There are people here right now that would not fuck this

>there are people here right now that would not fuck this

She needs the D. She's on the verge of raping her friend already.

fuck, she's on the verge of raping her brother.

I wouldn't mind fucking her after cleaning and shaving her dirty cunt myself.


>you will never have a bath with tomoko

is the manga worth reading? finished the series today

>there are people here right now who think she needs the D.

She needs the C. She's on the verge of raping her friend already.

yes definitely
waiting for new chapters is a bitch though (its pretty irregular)

>wants a bf/gf but is too awkward to ever get far enough
>would go gay/is bi if it means a bf/gf
she's perfect for me

Who did she pray to?
It seems to be super effective.
>would go gay/is
I think nips media (e.g. eroge) corrupted her down to the state when her psychology towards cute girls is that of 40y\o lewd ossan.

Maybe, I felt like she felt that way towards girls because she just wanted someone to respect her and hold her (which she desperately needs) regardless of gender

So does it ever get better for her?

Compared to the beginning of the manga, it is.

Nah, she's the type to cling hard and I'm not even attracted to her.

The manga does something really clever to keep it fresh. If you really aren't caught up, it's worth seeing how the story changes over time.

I want to pop Tomoko's cherry and watch her faint after she looks down and sees all of the blood on my penis.

Yes it one of the best manga out there.

Next chapter 8/18

Yes and Tomoko stay the same person.

If we keep the manga alive we will see Tomoko in her 20th.

There was never anything to go better for her in the first place. Her situation is entirely her own fault, and she never gets better, despite having good, and actively improving, surroundings.

I hope we get to chapter 200.

She is ugly as fuck and this is over and over and over accented in the manga. Only delusional people find her attractive in the fantasies. The only way someone would fuck this is being very very drunk.

She is just as shitty as an average user.
Shitty average user with a vagina - that's hot for male anons.
Also no-lifers tend to droll over characters with no male competition: like they are ostracized by society for some reason, depicted as a hikki etc.
This makes user feel exclusive rights on such character and feel sympathy for it.

No. She`s not 'average'. She is imbred like ugly and often disgusting. Theres nothing in the manga that ever made her cute aside her fantasies.

I understand the female losers want to identify and self insert, thus pretending her character and appearance is better than it is - but it really isnt.

Its shown, accented, underlined and written with huge letters so that even dumb autists would get it that she is ugly. Big part of it is her unable to take care of herself, constant eyes under bags, bad hair, skin etc. However even with all beutification attempts that happened there it utterly failed.

Her body and complexion is unappealing, badly proportioned, thin and does not arous even old man liking schoolgirls.

Her face is fugly and nothing she can do to improve it helps. Her facial expressions and manenrism accent it even more.

She is the ultimate loser. Even if she`d get herself together and start living normal life, she`d be 3/10 at best still.

Pic related is Hikkimori taht could potentially be fuckable. Tomoko on other hand, is walking Rider of Apocalypse called Misery.

Once you get know her she a 10/10.

i read all the manga avaialble yet. Shes 1/10, and later (past anime) becomes a huge cunt too. The manga atm is readable because of added side characters that distract from her.

You got it wrong: I meant "average user level of personality shittiness", not the looks.
She's egoistic, perverted, compulsive liar, doesn't care much about her looks, pale skin and bags under eyes due to staying late watching anime, plays eroge and is arrogant despite all these flaws.
Do you see the similarities with majority of Sup Forums anons here?
This is what make this character attractive.
Female appeal does not solely composed of looks, though her untidiness is kind of turn off - having same mindset and hobbies as an average Sup Forumsnon gets her lots of points.
I've fapped a lot on doujis with her, shame there are so few.

This Perfect match for the Sup Forumsnon then.
Did you think we're all fucking Alen Delons here mixed with /fit/izens?

>The manga atm is readable because of added side characters that distract from her.

Librarian glasses nerd - fuckable
Deliquent - with force of hundred suns
Yuri girl - fuckable
Friend Problems girl - fuckable

Tomoko - not even dead drunk on vodka

Basically atm Glasses girl is a better Tomoko and main character.

>not being diamonds about dirty-minded autistic omega-girls
What is wrong with you user?

Thats just wishful thinking of selfinserting ugly cunts like her.

Anons rather stick with 2d than fuck 1/10

I'm not about to post a dickpic user, but it's the second time you confuse me with your cunt self-inserts.
I'm adamant that there is no girls on Sup Forums whatsoever.

I wouldn't personally say she's 1/10 but then again: it's hard to judge fictional characters.
She's skinny and untidy, but that's better than fat.
I dig pale girls and everything else wrong about her appearance can be fixed in no time (like untrimmed bush and armpits etc.)
If it doesn't take an olympic competition level of effort to spread her legs - I'd do her.
The issue is that IRL even 2\10 girls will blue ball you for some time just cuz society binds them to do so.
Otherwise you're slut and sluts are not respected nor are they valued by males etc.

Well, theres always a job for her as AV actress at TMA with Goro.

Giving her the D would be like giving her crack just one time. She'd become a rapist right away just to taste the delicious feeling that is being filled and cum inside.
That reminded me that yesterday I was behind some girls, waiting for my turn to shop, who were talking about how they were virgins and that the chocolate they were going to buy would fill the void in their lives.
They weren't hideous but I still wouldn't have fucked them. Autistic omega-girls are a turn off because their desperation is an anti-pheromone. The real winner are the lonely I-don't-give-a-fuck beta girls; those are the ones you want.

IDK user, we're talking about personal preferences, you do understand that?
In my book a desperate girls are turn on.
You just need to lower their expectations right away or you'll have troubles in relationship very quickly.
They tend to expect a lot both from first sex and relationship, shkattanai: that how modern media pictures them.

Also Kuroko's issues would likely arise not from her looks, but from her shitty personality.
It would be a bumpy road unless you're latent alpha and would bring her under swift and strong.
I somehow get the expression she would like that.

What people hate Tomoko so much she really nice person.

have you read the manga Tomoko really nice person with a brother that a asshole.

I dropped a log time ago, around the time when it got an anime. Mostly because it felt like the joke was always the same and I disliked how she lied to her only friend.

I'm just like tomoko don't tell gonna happen to me if I had sex for the first time.

Giving him the V would be like giving him crack just one time.

You miss on a lot.

You miss out on this.

She smells bad, ugly as fuck face, terrible skinny body with no hips, ass or boobs, unclean hair, lunatic eyes, terrible personality (psychopathic, egocentric, backstabber, only cares about herself, perverted, liar) and not very intelligent, having only average grades

The point of tomoko is to have a girl with absolutely no redeeming qualities and be amazed at how some people will still consider her waifu material

She gets some people to talk with, and even a rival, so yes, it gets better


Now you are just a cunt
Simply because you are correct saying that tomoko is completely unattractive doesn't mean you are right thinking she is an unlikeable or bad character

Are the other characters interesting? Any boys?
>and be amazed at how some people will still consider her waifu material
Well, she's 2D so people don't get how ugly she can be. If she were a real person no one would find her remotely atractive, or at least very few.

Oh well, it could be worse but...
>skipping a bath is okay because I don't smell

You retards, it was literally stated in the manga she's actually plain and unremarkable. She's not ugly (nor beautiful). Just plain.

What I wanted to be said has been said.

That back then now japanese women are more cute.

>Well, she's 2D so people don't get how ugly she can be. If she were a real person no one would find her remotely atractive, or at least very few.
That's one of the reasons I like her. As long as she's not a fatty in 3D she would definitely be my type.
My taste in women are often considered by others to be pretty unattractive, or even ugly in some cases.
and conversely, most women that guys typically lose their shit over just look plain to me.

So realistically I do think Tomoko would be one of the most attractive girls to me if she were 3D compared to other anime girls. (But like I said, as long as she's still skinny)

You miss out on year 2 class trip go check it out chapter 71.

People doesn't understand Tomoko at all.

People missing out on this great manga.

Fucking people review watamote back in 2013 trying say sorry now for bad review it little too late to say sorry.

People review watamote back in 2013 better buy the manga.


I actually like bags under the eyes and weird facial expressions on my women.

Komi a shit

>take her out for dinner

>bath her like a princess

>then HAVE her in the bath




Why would I take tomoko out to dinner she has social anxiety.

You only gonna see this and more if Tomoko get a boyfriend.

Sawako >>>>>>>>>>> Tomoko

Back to the drawing board I guess. Maybe I could cook for her then.

Tomoko would do

>take her out for dinner

> Tomoko go in bathroom fall and break the bathroom door

> Tomoko can't get out bathroom because the bathroom door is broken

How Tomoko is this?

I wanna hold her hand while I fuck her in the ass and while I then ask her to suck her own shit off my dick.

that's gay



Kuroko plz, login

How to meet a Watamote in life? I want to make a wife of her and be happy with one another.

This everyone face look at that post.

Tomoko with a boyfriend would destroy the manga and the character.

Why if get someone just fuck as her as Tomoko boyfriend.

If she ever gets one that's how the series will end.


It might go pass that.

You don't want any 3D in your life. Unless it's Iiniku.

I did have a girlfriend before she move away before we haid sex.

She's plain at worst, just unkempt and autistic.

>Also no-lifers tend to droll over characters with no male competition: like they are ostracized by society for some reason, depicted as a hikki etc.


I did have a 3DPD too, about a year and a half a go, broke up with her and I've been celibate for that time. I don't miss it one bit.

One of the best thread on Sup Forums right now.

she wouldn't survive my dick

>/thread to youself

Samefag pls go.

Little bit like yuu.

wet tomoko is cute

>ask her
You need to force your shit covered dick down her throat.

She's a girl, she'll get a man some day.

I would, but only because it would be the most comicaly bad lay of my life. Holy shit, woman, how about you move? No, not like that. No, that way doesn't work either.

If she learns to wash herself that is

How much people say they hate Tomoko really they like her a lot.

Maybe we will see that at chapter 200.

That's not me actually.
I'm mildly happy someone youed me...
