The manga has a better soundtrack than the anime

>the manga has a better soundtrack than the anime

>the manga has better voice acting than the anime

>he thinks this is a meta thread
I'm completely serious

Care to give an example?

>tfw my hearing is degenerating and I'll be deaf by 40

>This user is a bigger faggot than the OP.

Hearing aid technology should be perfected by then so you should be fine.

>the manga has better animation than the anime

Pfft. I'm 30 and I listen to quite a bit of music and shows and my hearing is still a long ways off from being deaf.

If anything the only thing that's given me serious damage was work related. (Standing next to a fucking industrial washing machine for hours, for about a year.)

This meme stopped being funny

>tfw born deaf

Fuck off back to le.ddit you unfunny spic

I might sound like a piece of shit but I've repeated myself one thousand times "I wish I was deaf", sound and noise stresses way too fucking much

Are you really that new? You've never read a manga with a designated soundtrack before, or even heard of one?

I can imagine it'd be kind of a sensory overload having some other sort of input that I realize I can't really understand. Most people take hearing for granted but you don't need it. That being said I've always wanted to hear music.

you have my sympathy user, I don't appreciate music that much but I know people that would go fucking apeshit without their music

I mean, I've been to parties where they play music, and I can feel the ground pulse with the drum sounds, but that's all really. Ironically some of my closest friends were in marching band, so it would have been cool to hear them play.

Though it was kinda funny visiting them at games
>nice job guys you sounded great out there
>shut the fuck up user
>everyone laughs

I'm pretty light-hearted about the whole thing, luckily

I feel for you, user.
I think I would kill myself if I lost my hearing.

I've learned to live with it and just accept it. Besides, it could be worse, I could be blind

My only problem now is that people think I'm retarded or something just because I can't really speak, but whatever

Don't call me new.

It's amazing how the internet can neutralize your disability and you can still participate in communication and discussion fully

I have tinnitus which is like the opposite. If you've never read about it it's like my sense of hearing is constantly generating something to be heard, even when there isn't anything there, more or less every moment I'm awake. It can be extremely grating but when you have it for a long time you notice it less. The only somewhat similar comparison I could think of you'd understand is if you have ever had sore eyes for a day but needed to concentrate and do something so you just keep using them and eventually you tolerate the pain or annoyance even though it's still there.

>on the internet nobody knows you have hearing disabilities

Shit dude, that'd drive me nuts, yeah I imagine it'd be like having TV static behind everything I already see or something like that. Crazy shit.

Is it possible for you to get a implant or something? I heard there are cases where people can't get them so I was just wondering.

I think thats the joke, list an anime where silence makes a better ost

are you one of those deaf people that try to speak but sound retarded because you dont know how sound works or are you conciously mute.

No, user, that isn't what I meant. Some series are written with certain music in mind, and some even have music made for them.

JoJo, for example, is meant to be read while listening to the songs it references in the story.

>tfw left ear is completely fucked
>tfw almost blind and can barely read shit past 1-2 meters
>tfw I can barely sit due to scoliosis
>tfw nose is extremely sensitive so I have strong nose bleeding every week