This Chinese girl posted a video of her killing her cat on Instagram.
This Chinese girl posted a video of her killing her cat on Instagram
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this is not fucking okay, what the fuck?
Meh, I'd care if it was a dog.
I bet there's a world out there where cats eat Chinese people.
>What made you a racist?
They did.
cats are fucking evil but still this isnt exactly acceptable behaviour
Wow a chink killing an animal that western people consider domestic how fucking rare
I think I've just found one good reason why all the western sites need to be banned in China. Pity they only ban half.
Reminder that Chongs are subhuman insectoids.
Animal torture is the 100% end all sign of subhuman creatures.
Cats and dogs are both excellent pets that have been at the side of man for thousands of years. Doing this shit to them is fucked up. Any cat or dog (aside from pits) is vastly more valuable then any nigger/shitskins life.
The thing is, us civilised people don't condone this being done to ANY animal. But I don't expect a bastard person from a bastard race living in a bastard country understands this.
There isn’t. Only big cats eating Indians, Africans and dumb white people who get too close at zoos.
Too bad they didn't boil it alive so you could get some food huh you fucking monkey.
She must've been very hungry ...
>not caring about a domesticated animal's well being
wow color me surprised
i agree
but dogs are obviously better as pets than cats in everyway is what i was trying to say
Pitbulls are valuable too, you're probably just a bitch
Chinks are nothing more than yellow colored niggers.
you know us all too well, Achmed
What is it with the Chinese and their lack of concern for animals? Some societal thing I take it?
You know those stupid little "dog cafes" that open up in richer areas, dumb white wimmin take their 1/2lb purse dogs there and feed them cake, cookies, etc.
I'd like to make one for cats, but instead of catnip and biscuits I'd slather some chinks in bbq sauce and let the cats eat them instead
Cry me a river. Poo in loo here, you eat cows every day, burgernigger. Cows are sacred to us. Fuck your pets.
>completely missing the point on my post
>Chinese girl
>killing cat
I'm not surprised. The surprise would be if she didn't eat it later.
Daily reminder that Asians are subhumans and mixing with them is just as bad, if not worse than fucking negros.
Yep, that sounds pretty Chinese.
What does this have to do with politics?
What race is this woman? Is she a hapa?
She is hot btw.
Cows are bred to be eaten. Hindus are retarded. Humans literally created cows to be eaten
Cats and dogs have been domesticated from wild animals to serve co-evolutionary purposes. There's a reason civilized people feel disdain for those who hurt cats and dogs, yet feel nothing for cattle.
Cattle are meant to be eaten, cants & dogs are meant to be valued. It's human instinct at this point.
China is 1/6th of the world's population. You would expect 1/6th of the fucked up stuff in the world to happen there. Occasionally sick Westerners also attack cats too. Cats are beloved in China. The only reason you hear about cases like this is because it got enough news or social media attention in China to be worth translating into Western media. How did it get attention in Chinese media in the first place, if Chinese people weren't shocked by it?
You know we don't torture animals at slaughter, right? That's what the Muslims and Jews do to their animals. Us whites discovered, quite quickly, that stress releases cortisol and ruins the meat - makes it tough, chewier, low quality.
Your precious cows aren't being killed with giant drying machines you dumb streetshitter
>cry me a river
stopped reading there
Reminder that chinese are not humans
is there a word for this style of art? It's all ive seen the last decade and it makes me want to throw up
Women aren't human, they shouldn't be allowed to take pets.
Reminder to nuke the chinks back to the stone age sometime in the future
google human flesh search engine
if this is true, and gets any play in Chinese internet then she's toast
Chinese are a righteous and just bunch
>tfw political views revolve around the looks of women you will never
Maybe if you enjoy a pet that cant even take care of itself. An outdoor cat doesnt even require food, they feed themselves.
Dog = fuzzy child
Cat = fuzzy roommate
Only Canadians and Australians truly understand the chink menace at this point... but they don't listen to us, bruce... why don't they listen?
but this is hyper normal in China, even kill babies is allowed
Nothing wrong with humanly killing dog or cat for meat, but torturing is unacceptable.
found the nigger
Lazy and self-important
You've never seen the video where the chinese child gets run over and people pass him by in the street and ignore it?
There are threats in all directions. We must cleanse the jews, niggers and muslims so that we can handle the chink threat afterwards.
how did you find her ig you perv
Please pol fond and destroy who did this, please.
Only single women and gay men have cats though
Chinese like the taste and texture of torture. They are sick
hope I can take photo for u
Western media
communism shows its true face again and again and again.
back in the good ol days they would have had her doxed and destroyed already.
what happened to this place?
Its a chink, they will die naturally by an automobile soon enough
Chinks are the lowest asian people, right before India.
China's economy has greater market freedom for consumers than the US.
Fuck you.
You must be living under a rock.
The reincarnation as a cow thing was meant to be a lesson about self-reflection and being hunble. It's not his fault that hindus managed to deify a guy who was very definitively nothingvmore than an enlightened man
I miss all the poo's on this board. We shamed them all away...
It's not just the chinese, look up how halal & kosher meats are prepared. Admittedly Halal is probably the worst though, they stab the animals neck and hold it down as it slowly bleeds out. Literally stressing out the animal as much as physically possible before slaughter. It's cruel and downright retarded because it ruins the meat.
Reflects the mudslime culture pretty fucking well though
>pitbulls are bad
Numale detected
I hope there is. I hate these yellow monkey soulless chinks
outdoor cats destroy local ecosystems. Cats are an invasive species. Keep them inside or don't own any
Would you prefer she fucked it, mohammed?
Feminists made this and tons of them bought em. Saw it at a local college area im near
if you live in a city
t. poo with a confederate flag on
Gooks have no soul, this doesn't surprise me. I hope Trump glasses these fucks.
The local ecosystem of the suburb your parents' house is in? lol
More people own cats than dogs in both the male and female demographic. Sounds like you are insecure in your masculinity and reaffirm it though your dogs.
Pets are selectively bred validation dispensers.
I don't get how pets add meaning to an adult's life.
Cruelty is still shit though not because the animal suffers but because you're tainting your essence with wickedness.
You have to kill it before you eat it, duh.
Fuck off chink. They eat dogs and cats there. And they think killing the dog in excruciating pain makes meat taste better. They are literal subhumans. And there's like 2 billion of these fish faced gooks.
I didn't even say I have pets, nice projection m8
you have something you can love that cant really talk back, that you can buy at the store, ant that you can give up any day without any social reprocussions.
They replace kids
99% of the time it's a nigger doing it here.
the fuck is that weird brown tint? makes everything look disgusting, she literally looks like a neckbeard because of it
>claiming opinions about pets
>doesn't even have one
Yeah that looks fucked up, but are those cows going to be killed humanely at the end of their life? Or are they going to be stabbed in the neck and held down by Ahmed screaming at them, ruining every fibre of meat with a flood of cortisol
The woman has some kind of beastiality and cat torture fetish. Looks like faggot OP found an edgy fucking weirdo
>Cruelty is still shit though not because the animal suffers but because you're tainting your essence with wickedness.
>not because the animal suffers but
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily fromNarodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick and Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existencial catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Rick and Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.
>Cows are sacred to us
That's because your culture is a fucking retarded caste system that thinks people come back as animals.
I don't think we need to be taking advice about animals from someone that worships them and shits in the street because they are scared of toilets.
Maybe modern pets serve a purpose like this. However, cats and dogs served very functional purposes for thousands of years