Gabriel Dropout

Just continuing with volume 3 scans since I'm running on a TL high now.

Other urls found in this thread:

Guess I'll start posting chapter 18 TS while I work on it.


Art Room

I am the Class rep of Class 1-B
My special technique is mental arithmetic...

Of course there's a reason I'm making this pose
It's because we're making human portraits now

Chapter 22

And above all...








Back from business

My partner
Kurumizawa-san is large

It seems she's into charismatic poses

Honestly, this is extremely embarrassing

Because everyone else around me is sitting down!

I'm the only one doing this!!

"This is some sort of public execution..."
"Class rep"


"Uh wh what?"
"Don't move!"

I thought... this class had lots of strange people like Tenma-san and Tsukinose-san...
[Satanya] Hmmm... something's missing

Frankly, Kurumizawa-san is a different class altogether!!

I wonder if you could call this person a genius...
"Okay class rep..."

"Take off your blazer!!"



"You're lacking the charisma factor as you are now. You're kinda normal"
"Is this pose normal!?"

"I can't have you taken in by common sense!"
"No... but my overcoat is sorta..."

"Class rep"

"I have pride as an artist as well..."
"I can't possible compromise about anything regarding my work"

"Since when were you an artist!?"

"Kurumizawa-san got her passion about her drawing across"



Finished reworking c20. Here is the link

That's all for chapter 18, and all from me for now.

"Okay... I should help out as much as I can too"
"I think skin is unimaginable, but can at least make a pose I think is cool..."

"No moving!!"

where can I find chapters 10-17?

Where is volume2?

Previous threads, for now. I don't think they've been uploaded anywhere yet (QC still needs to be done).

Still waiting for ziltoid to finish 16 and do page 40.

"I wonder if the class rep is okay..."
"She got bad luck to end up with Satanya"

"She could've just bothered us about it..."
"She'll only be inspired if she bothers us

"Oh yeah, how's the pictures going?"
"Just a little more. I drawing it pretty well"

"Can I see?"

"Why did you focus on the hair clip?"

Would you mind throwing everything into a Mega folder or something? Would make life easier until QC is done.

Oh hey Valak-chan, if you're gonna take a few days, just wait a bit

I'll come up with something else

"I'm bored"

"Why so suddenly!?"
"Where's the passion!?"

"You're not giving it your all in your poses"
"My fault!?"

Crap... I'll feel guilty if I'm the cause for her not completing her picture

I gotta give Kurumizawa-san's motivation back...

"What should I do..."

"I see!"

"Kurumizawa-san! How about you try using a prop or something?"
"A pro~p?"

"I think there are a lot of things in the art preparation room. We can try adding it to the picture!"

"...hmph. A prop..."
"That seems kinda interesting..."

"I'll go check out the prep room!!"
"!! Do your best!!"

"It seems like I got her motivated..."
That's nice...

"Come here for a bit, class rep!! I found something good!!"

"Can I see?"

What is this manga about?

"Something like this should be good!"
"The David statue"

"This guys not wearing clothes either, so it's perfect!"
"You're fixed on the nudity!?"

"Kurumizawa-san... we're just doing the heads of classmates so that's a little..."

"Don't worry"

"I'm gonna make his head into your image for sure, class rep!"
"That's disgusting!!"

"Uhhhh... I think it's better to put an end to that idea..."

"Hahaaa. I got it, class rep. So that's it~"
"? What is?"
"Yeah. Just be honest"

"You actually want a statue like this!"
This one's cool
"No, the issue isn't the statue!!"

"You should stop using actual statues..."
"This doesn't work too!?"

Motivation gage
"Kurumizawa's motivation!!"

Oh shit... she won't complete her picture...

I have to make a pose that Kurumizawa-san accepts!!

"There has to be something I can use...!"



"Duel wielding!!"

"Uh yeah... is it good enough already"
"I wanna die!!"

Some days later
"......That was heavy for me"
[Names from left to right] Tenma, Kurumizawa, Suzuki

Class rep's picture

Chapter 23

...... my body isn't moving!?

What the!?
Is this the work of a demon!?

That's wrong!!
This is..

I actually has started working at chapter 19, but as I said it would take a while.

Should I wait? I'm okay either way.

Oh how long you think it'll take?

You can keep working. I thought you were just going to put it off

I think it should be done by tomorrow or the day after that.

This particular page is time consuming to get right.

Ok, keep at it then.

Actually, I got arp on it so you can start 21

Never mind, you're already working on it so just finish. Sorry, just a bit mentally disorganized

The 'I don't wanna go to school' cycle!!

A cycle that occurs on a regular basis...
My body ends up not moving due to too much laziness!!

In the usual case, I would just rest at ease
But that can't happen today...

Because it's the final exam today!!
If I rest, I'll probably fail!!

Well... honestly it's not a problem about failing...
The biggest problem is...

Due to supplemental lessons over spring break
I have to go to school!!

Going to school on a day off is the worst
I can't fathom that!!

Ahhh but I can't...
My eyelids are too heavy and my eyes can't open...


Beep beep beep
Beep beep beep
Beep beep

The death alarm!!

That unpleasant sound specially made just to wake you up...
Beep beep beep
It pisses me off!!

I gotta stop it!

So far!?
Why is it there!?

That's already
a despair inducing distance...

I'm ignoring it!!

Beep beep beep

Beep beep beep

"It stopped!!"

And now I can have a peaceful sleep...

The snooze function!!

"I can't anymore. I'll go and stop it"

"Move your body"



"Good night"

"Hey Gab, where are you now!? The tests are gonna start soon!!"

"Home!? Still at home!?"

"You know the tests are today, right!?"
"Why are you so calm!?"

"I've been feeling terrible so I'm not going"
"You liar!!"

"Satanya, tell her as well!"
"Leave it to e!"

"Gabriel, you're afraid of losing to me in grades so you want to rest. I got that"
"No I don't"

"Let me tell you something nice"

"The tests today are English and Math. So what do you think'll happen if you fail today's exams?"

Supplemental lessons over spring break
With the math teacher...!?

"Kekeke... it seems you realized it"

"The Glasses over spring break. That seems unfathomable to imagine..." [TN: Trying to think of alternatives for Gurasan]

"It's hell. (*Speaking from experience)"

"But if you're fine with that, have a nice rest. Later Ahahahaha"

"It's 8:30..."

"I'll be late if I go to school normally..."
"So now..."

"Unimpeded bodily function"

"Last time I let my guard down and I messed up, but that won't happen this time"

"To school!!"


I came to bring your stuff, Gabriel!
*Satanya -->

I go out again. Be back soon

This is cute, thanks for the translations!

This was done faster than I expected.

Chapter 19. In this chapter we learn that Demon can catch cold.





I am quite happy with how this page came out.
There are some untranslated part, so I'm waiting TL user to fill in the blank.



And done. With that, I'm out today.


Did you fix page 40?

Weine is saying 'I accept your feelings though'
The company is Butensei Medicinal

If you see this, drop the final product by irc when you're done.

By the way, did you finish chapter 16? I didn't see anything yet

Oh, I also made a mistake in ch20 pages 8 and 9. It should be 'main character' not 'master'

Subtle difference though

And in page 12 bottom right panel, it should say 'a cross of all things' unless that was intentional

Ch 20 page 6 panel 4
It's supposed to be 'How long can we keep Satanya from returning to her senses!!'

Right back to work. Just need a little bump

Here it is.

Sorry, needed to find dictionary

Chapter 24

"Oxygen levels are no problem..."
"No toxic substances detected..."

"A dog... pup..."
"Pets in the lower world"

"Danger level D..."


"Oh that was close..."
"If I didn't have this special Heaven protective suit, who knows what would have happened..."

"The lower world... I knew I couldn't be careless"
"The danger levels of dog is raised to B..."

"But... I finally came"

"I was readily waiting for this moment"

"To where my honored Tenma-senpai is!"


"I forgot my wallet in the classroom"

"But I overused my weakened body after staying up all night and I came all the way to the vending machine"

"Spring break's over and the new semester has begun..."
"I'm lazy..."

"I took pains to come all the way here so gimme something"

"Uhhh, excuse me. There is something I want to ask"

"What's up with her!?"
Wheeze wheeze [TN: Might not be the right sound effect but it's what you hear when someone's breathing through a filter]

"Do you know where the second year classrooms are?"
"Well there's a lot of other things to say before that"

"...are you a new first year?"
"Yes, I am"

"Ohhhh, then what great timing"

"Could you gimme a little money?"
"What's wrong with this person!?"

"She's asking someone she first met to lend her money all of a sudden... isn't that a little rude!?"
"I don't have my wallet and I'm in a pinch"

"Or is this sort of thing normal in the lower world..."
"...oh relax. I'll give it back for sure"

"I'll hit the vending machine and pull it out"
"So the return is pending!?"
And it's the actual good

"Oh. This situation..."
"I remember that I studied this a little in heaven!!"

The act of using your superior standing in society as a 'senpai' and taking money from your kouhai...
Yes, this would be...

"Hey, jump for a bit"
Hop hop
Boing boing
"You sure got it"

"When I look hard at her, this girl... she has some amazing make up below her eyes and her hair is all ruffled"
Nooks --> [TN: Essentially eyebags, I believe]
"And her attitude is violent..."

"Could this be who they commonly call..."

"A yankee"
The whole world is all mine

"Th this is the worst possible scenario"
"I came to the lower world and experienced 'being involved with a yankee' out of the blue..."

"I'm scared, I'm scared!"
"This person's danger level is set to an A+!!"

Fixed a slight error

"Gab-chaaan, you were late coming back so I came to check on you"
"Ohh, nice timing. Gimme some money"

"Who's over there?"
"A new first year. Some weirdo"

"..... The way she looks from behind..."

"Could that person be Tap-chan?"

"Look, it's Taplis-chan, our kouhai from heaven"
"Taplis... ohhhh, thinking about it there was one"
How nostalgic

"I'll go make sure for a short while"
"Don't go stirring up some trouble"

Pat pat

"A new person!"

"Ugh... I didn't think she would call friends over"
"Yankees are so dirty!!"

"But I'm an angel..."
"I definitely won't lose heart because of this matter...!!"

"I can't!!"

"No matter how much you ask you tell me, I won't give my money!!"
"I will definitely not yield to evil!!"

"I only have 30 yen with me right now!!"

He already did

"Your voice! So it is you, Tap-chan!"
"That's right! I'm the holy angel Taplis..."


"Wha... Shiraha...senpai?"
"Yes. It's been a while Tap-chan"

"Shiraha-senpai, it has been a while! Why are you here?!"
"I unexpectedly caught sight of you, so I just said hi"

"Shiraha-senpai, your face... is so nostalgic"
"But I still can't see yours, Tap-chan..."

Other TS pointed it out already. But I did leave him a note for all the things he left out. Then we should probably put it somewhere

"Why're you putting that on your face?"
"Because I don't know what kind of dangers lie in the lower world!"
"If I'm equipped for it, then there'll be no distress! Yeah!"

"Hehe... but I don't think you need it here"
"That's true"


"Whooooo this feels good"
"And I finally saw your face"

"So we're in the same school, Tap-chan"
"Yes! I wanted to attend the same school as Tenma-senpai!"

"Senpai in heaven was certainly an angel among angels! She was beautiful, adorable, and faultless honors student!"
"I wanted to be together with my ideal senpai again!"
"Oh my oh my~"

"And so I was looking for Tenma-senpai's classroom"
"And then..."

"And then..."

"Ah I'm in the middle of being involved with a yankee!"

"That's right. A yankee!!"
"Where would this yankee be?"

"She's right here!!"

"I was surprised that this would abruptly happen to me when I came to the lower world..."

"But I won't lose!!"
"I will definitely make this person convert and"




"Uhh... did I say something weird...?"
"Ahaha I'm sorry. It's nothing..."

"Haa haa. I guess so. Okay then..."

"Let's do our best and make this person repent!"
"Get off my case, people"


Slightly altered for pun purposes

"This girl is Tenma-senpai!? And she's an invalid angel!?"
"Just notice already"

"No... but wha??"
"Hmmm, then please wait for a moment"

A few minutes later


"So you're really Tenma-senpai!!"
"And that's what I was telling you"

"Then the invalid angel part..."
"I'll let Gab-chan explain that"

"I am an angel who makes it a goal to live life shut in my house and only play games"
"She really is an invalid angel!!" [TN: Changed a Japanese pun to English. Fallen angels are invalid to heaven and Gab's lifestyle is considered invalid to society]

"S so when senpai was in heaven..."

"Ohh, that was all a lie"

Th that can't be. The senpai I looked up to... was a lie!?

"Th the shock... To think things would end up like this..."
"What in heaven's name is the reason..."


"That's about it so find some other goal aside from me..."
"So that's it!!"


"There's some deep reason why senpai became an invalid angel, right!?"
"Uh wha?"
"I decided!"

"I will definitely remove that reason"
"And return you to your wonderful self when you were in heaven, senpai!!"

"That is my goal from now on!!"

"If I'm to decide on that, I have to think of some way now, so please excuse me!"

"Oh myyyyy, this turned into something big for some reason"

"Uhh. did that just happen?"


"First off, is that girl gonna be alright by herself?"
Oh dear~

I'm off for the night. See you later folks.

Hmm, so we haven't got her actual name yet right?

Pretty sure its Taplis

Is there any ETA on when 10+ will be done and uploaded?

Is Taplis actually the name of an angel.