This is a very nice and simple question...

This is a very nice and simple question. The main reason many individuals feel "sleepy" after a bath (especially a hot water bath) is that the one has completely relaxed from a hard day's work and is ready to sleep. The most common factor in feeling tired after a hot bath is stress. Stress has become a normal, every day condition in our lives. And with times as stressful and as busy as they are these days, it is often difficult to find ways to relax. However, there is one "ancient" form of relaxation that has stood the test of time - soaking in warm, relaxing waters. If there is anything thing that makes your muscles go limp and release all the tensions they built up all day, it's a good hot bath.

The primary release mechanism for stress in muscles is the warmth of the water or steam. When the body is under stress, blood vessels constrict which in turn causes your body's muscles to work a little harder and become stiffer. It also causes the muscles to not get rid of waste products from their cells or heal itself as quickly as it should. But, the great thing about soaking in warm water is that it causes blood vessels to dilate and get blood into tired muscles. The cells are then able to get rid of waste products and not be stiff. And when your tired muscles finally relax (your muscles worked hard all day under all that stress or physical activity), you yourself finally relax and feel tired. So now when you get out of nice hot bath and feel tired, you know your muscles have worked hard all day, they are tired, and are finally relaxed. And then it's time for some relaxing sleep to give the entire body time to heal and rest before tomorrow's adventures.

Good to know.

Interesting, thank you for this bit of trivia.

Very good to know. Thanks!

We all come into being in a warm bath. I imagine that is a big part of it as well.

Is releasing stress also the reason I get tired after jacking off?

It's somewhat interesting and somewhat sad to me that humanity has become so accustomed to the idea of people having to work, that they see it as necessary, and they even see a future with the absence of work as bad. But if we are not working towards a future where humanity is freed, not from slavery or each other, but from our real enemy, work, then what the fuck are we doing? What's the fucking point in passing on my genes if my genes will never have the rest they deserve? I believe that a future, where humans can be lazy and never work, is a good future.

What does humanity work towards if not rest? Because otherwise society has no reason to exist, and I'd rather just live on my own in a minimalistic way without contributing to society. I hope also, that we will finally realize the dream of indefinite life, so that humans can live on happily until they choose to die, and even life forever if they want. And some humans would wish for that, despite popular belief that an eternity of loneliness would be horrible.

For people like us, we've always been lonely, and if we do realize immortality the way I envision it, it would be simple to also give immortality to the one you loved. What more could man want than a carefree eternal life with his loved one? If that is not what this humanity works towards, than I cannot in good conscience contribute to it's society.

I work to get money to buy more anime guff and videogames.

Work is contribution to society, it's not surprising that society promotes it.

Also it sounds silly but there are some people out there who've turned what they love doing into a job, or otherwise got a job doing what they love. For us work isn't punishment, I look forward to spending hours on end in the studio talking to people who know what they're talking about, about stuff that I love.

Sorry you hate it, hope it gets better.

tfw I actually learned something on Sup Forums today

working is my hobby

You're supposed to live so that you can work, not work so that you can live.

>tfw don't have a bath

>tfw have bath but its too small to be comfortable.

Work is necessary. Hard, repetitive, physical labor.

There seems to be a biological need deep in the human psyche to do things to change their environment. Try going too long without doing anything physical and you'll feel listless and anxious about something you can't describe to anyone except as a strange form of depression or boredom.

>You're supposed
Says who?
Ultimately, I decide what to do. I have free will.

Such a revelation.

Can you decide not to post ever again please?

I can decide, I choose to post again.
If you get to post your silly platitudes, I get to post mine.

I haven't posted a platitude, I wasn't the person you were replying to. I was just pointing out that "Ultimately, I decide what to do, I have free will" is a fucking retarded statement. Yeah you decide what to do but if you don't want to live on the street (assuming you're not a nigger so you can't get a welfare check) you're going to need to work. Surprisingly, currency is what society is built on, and if you want to do anything, you're going to need money, so you'll need to contribute to society to get it. Are you actually so autistic that you need the absolute basics of society explained to you or are you just pretending?

I can live on the street if I want to.
Many people do.

I was just pointing out that there is no inherent meaning to life (like living in order to work).

Are you actually so autistic that you need to go on about irrelevant things like money or housing?

Joke's on you, I wouldn't give a shit about being homeless. You sound like a greedy, complacent piece of shit. Off to torment with your damned soul.

>tfw have bath that is big, comfortable, has arm and back rests but dont want to waste water

Y'know why? Cuz home is a feeling, not a place. I endeavor to cover the world with that feeling.

You expect me to take anything you say seriously when you call money and housing irrelevant.

I'm out, you're a philosophy major "there is no inherent meaning to life", still in highschool so you're on your parent's dole "Ultimately I decide what to do", or fucking retarded "irrelevant things like money or housing".

Consider me trolled, good job idiot.

Irrelevant to the current conversation: purpose of life, yes.