Is joining the military a bad idea?

I am fully aware of ZOG first and foremost, but I need a major change of pace in my life. I am considering trying to join as an officer, any previous or current mil guys here offer insight?

Other urls found in this thread:,8599,1969602,00.html - A Squire's Trial.pdf

How old are you? Have you considered Praxis?

What's the motivation outside a drastic life altering event? Do you use drugs? Relationship ended? Have no family? Want no family? Want to kill?

if your friends consider you trustworthy, if you value the integrity of what you say, you should absolutely join, those who are unfit for duty should consider politics, take a course on government and run for office

for some people it is, for others it is not.
do you like to travel?

LOL. You odn’t “Join” as an officer. You enlist. If you want to be an officer you have to be invited.

Do not join the Coast Guard
if you are half as bad as pvt pyle was from FMJ you will be discharged from bootcamp with a quitters discharge even if you never said you quit.
And my recruiter didn't tell me any of this shit
>not overseas serving ZOG
In times of war the USCG can be temporarily annexed into the US NAVY

Cunt if Dusty said you shouldn't.

I don't want to post the video

>aware of the ZOG
>wants to join ZOG death machine
lmao retard

wow so brave of you to criticize the military on Sup Forums. how do i achieve this level of courage?