I was looking at a video with Obama in it and goddamn his wife is ugly as fuck, like nigger damn...

I was looking at a video with Obama in it and goddamn his wife is ugly as fuck, like nigger damn.... so I was thinking he must fuck all kinds of girls on the side right? I mean as the leader of a fucking country he wouldn't just be fucking that she-ape?

Protip: his 'wife' is a dude.

New to the internets, I see.

He's the kind of guy who just jacks it in front of a mirror

Maybe that is why Valerie Jarret lived with the Obama's in the White House and now still lives with them. Or he's gay-or bi.

Mama June
nuff said

this is bull
but he is gay

>as fuck, like nigger damn.... so I was thinking he must fuck all kinds of girls on the side right?
You mean little boys

doesn't everyone?

He's a closet faggot who pimps his daughters to filthy Hollywood Jews

Yeah but not every day


>3,000 hotdogs catered to the white house

King Banana: 1st Mixed-Race/Non-Citizen/Muslim/Queer/Butt-Banging Tranny Husband President of the U.S.



I bet you are real pretty.


>as the leader
You wanted to say as the nigger.

The Grand Kang of America

1000 years from now niggers will be saying he was a philosopha kang n shiet

6 years older than current first lady. Hope my wife is still in good shape at 53.

here comes the whiteboi to defend his nigger master. Sad!

Isn't he gay?

>he must fuck all kinds of girls on the side right?
If girls were his thing he wouldn't have married that beast