2040 ushers in the age of manga featuring genderless kindergarteners settling their problems through slap fights

2040 ushers in the age of manga featuring genderless kindergarteners settling their problems through slap fights.

What do you expect? Im American but holy shit WW2 absolutely broke the Japanese warrior psyche, and its only gotten worse as time has passed they've become more and more pathetic, theres a reason there are so many goddamn NEETS there

See, that's where you're wrong, OP

In 2040, shounen Gary Stu protagonists are going to be women, and herbivorous men which have outcompeted all other types of men will flock to the strongest woman that proves to be able to protect and provide for them.

>shounen gary stu protagonists
>literally "my shitty wish-fulfillment character for middle schoolers is better than yours"
Who fucking cares? It's like the retards arguing over which WSJ shitpile is the least awful.

Females always make the best battle shounen MCs.

>All battle shounen fags care about is sex and violence
Try doing a little growing up.


Fuck off back to ANN.

If I want to fap, sure. Otherwise, no.

I wouldn't give a shit if that's what fighting shounen specifically comes to, and neither should anyone else on this 18+ website.


I fapped to her. Flat is justice.

>Souten no Ken

might as well use Wolf Rape as your example

All these Nu-males mad because they can't self insert to Alpha males.

Neither of those characters are flawless, especially Kenshiro


Last good shounen

Their attempts at belittling these "alpha" males and anyone who pursues such ideals is quite entertaining.

The MC is usually puny because everyone likes an underdog.

If your MC didn't unlock his special snowflake potential that surpasses gods during his first life-threatening experience then he was doing something wrong.

was going to be like
>why doesn't she just send bombs
And then she do

The part we she sends like 100 B-2 bombers is great.

>not the part where the plane looked like it was going to go into the building

why even go for close combat if she was going to 9/11 him anyway?

>The character can beat any muscular guy that is 2 time his size, because he practice martial arts

Hana no uta was fuckin great

Blame Saiki, he reality warped the world.

Nu male is term invented by Sup Forums children who are mad because they cant grow a beard instead of pubes

>Man dies from sexual stimulation and is placed in what is considered his hell on earth.
>Gary Stu

How adorable, it is if he is actually trying to understand what that phrase means.

>tfw you'll be in your early 40's
>tfw you maybe not be able to turn back your biological clock and be in your 20's again and watch anime like its nothing.

How else are you going to detract the enemy from using the BUK to shoot them all down user?


>implying anime will not be dead by then

>Not being in your 50s or 60s

Holy shit there are people born after 2000 what have I done with my life.

was this made in flash?

What's your problem with Rintarou, fucker? Say it to my face. Do it, come on.

Its not my fault I was born in the late 90's senpai.

>can't describe something without using cuck
Congratulation you passed the autistic faggot test. Next time your mom comesdown to the basement to clean up your pissbottles, let her know how cool and witty you are.

What? Nigger, 2040 is only 24 years away. Forget 2000, people born in 1991 won't be 50 yet.

He's a pretty mediocre director who's made like two real worthwhile anime and gets jacked off by nostalgiafags anyway. But I don't see what that has to do with anything.