Gun or Clean Water?

Poor fag here.
I have been saving up for a few months and have amassed $500.
I only drink water but as we all know tap water is fluoridated and toxic.
We know the left will be launching a nation wide attack around Nov 4th. I want to slay some Antifa bitches. By defending myself of course.
So being a miserable poor faggot with limited income. Should I get a gun to give me a chance to survive the coming war? Or should I get the water filter and hope Trump stumps the left terrorism?

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you better be trolling. otherwise it appears like your mind acts like a wiki

>launching a nation wide attack around Nov 4th
You have to be completely clueless to think that something happens. Revolution is made by hardened men from working class and military, when times so dire that people are ready to die on barricades to make them simply bad.
Well-fed murrican soyboys wont be capable of any serious action no matter how hard you brainwash them, their nationwide attack will consist of them screeching in the streets and flipping trash bins.

get a propur.

also go rape some girls.

Buy a gun and youll never die of dehydration or starvation.

Joking about what part muhammad?

If there is something wrong with my mind, again, I only drink water. I blame the fluoride.

you should let off the Sup Forums. you actually bought into this?
>I only drink water but as we all know tap water is fluoridated and toxic.
>We know the left will be launching a nation wide attack around Nov 4th.
fucking lel people take this place seriously

>what part
the overall grammar, and then:
>we all know tap water is fluoridated and toxic
>We know the left will be launching a nation wide attack around Nov 4th
>I want to slay some Antifa bitches. [I want to kill people]
>survive the coming war?
>water filters
>hope Trump stumps the left terrorism

it's like Alex Jones has edited your mind directly
highly suggestible

You can't rob a man of his gun with your water filter

wise, I've considered this, but I don't want to have shoot real people, just commies
you'll see
so, gun or filter?
I'm not a criminal, I want the gun for self defense.

Go buy a Mavrick model 88 12 ga pump action shotgun and about 100 00buck shells. That should cost no more than $250

then go buy 30 cases of walmart water.

I honestly never considered a shotgun.
I was thinking of a handgun or rifle, but I like you suggestion.
I looked it up, nice shotty.

now buy a gun

Get a gun. They’re fun as hell. Go to palmetto state armory and you can buy a rifle kit, includes everything but the lower. Go to your local gun shop, buy a stripped lower, then put it together, it’s very simple. Just look up some videos on how to build an AR.

The Maverick 88s are nice shotguns, especially for the price.

awesome! I'm looking through the site right now.

In your price range you could afford a budget AR15, however it would leave you with little cash for ammo or water. You could get the shotgun, water and food for $500. Shit you could even have enough left over for a cheap portable 1 man tent and sleeping bag.

Buy a cheap used gun, anything will do really.

Get 50-100 rounds, and a decent cheapo fixed blade knife like a Schrade bowie for $20 cuckbucks on ebay.

Spend the rest on water and food.

Here’s their cheapest kit. Be sure to get a rear sight, the removable “carry handles” work great.

Water. You don't need a gun multiple times a day. (well at least you shouldn't)

Or one of these sights. When I bought my first AR I got one of these at a gun show. Nice and solid, worked great.
UTG Model 4/16 Complete Match-grade Rear Sight

Ha, that's the one I'm looking at. I would never have known to get a rear sight as well, I would think that it would have come with the kit. Thx bro.

Burgers are obsessed with long guns.

But a handgun is your best friend, nobody knows you have it until it is too late.

A handgun will get you a long gun if necessary as well.

Buy gun and shoot people with water.

Utg makes me quality gun parts stay away.

you will die at 100 yards while shooting your glawk fotay sideways throwing bullets 30 feet over my head.

If you are correct then why dont they issue grunts handguns as the standard infantry weapon?

>not just boiling your tap water by the gallon and keeping it in your fridge

Seriously dude just get a decent survival knife. It’s the the second most useful tool in the world. Then just get a cheap 12 gauge and hangout innawoods if your concerned

California is under attack already in right wing area and nobody even realizes it yet.
Never underestimate your enemies capabilities even if they are brainwashed lunatics

No problem. If you’re wanting to get a red dot later down the road, don’t go cheap. The vortex red dots are the best cheap ones you’re going to get, depending on the model they’re $180-$300. This one even comes with a water filter.
If you’re wanting to go the scope route, the cheapest scope I’d get:
I have one of these scopes, it’s awesome. You will have to buy a mount.

And you will be fucked if there are gangs/cops/military/any armed group the second they see your rifle.

You will turn it in like a bitch and then be at their mercy.

hey user those do not filter forever.... they only last a couple months plus in the scenario you discuss if you have to filter from a dirty water source then you will clog up quickly

I purchased 5 water cooler containers from Home Depot for around $35. this plus stand of Arrowhead water is maybe a better option and then get the gun too!!

I like mine

Ruski is right. Most coups and revolts are run by higher ups in the military who have the most disciplined and highly trained troops in the nation. There are very few (if any) within antifa that would have the dicipline to go into low coordinated combat, let alone an operation to overthrow an individual and fight back against those wishing to preserve the current leader.

The November 4th thing will likely devolve into a disorganized mob, and at worst the national guard MAY need to be called in to break up the revolutionary LARPers. This will be a non event.

Implying ill be running around the streets by myself with a rifle.

I dont even know why im arguing with a Dominican you dont have guns and you are a shit shade of brown.

I love it, a sight with a water filter, conflict resolved.

>plastic bag
Why not just dump the fluoride and birth control into your water too while you're at it.

Nah, this is some seriously proper English. As in "not actually American".
Alex Jones is in Texas and we don't talk like that.

Heres a question for you OP, where do you live and what type of terrain do you expect to be operating in?


bottled water is for faggots. filters are built by jews to expire early so you always need to buy another. buy a fucking firearm like a man you dummie, this is the USA.

Neither. With part of the money, get a gym membership and lift. With another part, buy books (philosophy, history, classic literature). Improve yourself, body and soul. Guns and water filters are external and, with a change in fortune, can be taken from you. Strength of the flesh and the spirit truly belong to you and will reward you whenever you appear among other men in society.

Indian educated with Queen's English from Grammar school to college or - it's a girl. Millenial.

screw building anymore, you see how cheap those S&W M&P II’s are? ridic pricing, off the shelf solid af, done

Oh please. You make it sound like cyanide.
SOME people show negative response to LARGE doses of fluoride in water.
Most of us do just fine on it.

If am not mistaken, those bundy ranch protesters did not do shit, despite all their guns, when the cops shot one of them to death right in front of them, you just proved my point.

Don't pretend you're not a bunch of fucking niggers too, Jamal.

Cops get shot here all the time, they behave pretty well most of the time these days, they know if they cross the line, they pay the price now.

Many learned the hard way.

This country is loaded with guns, we just don't give a fuck about cuck laws like you do.

Get the gun!

You can buy bottled water from the grocery for less than $1/gallon.

Buy guns. Always buy guns.

just build your own distillery
and distill water
how hard can it be?(tm)

>oh no, anything but polymers

Buy gun and steal pure water with it.

>not buying the same red dot from PSA with 10 free Pmags and flipping then for a waterfilter

Mom's basement. My space bar sticks and no number pad on keyboard.

If you're prepping I'd go with emergency food first, a nice crank/solar powered radio, water filter, then the gun. but since you're a poor bitch i'd just save up that money more until you weren't poor instead of spending it on crap radio shows tell you to buy that you'll most likely never use. If you're poor get a smaller caliber shotgun like a 12 gauge that you won't have to practice much with. If $500 is a lot to you you'll have to take into account that handguns and rifles take a lot of practice to get good enough to use in a self defense situation and every time you squeeze the trigger you're pissing away money.

With a gun you can get a free water filter. Think about it.

Spend 30 bucks on making your own filter.
Spend the rest on gun and ammo.

Don't know how to make your own just Google it. Even people that shit in the street can make their own filtration system.

Get a highpoint 9mm carbine

Is cheap and 9mm will take down dindus.

Water and food first. Improvise on weapons till you can get a good one.

But most don't.


Noice! Good find.
Being poor I have to count every dollar. I drink at least a gallon of water a day. $30 a month is doable though.
>it's true, the government really, really cares about your teeth....
not really prepping, I just want to be able to fend off attackers. Just self defense.
Nice, I'll look into it.

5 stage inline undersink reverse osmosis water filtration system is $135@ Homey's.

You've got $350 left to spend on guns and ammo. You can even build out an AR for about that, but would have no coinage left for ammo. Lots of handguns and rifles and a few hundred rounds of ammo can be had for $350.

No reason you can't have them both.

Absolutely nothing will happen, is more like it. There won't be an "event," these people are literally effeminate cuckolds. They don't even want to fight, they just pretend they do because they think it makes them sound tough.

>he doesn't own a gun
>he doesn't own a well

All jokes aside, I thought you guys were fucking with me when you talked about how bad the water is. I am in my first year of college and the water here is fucking toxic. We had problems with iron and sulfur amongst other things in our water at home, but the water here straight up burns your eyes and tastes so overwhelmingly of chemicals that I can't drink it. I have a bunch of one gallon jugs that I leave the water to sit in for 3 days before I can drink it, which kinda works, but it ends up tasting like plastic instead of chemicals which sure as shit isn't ideal either.

imma leave this here

gr8 skilz