Hating on either of these two protagonists means you have no comprehension of literary enjoyment beyond the basic urge...

Hating on either of these two protagonists means you have no comprehension of literary enjoyment beyond the basic urge of inserting yourself in the position of the protagonist for the purpose of wish fulfillment.

>re:zero and eva int he same thread

You're just asking for trouble aren't you

Shinji actually has believable reasons for being an annoying faggot. All you retards can come up with in defense of Toyota is "Y-YOU'D ACT THE SAME WAY IN HIS SITUATION" and "HE'S INSANE YOU JUST DON'T GET IT".

Shinji and Subaru are both characters which exists as statements of human frailty, rather than cogs of plot progression, so it's only natural.

>throwing re:zero and eva in the same shithole
Let the shitposting begin.

Toyota is a fucking NEET who's currently battling with his flaw of sloth. All his actions in the context of the story are just symbolic of a dude who's slowly solving the internal crisis of how to stop being a loser NEET in his mind.

All the things he does at face-value in the series appear crazier as the story progresses only because it's reaching the point where his realistic battle has become a larger focal point than the artificial structure of a story.

Good shows do tend to create the most controversy.

>trying to not be a neet
At least shinji had the fate of the world on his hands

One actually changes throughout the story, showing that everything that happens to him has affected him in some way or another.

The other remains an idiot because without his idiocy the show would lose it's gimmick.

You're Under Arrest has Shinji a year before Eva came out.

One of those barely grow as a character and just do the same redundant shit for the show to be edgy. The other is actually a good character. I'm sure Sup Forums has enough brain cells to be objective here.

Shinji is shit

>people actually like Shinji

Subaru is acting nowhere near believably human. If anything his lack of awareness and ability to understand others, plus his hero complex thinking the world is entirely dependent on him and other's just simply have to tag along (thinking about the times where he's tried to force people into things without properly explaining expecting them to just comply), genuinely makes me think he's an actual autist. That combined with his inability to change.
Honestly if this is a show about how someone on the spectrum would actually manage in a mmorpg setting, I'd respect it a hell of a lot more than I do now. Genuinely one of the worst things I've seen in years.

Those two faces have completely different meanings.
One is stroking their own pride and ego and the other is having their entire ego shattered.

Toyota actually has believable reasons for being an annoying faggot. All you retards can come up with in defense of Shinji is "Y-YOU'D ACT THE SAME WAY IN HIS SITUATION" and "HE'S INSANE YOU JUST DON'T GET IT".

Subaru's reason of insanity was legit. Shinji was just being a cunt

But no one uses those excuses to shit on Shinji. He gets shit on because he wont pilot the robot, wont smash the pussy and he cries more than he should.

who are we talking about here?

I rewatched EVA weeks ago and it was nothing special without the nostalgia. Re: Zero is at least a good anime, with less pretentiousness and more character development.


Hehe hoho haha you sure are funny

What was your main takeaway from EVA?

For the last fucking time, Subaru was never insane. He was faking it. Betelguese straight up pointed this fact out, it wasn't even the first time Subaru was faking his behavior to garner sympathy. He starting acting deliberately pathetic around Rem and Emilia in the 2nd arc and feigning the personality of somebody who was working too hard.

Go check out the scene where he supposedly vomits in the sink. The anime intentionally never shows any splatter or existence of vomit what so ever because he didn't actually do it and just WANTED Emilia to comfort him.

Noone says that about Shinji, on the other hand those are the exact same excuses people use with Subaru

You have shit taste. Eva qualifies as "good" on a technical level alone.

Don't compare Eva to some shit like re:zero you fucking newfag.

Shinji has every girl (And one guy) in the show lusting over his dick, and rejects all of their advances.

Subaru has only one girl that is obsessed with him, and he only ignore it because he has tunnel vision for a different girl.

Never seen Re:Zero, probably never will, seems like one of those cheap thriller anime where bad shit keeps happening and you're supposed to enjoy it because bad stuff happens and that's it, but I'm known to be wrong.

Anyway real talk, Shinji gets a whole lot of shit and most of it isn't his fault. He's a bit of a pussy and doesn't stand up for himself, but he's an emotionally fragile kid in the worst hormonal point in his life being manipulated by a bunch of asshole, alcoholic, or depraved adults with suspicious motives at best.

What point are you trying to make here?

I hate self inserting and Subaru is still just enraging with his stupidity.

>lusting over his dicks
This literally doesn't happen. Only reason people think like this is because of the shitty harem trope which Evangelion /did/ help popularize, but didn't make use of itself. I bet you think Shinji should've just gotten into the damn robot too, right?

Why? Stop trying too hard to fit in you fucking memer and actually give a reason why Shinji and Subaru don't both accurately fit the build of characters whom are enormously misunderstood in terms of the abstract purposes they serve in their respective shows.

If Subaru was really Emilia's servant he should suicide after the shame he inflicted on his master.

How the fuck could anyone defend him after those episodes is beyond me.

>Subaru didn't bring his Walkman with him
>can't lie in bed crying with music

There are countless reasons in this thread alone.

Negro please, Shinji only needed to die once to realize he fucked up

Subaru isn't stupid, he's lazy. He's smart enough to literally trick the audience at times with what he's actually thinking. You'd know that if you understood anything about what's actually going on in Re:Zero.

Are you somewhat stupid? The only thing he was still sane in the earlier episodes was because he was using all the dumbasses from the Manor to retain his sanity by saving them from being killed

Name one.

Eva is fuking boring. too much inner talking, like wayyyy to much it's almost like they dont know how to tell a story with picture

at least Re:zero is "fun" to watch

It always bothered me how tomino never made her relevant again.
then again, I guess it was for the best.

Every. Single. Post. In this thread.

>I haven't watched Eva

Avant-garde masterpiece artwork, predecessor to the superflat movement, socioeconomic commentary on the lost decade

>Re: Zero
Edge shit for manchildren with no cinematic sensibility

At this point, there’s no excuse for you having not picked up on the fact that Re:Zero is actually a symbolic story about somebody overcoming various flaws in the real world.

Betelguese is Sloth, the sin responsible for why Subaru is a NEET and why he waivers between confidence and complete uselessness throughout the story.

Act 1 intentionally made it look as though Subaru was a predictable anime protagonist creating the illusion of a story. He aced through it viewing his situation the same way you would want to view yourself in a similar situation.

Act 2 deconstructs the idea of a NEET acting optimally in a challenging situation. Subaru is criticized for being unambitious by other characters, and his request a change from being employed to being a permanent guest cause he was tired of working. Subaru struggles with whether he wants to live an easy NEET life, or a life where he has friends. He decides that his life would be better with friends, but after working for a couple days, he starts acting deliberately pathetic in front of Rem and Emilia to garner sympathy from them, and Emilia lets him take the day off after he cries in her lap.

Act 3 Subaru habitually uses Emilia and Rem to get out of doing work. His outbursts around Emilia, and continual breaking of promises were him getting Emilia to clean up his mess. Emilia finally gets fed up with it. He feigns insanity because Rem still enables his antics, but Betelguese shows the consequences of his destructive habits. In a last-ditch effort, he tries getting the other candidates to fall for his pathetic charade, but they all see through him, and he faces Emilia alone and begins a conversation that is really him talking to himself. He invokes the curse as a sign that he’s both willing to take the burden, and that there are no easy routes in life.

He can then start to see the Betelguese's invisible hands because he’s finally aware of his own Slothful behavior.

This. I can only see these character destroy themselves while I eat popcorn and enjoy the show.

As much as I hate both of these, Eva had some of the most spectacular animation, direction and voice acting I've seen.

>He fell for the eva is deep meme
>He fell for the Why isn't any recent anime as good as the 90s meme.
>He actually enjoys watching shinji being a literal gay for kaworu.

NGE was a character study with mecha stuff as a backdrop.

Re:Zero seems a lot more grounded in it's fantasy story.

Exactly what I thought, you have no argument.

I should rewatch Eva.

You should kill yourself.

>I can't make a proper arguement so just look at the other posts in the thread

Wow, now you're just shitposting.

They're still both wish fulfillment though, I don't see your argument

Probably cuz you're an idiot and don't have one lol


Shinji is a kid thrust into a dangerous situation via emotional blackmail. He's scared but also conflicted because he wants to help. He also hates that fact he's a pussy as much as you do.

Not relatable:
Toyota is a hikki who acts confident (never shuts up) to please people. I guess it works because every likes him for some reason. He and puck both have a shit sense of humor. He cries when people die. He cares about everyone for some reason.

So its an another anti NEET tv drama

Sasuga Japon

Re:Zero isn't even close to being finished yet in terms of the original source material and EVA had 2 cours and a movie and Shinji was still being the same pussy as he was in the beginning most of the time

Naw, I think I'll live and love my universe until my score has hit the point where I want to roll it back and introduce my expansion pack consisting of like 100x the current content in all existing areas of the game as well as at the very least 700 different sets of mechanical systems as of yet going to remain confidential

He wasn't a hikki. He was just a truant. Everybody thinks he's pathetic. He doesn't care about anyone. If he cared about Rem, he would have killed himself when she got erased.

Apparently he is not scared of jacking off to men and loving another man. Literally a faggot.

>Shinji was still being the same pussy as he was in the beginning most of the time

There's not much more to be said that hasn't been already. What's the similarity between a broken down boy unable to trust in himself and those around him and an egomaniac lunatic that seem to think the world he lives in is simply his playground and others should just follow suit? There's 0 similarities. Zero. Nada. Zilch. If anything they're polar opposites.

> Re zero's better
These people exist

For the last fucking time, Subaru was never insane. He was faking it.

No, he wasnt. Beatlegeuse is just so crazy, that he didn't think Subaru's level of crazy is actually crazy at all. That's why Beatlegeuse called him out.

>Go check out the scene where he supposedly vomits in the sink. The anime intentionally never shows any splatter or existence of vomit what so ever because he didn't actually do it and just WANTED Emilia to comfort him.
>They didn't show it, so it obviously didn't happen!

What the fuck kind of logic is this? Go check the manga; they make more explicit reference to his throwing up.

To be honest all I hear of Shinji is a desesperate virgin wanting some affection from his husbando because he is too shy to pound a girl, he lives the end of the world, tells everyone to fuck off and decide what the fuck they want to make with their lives.
Subaru is a japanese NEET that thinks of himself as trash, that's why when he ends in another world he is so desesperate to be praised and treated as a hero, the difference with Subaru is that to fix the mess he is in he is forced to face all of his flaws and change. For that Subaru is better for me.

Created by the Phil Fish of anime, who thinks his pretentious story is SOOO much more better then anything else, also think symbolism is what makes a good story

Created by some guy who made something actually pretty enjoyable without being a humongous asshole/faggot and knew not every bit of his story needed symbolism about how humanity is shit.

Subaru is a negative Nancy
I laughed my ass off when he looked at that trained as fuck brigade of knights and declared that it was their heritage that made them

Whoever wrote Subaru is a fucking stooge and a talentless trashcan

>hello I'm from Sup Forums

wew lad why do you have to bring a puck in to this?

>Hello I am from reddit


what did he mean by this

>tfw a brand new generation of people who don't understand NGE was born

It is stupid to compare them at this point. And falling for the bait is even more retarded. Like you.
Whoever wrote your sentences is a talentless stooge.

>Trying to justify both of shitty characters.

If Subaru decided to use his brain it would devolve into SAO and Aldnoah Zero and become a new testament to isekai being abominations. If he stays retarded it'll be Erased but slightly less shit.

Sounds like an inescapable trap

Is gay boy your date for tonight? The gay bar's down 2 blocks, son.

I unironically like both protagonists. I was really disapointed when I watched Eva and shinji was believably hesitant, but he still got in the robot when push came to shove. From all of the shit he gets I expected him to put on a dress and start trying to fuck his way out of the robot.

NEET =/= Hiki

You also forgot Shinji being a massive faggot for Kaworu

>2 qts and a cake with him the entire show
>even gets to kiss Asuka
>doesn't do anything
>some fag turns up and says he loves him
>falls in love

Shinji a shit

That's what happens when you make a story with terrible characters.
That said your analogy makes little sense.

But it is my playground
I genuinely codes it from scratch and created you
Not for you to be my plaything, of course, but to observe
I didn't like how it was getting raped by "black" entities so I intervened and changed the game up
Anyone who wants on my train wants it of their own free will
Yes, both free will and predestination exist
Compatablism exists, and both mechanics aren't even comparable in philosophical scope.
I'm the author, and nothing can change that. I am your overlord, and I'm not a tyrant so get used to it because things are going to get a lot better around here.

>Shinji was still being the same pussy as he was in the beginning most of the time

Shit son, if you go any deeper in the closet you will find yourslf in Narnia

> This thread.
Why do people even get triggered by it? You fucking idiots are not showing yourselves to be more intelligent than OP if you get reeled in by his bait. All of you are retarded. Both the EVA and Re:Zero fans.

I'm saying Re:zero can only be slightly above mediocre (Erased) or another pariah like Sword Art Online, Terror in Resonance, and Aldnoah Zero

If Shinji used his brain and wasn't a pussy then it would be Gargantia

>people think Eva is deep
>its literally just a poorly budgeted harem with a whiny bitch protaganist and religious symbols literally put in for no reason other to look cool

To be fair, this bait is actually pretty good.

Nah, I just take every chance I get to troll eva fags. The way they take the bait and get so defensive every single time is hilarious.

He was IN SHOCK, not insane. That's a defensive mechanism due to extreme stress. It takes a trigger to get the person out of the shock, that's why Subaru responded after he watched Rem being torture.

Of course it is, I'm the best artisan around

If I recall correctly, it was more of a conflict with her seiyuu.

>The Witch of Greed using you for some as of yet unknown purpose and in a few loops even escaping
>not having the fate of the world in your hands

Both of you make no sense whatsoever. Subaru is blinded by his own pride more than half the time. He is stupid but he uses his head, as long as he's not trying to "be right".

Shinji has genuine issues and psychological trauma

Mitsubishi is just a retard

I'm just here for funposting

I'm just here reading this hilarious thread it's funny how ignorant re zero fags are. It's like they just watch some parts of eva and believe that they know everything about it.