Admit It

Sup Forums Is a place where Rednecks go to hide. The liberal is stronger than you, and knows better, but at least they try for peace and won't be messed with by half-wits and mentally disabled crazy assholes.

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left can't meme

I think it's pretty Damn good. Cry more Straw Dog.

lmao looks youre here forever

I wish we could go back to the days when you could just make a purposefully shitty Hilldawg meme and farm (You)s

guy still gets cuckolded in Straw Dogs, even if he kills the baddies

He tried to be reasonable, but still won in the end accepting he had to kill off the hillbillys.

Still got cuckolded

Rape=Cuckolding in your eyes, you deserve to be castrated. Don't breed please.

She willingly fucks the first guy then gets raped.