Is blocking streets and freeways an act of terrorism?

Is blocking streets and freeways an act of terrorism?

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Once upon a time in the South, we knew how to deal with agitators and uppity niggers.


If words have real meanings?

NO. Its simply civil disobedience or run of the mill protest.

If feel feels are all that matter:

Yes and they should be killed for their treason against TRUMP.

Yes. You have no way of knowing if these people are going to attack and rob you or otherwise harm you. It should be legal to run them over and not stop.

no, thread.


lol holy shit that faggot "indian" kid playing the song of his people

Post moar

No, it's not terrorism. It's just assholes ruining other peoples day, doing something against the law. All terrorists are assholes, but not all assholes are terrorists. Sometimes an asshole is just an asshole. Stop breaking the law assholes!

no, that's another shoah

Must not seen this sign...

You can be fucking sure it's terrorism.

Looks like the truck couldn't stop nearly in time and tried to go as far to the side of the road as possible. The thing I do believe is that someone who is dumb enough to stand in the middle of the highway is also too stupid to bolt out of the way of an out of control truck.

Nice. Very brutal. Thanks brazil

true American heroes.

Not necessarily but is retarded and you should be run over if you do it.

Is she gonna be alright

>swarm a moving vehicle carrying weapons
>try to open drivers door
>act surprised when you get run over

This. Any decent parent would teach their children not to play in the street. It's a danger to everyone and helps no one.

It's unlawful protest unless you have a permit

All blocking streets does is make people pissed off at you. No one will support your cause when you go out of your way to fuck with the average worker, who can't change shit anyway.

I'm sorry it's not good enough for me, I would prefer to see "groupthink" take over after the 1st vehicle plows through, and the whole bowel movement cleared from the road screaming in terror ....

just one vehicle, ... the faggits still blocking traffic, all curled around their fellow criminal asswipe on the pavement... NO WHERE NEAR GOOD ENOUGH

I'll say no as long as me running them over is not murder

It sure is criminal, and violating the rights of the public, and is by their design a political weapon, so it does fit the definition, and it can cause deaths...people getting fired, innocent lives destroyed...

level of terrorism might be 1 or 2 on a scale of 10, but it does fit the definition - they are going after the public with their political pressure

>I'll say no as long as me running them over is not murder
I am certain that you can claim you adjusted your radio, and when you looked up BAM. It was a total accident, and you are very remorseful. Any attorney can find out if someone was given a permit to assemble ON A FUCKING HIGHWAY, and quickly discover that is something that has NEVER been done ever.

Most likely you would get off scott free.