Time Travel Shoujo

The educational anime of the season is out.

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>The anime of the season is out.

fixed it for you

this show is like japanese quantum leap
b frank was funny as fuck

His time to shine.

Help, I'm in love with Waka.

Time for schooling.

Austria beating up Italians.

I want to fuck Mari so bad.

Why was Ben Franklin such a lolicon?

Frogs BTFO.

What a badass dad.



Franklin actually liked thick milfs and older women. Truly a man of fine taste.

That was his plan to get the younger ones free for him.



Not much science lesson from the man himself this episode but shit getting serious with the guy trying to find mari's father.

>The anime of the season is out

There was nothing about the church today so at least the fedora is gone. For now.

Is she going to get PTSD from all of this?

How are they going to further the plot and being episodic at the same time?

I want the blonde to hold the other girls hand, and travel back together. is it too much to ask?

I hope this faggot does not end like that dude from the lesbot anime.

She's seen some shit


This cut was so strange. I assume there was a commercial in between, but it looks awful compared to most commercial cuts. What a strange place to put it.

Crazy episode though. I love when Mari appears or disappears out of nowhere and absolutely no one questions it except maybe one person. I also loved when Mari's dad just goes Rambo on the Austrian soldiers and shouts an attack name when he punches one of them.

Such a wacky episode compared to the others so far.

You might get that soon enough, since she found her own time travel device just laying around this episode, so she'll probably be going with Mari next episode.

Holy crap, Papa is based.

literally Kirk levels of "fuck the prime directive"

So how the hell does she get to suddenly just go to the past guys houses all the time? Does she seduce them?

I really like how they keep using cakes to represent scientific ideas.

electric punch! hahaha my sides. it was like watching needless.

I want to put my cream all over them.

Her sister is adorable.

So will this get to the end and it turns out that these are all just stories he's reading her daughter that he changed to make into happy endings?

Isn't that just The Princess Bride?

Yeah, he was totally bad ass.

Caught up since the beginning a few days ago, pretty fun show.

Still doesn't beat susume gojirando.

Of course. She does dress like a whore, look at how much skin she's showing.

ZR is deadly.

I don't watch this, but is it explained how she can converse with people from all over 18th/19th/20th century Europe/America while presumably speaking only modern Nip?

Magically autotranslated.

People keep nearly dying right in front of her.
>Futa gets hit hard by a baseball in episode 1
>John (and more than likely a bunch of other people off screen) get wrecked by lightning in episode 3
>Volta's assistant gets fucking shot
Hell, even though no one got hurt in episode 2 she still learns about Giordan Bruno getting imprisoned by the Church.

What a cheap cop-out.

This needs some lewd edit in between them.

Maid is cute.

Batteries are gross.

You are not supposed to touch those when they are like that with your bare hands.

Japanese kid shows sure are rough.

Didn't take that many screenshots this episode, though I probably should have taken some for based Papa. Waka-chan a cute.

Maid had the hots for ZR

he is touching the clean side, you pussy.

They actually corrode on both sides. The acid can burn your skin or irritate it really badly. Go pick one up and see for yourself pussy.

clearly you have never had old batteries.
that thing is dry. it's only dangerous if it happens with new batteries and the liquid comes out.

How is this show turning out? First episode was okay and girls are cute, but it seems pretty generic and animation isn't the greatest. Considering its more an education show for young kids it seems hard to watch.

I love the science lessons at the end of every episode.
Also I hope Waka gets to shine next week

>Those thighs
Goddamn, what has 4chin done to my mind

It's not anything groundbreaking, but it's enjoyable to watch every week. The premise and characters are a nice break from the usual, at least.

Yeah, I thought those were thighs too the first time I saw them.

>I'm looking forward to the Faraday episode next, even though I already know that I'll be disappointed... They can't cover discoveries they don't understand after all. They will probably go with the Faraday cage and Faraday effect, and leave toroidal magnetism being the dielectric field's interaction with counterspace completely out of it. That's Tesla lvl. shit you arn't allowed to know about so they can keep making money by selling you utilities like electricity and oil. It's one of the secrets to true "zero point" enegry, and the shit that allows UFO's to produce antigravity. It's beyond top secret military shit they stole from Tesla and others like him, while keeping you in the "dark" about it. Literally, "Dark Energy", "Dark Matter" and the rest of the hogwash like it. That and my blood is already boiling about the Thomas Edison/Nikola Tesla episode, so you can look forward to my comments about that twisted jackass Edison in the future... Haha.

What is up with this show that attracts conspiracy theorists?

>stealing the body parts of enemy soldiers for your own heinous experiments
The absolute madmen.

Seriously, this Tesla worship has gone too far.

Is this the Wishbone of anime?

I wish the show had some bizarre conspiracy theorist in it just like that one.

You are supposed to ignore the fedora posters. They are all from reddit.

Nips really hate the Dutch and their religion huh?

I forgot this existed until the moment you brought it the fuck up.

Now that I think about it, there must have been a million kids shows with this premise. All of them suspiciously starting after Sliders became a thing.

Shut up useless tripfag.

Why would tiny hamburgers cause people to start making stuff like this?

The girls look straight out of Keroro.


I don't see how.

At this point, with religion being the big bad, I wouldn't be surprised if papa accidentally traveled to Mt. Sinai.

>Giordan Bruno getting imprisoned by the Church
>no one got hurt in episode 2
>People keep nearly dying
>Giordan Bruno
>the Church

That's not what he got.
The letter clearly said he was executed already.

I think that was the implication of the memetext.

Waka a baka.
And oh wow, time fuckery already. I was wondering if that was going to happen or not, can't wait for battles through time with papa and evil dude if the OP means anything.

Feels like Japan's take on Dr. Who

Came for the Aki, stayed for the timey-wimey.

Not enough murderous god MCs

Welp, my fault for relying on my shitty memory instead of checking the video.

Well, that came out of nowhere.

No, it came out oh his sleeves.

Well he was the mad scientist of his time

This show is so 90's it hurts.

I love it

>muh Tesla

Hitler episode when?

Hitler was not an inventor, user.

>Hitler was not an inventor, user.


Not really, even when dry they'll leave that disgusting smell and feeling on your fingers

Wasn't hitler the guy who scrapped the fighter jet project and automatic rifle project?

I know papa was trying to avoid getting shot anywhere else but his chest but this speech was hype as fuck.

Also, I want to have safe coitus with Waka-chan.

That gun was quite useless as fuck though, it could only be manouvered on specially built tracks and fired one round every 30 minutes, or a maximum of 14 a day.

>hold the other girls hand

Too lewd

Dad of the season.

Why didn't they bayonet him first? Are they really Austrians?


The personalities are wrong, the people in the time periods act wrong. Very glancing view of one aspect of the individuals work relating to magnetism/electricity gets a passing examination, then it's implied that MCs father somewhat inspired/helped them come to the conclusion that would further the development of magnetism/electricity.

So while we get really bad look/representation at the past of multiple inventors and geographic locations, the core story is that evil corp X wants fathers time travel tech to do?

Just where the fuck is the series trying to go, it's not accurate in it's historical context, a weird romcom in present and evil corp looking for time travel. Very weird mix. Will it be as bad as galleio donna?

Galileo Donna was fine.

The past and science appears wrong because Mari's father changed it to gain funds.

My only problem with Galilei Donna was the angsty middle sister.

No show will ever be as FINE as Galilei Donna.
But seriously GD compared to this was just pure shit, don't compare those two. This even in worst case scenario has those few minutes shorts at the end which are just pure joy.