Here comes the property bubble pop!

Here comes the property bubble pop!

Houses in Sydney's inner city and eastern suburbs, along with apartments on the lower north shore, have taken the biggest hits as the city's five-year property boom comes to an end.

But a continued influx of Chinese buyers is expected to keep a floor under property prices, with one in four new homes in NSW being snapped up by Chinese, according to a Credit Suisse analysis of NSW Revenue figures.

You can't say something is a bubble simply by looking at price. A bubble is a trend and a misconception -- generally a misconception about the sustainability of the trend. For housing you'll have to look at the average DTI's of people in Sydney.

Bring it the fuck on.

>can't say there is a bubble
>housing in sydney

Get the FUCK out of my thread.

I'm confused, is there supposed to be an argument somewhere in there?

>durr where's the argument?
right here you faggot

Are you seriously suggesting there isn't a property bubble?

Aww, how sad. I wonder what it feels like to be an intellectual inferior. *shrugs*

to be fair, you have to have a very high...