People on Sup Forums trying to defend this shit

I mean i get it you guys are desperate for a decent berserk adaptation, even I am, but don't fucking lie to yourself. The problem isn't CG, literally everything else except hirasawa is absolute shit. The fucking camerawork is a joke.

For fucks sake even the promo art looks fanmade

Episode 05 was great.

>People on Sup Forums trying to defend this shit
Literally never happened. Is this a bait thread?

yeah noone
>Episode 05 was great.

Surely, is a sarcastic post.

it's the same amateurish animation, and funny enough the scene with the prostitutes and caska the only characters that have enough screentime get CG models.
Cause they are too lazy to either animate the whole scene in 2D or to make background characters CG. And even the hand drawn animation looks terrible, save for some stills

There starting to animate more and more scenes and I actually found myself enjoying the most recent episode.

there's even a whole thread up trying to justify the 5th episode as good
I really can't understand this. every single aspect of this debocle, from CG animation, recycled soundtrack, spastic camera movement straight out of a 2009 flash vid to even the sound editing is horrid. But it seems only thing people seem to care about is if they rush parts or not..

>And even the hand drawn animation looks terrible
This. I don't know anything about this studio, but it feels like they're complete amateurs. Like, a dozen students came together and decided to make anime together. And for some insane reason that promising property landed in their inexperienced hands.

They must've put their grasses on

Even araki told the the guys that made the phantom blood movie to not leave the movie leave cinemas cause it was so bad.
I guess miura stopped caring years ago



Just talked with my friend about this.
He thinks is's perfectly fine. Even great. He says it has good pacing, good plot progression(with all "unnecessary" stuff cut out and characters introduced earlier), good music. He likes it and very pleased with this adaptation.
Then again, his taste is certified utter shit. I am quite shocked but now I know for sure that some people will indeed unironically defend this piece of shit.

But it is shit user.

>This whole thread

>Being the antisocial outliner for merely not understanding other people's problems.
That's pretty much the crippling problem of autism user.

I'm usually an optimistic guy when it comes to anime, but the Berserk adaptation really is bad. Not just with the cringe worthy animation, not just the generic edgelord rock music that didn't fit, but the story structure is all messed up. No one gives a fuck about the characters and story because the writing isn't compelling. I read somewhere Miura did some work but the manga really made most of Berserk compelling. Compared to the anime where you're introduced to a cliche sword guy with rock music playing in the background and obnoxious videogame-y sound effects. Berserk is a good manga, that deserves a good anime. The new adaptation doesn't portray it as a good series, more like flavor of the month garbage.

>The fucking camerawork is a joke
Not even a kid playing with flash animation would make something this bad.

what the fuck. That is an anime in the year 2016.

Berserk was a mistake

>the only other thing they made is that teekyuu anime
Wew, lads.

Your point being? It just adds to the fact they shouldn't get something like Berserk to handle. A studio with a bigger portfolio of varied works should be the ones animating this. Not the poor sods who have only done Teekyuu.

> Your point being?
It explains why even 2d bits are so choppy.

>decent berserk adaptation
TV series were fucking good. Great even if you don't mind stills during some battles.

Doesn't excuse it though. Teekyuu it's more of the style for the 2D to look like that while in Berserk it isn't.

Yeah, it's a good adaptation of the golden age. The movies are too. But so what? Its just a small portion of berserk anyways

It's good, fuck off and stop telling people what to like.

It's fine if you don't but don't force others to share your point of view


>but the story structure is all messed up. No one gives a fuck about the characters and story because the writing isn't compelling
not true with ep05

Stockholm syndrome, not even once.


But I want to

You asked for a Berserk anime.
Now watch it. Watch your dream turn into a nightmare.

>the movies are too
LOL HAHAHA. You serious, boy commander?

He looks too human.

I agree, it's something about him with colours I think

Mouth should be wider.
Irises should be bigger and have no color.
Iris shape shouldn't be so defined.
Outer edges of eyes should be darker.

>some retard discovering that 3D allows them to do something else than pan and zoom
>let's throw it into random scenes, people will love it

>an unfinished series
>cut-to-hell movieshit
>another series, horrible animation
What will the next attempt at a Berserk anime fuck up?