Shingeki no Kyojin

Almost spoiler time.

I want Bert to get out of this alive.

>liking Shingeki no Kyojin

BRA did nothing wrong.



BRA did a lot of things wrong but they're still best shingekis.


Jean, please.

EH is canon.

Do you think there is any chance Kodansha might release all the smartpass stories?

Eren/Hanji is indeed canon

Irrelevant shit nobody cares about.

Why so butthurt, user?

Dead people can't get married Moblit

Moblit's dead affected me more than any other death. It wasn't shown, but the fact he's there with the falleng comrades really hurts me. He was always there for Hange, doing his best to save her from any danger.
Moblit. I love you.

I care.


>Ymir thread gets deleted even though it was made first
>EHfag infested Survivor-triggering thread is a-ok

No peace #BLM !!!

I didn't really care, since he barely appeared.

In just about a week or so, Bert will probably be dead



>spoilers come out
>neither bert, erwin, or armin die

That'd be lovely. I like them all.

Bert a shit.

BR both a shit.

Probably not.

I need Ymir to fuck me in the ass

I am almost sure that Erwin will die but most probably after the basement. I still have my doubts about Bertolt even if I know that Armin will survive.

I want these two to hug each other until the end of the world. Even if they both smell like smoke and death.

I almost cried with Hanne's.

I really hope he died on Hanji's arms.

Bert a cute.

>he expressed his feelings for her with his last breath
>she kissed him
>he already died

Fuck you, that's too good for Isayama.

Hange looks pretty calm. I don't know what could happen.

A-All it means is I can drop it and be free like those who have already gone on

>that filename
You're not going anywhere and you know it.

84話 バレ 注射


リヴァイが、分かった もう注射はお前にやるとミカサに言い放ち、呆れ顔




I laughed.

Too soon for "spoilers".

>she kissed him

Strongly worded reminder that neither Armin nor Erwin will get the serum, that the entire point of this manga is how shitty humanity is and how it can't stop squabbling amongst itself to fight the real enemy.

Remember how this series got famous real fast for how seemingly important main characters would get killed off at the drop of a hat, and now it's just months of months of the same core cast and villains avoiding death with almost cartoonish, Tom & Jerry like repetitiveness?

I don't mind as long as Bert dies.
One of BRAZ dying is the only objective here.

>months of months
years of years

´Hange is a woman with very small tiddies. That's all.

>Implying this won't cause Eren to activate his coordinate again.


I'm going to cry

Moblit :_:

Was he sleeping in the same room as her? How was he with her when she still had her pjs on?

If Moblit died just for Jean to being relevant I will fucking scream.

You mean if JH get involved romantically?

CR pls.

>Was he sleeping in the same room as her?
I don't think so. He went to look for her to tell her Pastor Nick was dead.

No, if he starts to be her right hand but I guess Armin will do that. Jean will be her "protector".

>editor still hasn't said shit about the chapter

I don't know if this is a good or bad sign. It might be a happening chapter.

I think she will end up with Keith or something will happen between them now that Moblit is dead.

Levi will be her right hand. Let Armin where he is.

She'll end up with Levi.

Don't see how that's even possible when LM are going to betray the corps.

Hange and Armin work really well together, Levi said that. Levi will be there of course but I think Armin and Jean will be their right-hand, both in a different way.

Only Reiner did nothing wrong.

Erwin is kill, and Editor-kun suicidied. He hasn't twitted nothing in 5 days.

>Levi said that

Tsk nice delusion. Implying Mikasa will turn against Eren and her beloved blond.

Forgot the pic.

>I'm killing people that get on my way, doens't matter who.

>Isayama hands in chapter to the editor
>"s-sensei we promised erwin would live. we need the fujoshekels"
>"yeah, I'm bored with that. I'm not re drawing the chapter so." [shrugs]

Eh, no?

>implying Eren will still be there
He's going to mindwipe and bail. SC are going to think LM went crazy talking about some Eren.

What? I know Eren is going to live but I also know (the majority of us) that Armin will survive and Mikasa will never leave him. Levi doesn't have a reason to betray SL though.

*Eren will go.

Isayama should hire another editor. This makes the fujos rejoice with his delusions.

Remember that time when Bert ate a soldier and Annie played yo-yo?


What kid of shit does his editor do?

Are you ready for 84?

>Everybody live the chapter

Of course I'm not ready. Either way, whatever happens, I'm going to be so emotional.

Tsk. At least one of the three will die. Everybody know that.

I want to be surprised but I know I won't.

I'm not only ready but hyped. Whatever happens, it'll be hilarious in one way or another.

I honestly don't care what happens as long as Hange is okay.

Moblit please.

I'm guessing one of the two is gonna get bert's spinal fluid but he won't die

it's pretty clear at this point Isayama pussied out of killing main characters, he wouldn't kill the mascot of the series

>turns out both Armin and Erwin survive
How mad would you be?

Very. I love Erwin but he needs to go after all the godawful death flags.

I don't care, as long as Bert dies.

Not this. Downvoted


I just want to know what's in that letter.

I want to see Eren beat the shit outta Levi if he lets Armin die. It would also serve as payback for the time in the court.

I actually did cry a little over Marlo.

Bert is dead hopefully

Wrong H, the hivemind is disappointed.


I'm praying he does user

I'm praying for AA to be canon.