked about girls when I was a young teenager. He told me two important things about marriage.
"user, if you are in love with a girl and are thinking about getting married, check out her car and her bedroom. If both are a mess, the marriage will go well. A slob won't be in the habit of nagging you."
"Marry a girl only if she is your best friend. Your best friends from school? They like the same things you like, waste their time in the same ways, and you don't lie to them. Make sure she's the exact same, and make sure she just isn't pretending to like and dislike the same things you do to make you happy. Anything else will get you into trouble years later."
Every kid at age 12 should have this shit drilled into their heads.
wise words from your grandfather.
Feminism and the collapse of religion in western society. Women are shitty and disloyal by nature. With the entire society forcing them to be loyal, they will never stay with one man. In modern society, divorce laws and alimony payments even insensitive women to leave their husbands and cheat.
If women got nothing from ex-husbands, it is likely they would never divorce. Or if they did, they would simply leave their children.
>50% meme
I can guarantee it is much higher than that. Probably 60% by now. In 20 years it will be 90%. Marriage is over.
lol America is a protestant nation. divorce was unheard of 100 years ago and that's before all the papist came here. Spain is catholic and has a worst divorce rate. Stupid comment
>maturity is donating 90% of your income to a roastie and her crotch spawn
i love this meme
The girl on the left is a massive whore:
this. any average guy wwould have to be retarded or insane to want to get married these days
women decline in attractiveness because they should be taking care of children not banging after a point.
>One is the mature man's choice.
and you were doing so well
That picture is so true.
This is why I hate AnCaps. They're just degenerate assholes.
finding a mate is supposed to be difficult. Your not supposed to marry the first girl that talks to you. Have standards don't be afraid to dump a woman and most of all HAVE BALLS. You should want a woman to RESPECT you everything else comes second. Watch for red flags keep your head up men.
>Besides, nothing can stop your aging
lul biological aging will be cured within the next 50 years
>her crotch spawn
Are you a crotch spawn then? Is this how you feel about yourself? And they're not 'hers'. They're yours.
I've begun to get the feeling that most of these 'childfree' types just had shitty childhoods with fathers who didn't spend time with them or teach them anything of value. And because of that, they don't have the instinct or desire to share knowledge with and raise their own children. I have an instinct to be a good father because I had a good father.
Perhaps it's for the best that you emotionally stunted, failed 'crotch spawn' don't procreate. Maybe that's the key to creating a better white race.
what a bunch of fucking stupid advise. Ive fucked women with a messed up and they were nothing but CUNTS
Lol if you think the average person will have access to that your mistaken. Only good goys and Jews will get that.
Women are annoying enough. Dealing with a slob is overkill
lul, give it a few years and most of the world will have access to those therapies, just like mobile phones today
I hope your right but I doubt they will let the average person have access to immortality
This is the one thing I hate about Sup Forums. I get the fucking kikes are multi-culturally trying to white out our race as nordic/germanic,etc whites, but getting married and having kids with some miserable cunt won't help. Just going to make shit worse, since your kids will prob most likely become liberal fucktards anyways.
>Perhaps it's for the best that you emotionally stunted, failed 'crotch spawn' don't procreate.
k don't start crying about the white birthrate in your next post then
these days, there are 0 incentives for the average guy to get married that outweigh the risks. marriage is not a rational decision, it's an emotional one
>thinks voting makes a difference
>doesn't know left and right is just a dichotomy where both sides are ran by the jews
gtfo newfag.
I wouldn't call it "immortality", that word can cheapen this field to some people, "indefinite lifespan" is a better term; some links if you're interested
i'm 39 and the slut on the right looks pretty hot to me senpai. tastes change. and to be clear i'm not saying i've stopped being attracted to women 17-29 or whatever, but i'm infinitely more attracted to women 30-45 than ever before. i imagine that when i'm 58 and my wife is 55 i'll still find her hot. it's all relative.
I met my now wife when I was 28 and she 19.. I wanted to make sure I had good sex for at least 15 years.
Lol defending a Hillary voter. KYS
You have any children?
"Her" crotch spawn cuz you're a leaf cuck who can't pass his seed
I can still cry about the birthrate. But I can also complain that it's being kept low by emotionally stunted omega males who haven't learned how to make a woman into a wife. Just because I'm glad you won't pass your neuroses onto any children doesn't mean I think it's good you're not having kids. It means two things.
1. It IS good that you don't have kids, at least in your current pathetic state.
2. You should improve yourself, learn to handle women correctly, and then have kids.
>You may be able to pull some 20-30 year old girls as you approach 50
If you have kids at 50 you're a selfish scumbag. My father had me at 25, and he has been an active part of my whole childhood. He wasn't some old smelly guy, he would play sports with me all the time, take me hiking, teach me to build stuff, and so on. Last weekend I went hunting with him and my brother, and we had a great time. If he had me at 50 instead he's be dead by now.
Its sad that some (((people))) hate white babies so much.
>starting at 18
Looks like you're retarded. Voting makes no difference. Jews choose the president.
No incentives? What do you call your biological sex drive? Oh wait flag that explains it. Your "incentive" is to be an adult and make white babies.
>marriage is a bad deal for men
>get a beautiful wife to sleep with, children to hug and respect from everyone
time to grow up
Then why didn't Hillary win?
>What is love?
Your wife isnt supposed to be beautiful after shes had a few kids, shes supposed to be an honorable mother of your children you are willing to defend forever because she gifted you her prime youth
>2. You should improve yourself, learn to handle women correctly, and then have kids.
I don't think so. I improve myself because it makes my life better, not because I care about attracting Chad's used goods.
pedo detected
correct yet again.
>he thinks married men get respect from anyone
hahahahahahahahahahahaha i think it's you who needs to grow up
>graph starts at 18
nigger women start aging like shit at 25... sooner if they start using drugs and alcohol
Women used to be wed at first blood. The fact that 18 is used as "age of consent" is another effort by jews to lower the birth rate. I'm not saying girls are to be whores but they should be wed to husband and have a family.
Lol and MGTOW get respect from other losers on line. I think I hear your mommy calling you for tendies. Married men have higher social standing than bachelors sorry
>implying the jews wouldn't want an immortal wage-cuck goy to slave away making shekels for his master indefinitely
Poor Pamela hit the wall, brought the wall down and got hit with every brick.
No fault divorce. It's easier to just quit than work to fix it so people just quit.
lol if you think jews would want to share immortality with goyim. As if they couldn't replace a slave with another slave.
How does it feel to work your fingers to the bone for something that Chad got for free in the backseat of his camaro at 16?
Literally buying at an all time high and bag holding for years
The only divorce rate that matters to anybody reading this thread is 1st time marriage between a white conservatives, and yes, that divorce rate is lower than 50%.
>divorce rate in first marriages probably peaked at about 40 percent for first marriages around 1980 and has been declining since to about 30 percent in the early 2000s.
If you can't manage a marriage, you are less than average. MGTOWs are the male equivalent of roasties
Thanks for not breeding
lol is true, women have an expiration day. All the nagging bitches, feminist etc, rule by this exactly, the good traditional ones, with modals, morals and good education, could reach a bigger expiration day
>prime age
try 15
WTF the fck... Were you burping up gerber baby food 5 years ago, you lil shit...? WTF are you the pregnancy police... Die young faggot.
At this point we've had multiple generations of breeding with basically no natural selection. Half the people walking around now have no right to breed. The people who opt out are obviously among them. Not wanting to breed = failure as a biological organism by definition
No loss at all
lol so chads don't get married? Stop reaching. Implying I'm pro marriage to have access to sex. Projecting much. I don't care what chad does with his dick. Not surprised a Canadian has cock on the brain.
>I don't care what chad does with his dick.
>I don't care if Chad plowed my girl 1000s of times, I will gladly put a ring on it!
To get married and have children is more than your job: Your duty. Marriage is an institution meant to foster this duty. Gay marriage is the destruction of this institution: It means that it does NOT matter to have children and raise them. It is therefore nihilistic in nature. Hence the gigantic energy spent on perverting the next generation through the state school system. It was all a effort to destroy our civilisation.
choosing literally to never breed and avoid the opposite sex is cuckoldry, genetic cuckoldry.
If you can get Sup Forums to not disagree, you've found truth
This is why Sup Forums is always right
Nothing withstands the fire of weaponized autistic arguing from behind an anonymous screen except for the truth
That's completely false /r9k/cuck shill
> One often-cited 2005 study from Ohio State University found married people "experience a per person net worth increase of 77% over singles. Additionally, their combined wealth increases on average by 16% for each year of marriage."
Marry a traditional Chinese woman.
>Women used to be wed at first blood.
That is a feminist lie designed to make women scared of their menfolk. Actually look at the historical numbers, they are much higher than you think they are
You're a pedo if you think 14 year olds are at their prime
>Sup Forums is one person
based retard
>Being married may significantly improve the likelihood of surviving cancer, according to a 2013 study from the Journal of Clinical Oncology. Coupled cancer patients were also 17% less likely to see their cancer spread.
>The mother sacrifices her body and freedom.
That was truth until the 60´s. Since then there`s this thing call divorce that make women absolute winners.
Gen z kids are conservative for a reason.
Sure your wife may be an ex whore unworthy of marriage, but one day feminism will retreat and men will take over again and right the ship. That future can't exist if men today don't make do
with the sluts they have available and reproduce. there have been plenty of historical periods where sluttery became the norm. Men sucked it up and knocked up the whores, and eventually the pendulum swung back. Every generation has its challenges. Ours has whores. Be a man and make do until we can make things better.
Lol nice “source”
implying I wouldn't know how to tell if a woman's a slut. Its not hard to tell. In fact they broadcast it. Far from a cuck my friend.
This. If you are both white conservatives, divorce isn't likely. Meeting my wife is unironically the best thing that ever happened to me. She's incredible and she gave me several wonderful children. It sounds corny, but even after all these years I'm still happy just to be around her.
Divorce rate stats are misleading because there are degenerates that get married several times. The important thing before considering marriage is 'will this woman be a strong and rock-solid wife and mother for the rest of her life?'. I feel like a lot of guys marry women that don't meet that criteria. I mean those girls can be fun to date, but you really want to find a marriage material woman to wife. Not just your fun, slightly-crazy gf. Don't marry those.
Anyway, MGTOW is a ((())) trick. Don't fall for the meme, boys.
>Researchers screened 3.5 million adults for cardiovascular problems and found that those who were married had less heart disease and healthier blood vessels throughout the body than people who were single, divorced or widowed.
>choosing literally to never breed and avoid the opposite sex is cuckoldry, genetic cuckoldry.
Its literally not you illiterate fuck. You should literally learn the literal definitions of words instead of spouting memes like a literal retard.
>You're a pedo if you think 14 year olds are at their prime
>t. feminist
I swear my fucking sister loves me like she wants to fuck me and now that she's older she BEGS for attention and it's so fucking annoying like holy shit do you need me to fuck you or something you depressed inbred retard and whenever I give any girl attention she sprints to it like a panting jackal it's honestly been this way my whole life and she is fucking retarded it's but OH OH WHAT ABOUT MEEE?? YA WHAT ABOUT YOU BITCH YOU WANT SOME CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES GO BACK TO YOUR BF WHORE then she snickers without even taking what I said into consideration *atleast he will make me chocolate chip cookies* you nerds without sisters are lucky I thought this shit was for childhood but honestly those rancid bitches that got all the attention turn vain and want it again, I gave it to her as a joke cuz she's my sister and all the guys were nice to me cuz they wanted to fuck her and I NEVER once double standarded that and "craved" her attention back. Bitch and her hs bf cut off my puberty at 12 moved in with me all cuz I was actually getting into this girl and she craved that attention, cut off my adulthood at 22 a decade later reminding me how they dominated me at 12, and now they will wait in the corners to cut off my adult life/marriage / family or whatever in the future. Dam women's need to be desired is so strong my SISTER moved in with me and her bf both virgins just because this girl was getting more attention and being more desired than her. Fucking SAD dude my life is SAD bitches with daddy issues imagine having a sister like that you can't fuck but she still acts the same it's a fucking NIGHTMAREEEE
>heh, can’t be a loser if you don’t play