Reminder! There have been 250 gun deaths in America since Vegas...

Reminder! There have been 250 gun deaths in America since Vegas. Countries with efficient gun control see that much death in maybe a year, even with niggers.


Who said anything about banning guns?


And how many of those were niggers killing niggers?

we have alot of mental health issue's in this country due to alot of chemicals,pills,lead,fluoride, corn syrup,sugar and anti-depressants.
All lead to people being sub-human. I left america on a 2 week vacation and lost 10 pounds proving something is wrong in this country.

Stop eating processed foods

Now post the one where he's in a vehicle running people over on the sidewalk.

remove niggers and tell me the stats. also, uk has higher violent attacks per capita than america and they banned guns and consider butter knives weapons of mass destruction.

I took anti-depressants last weekend and had a mental breakdown that put me in a manic state. It went away when I stop taking them. I was depressed but I'd rather be depressed then be mentally fucking insane.

It's almost like 44% of the country are uncivilized animals.


Guns aren't the only thing that can kill


Crime and violence rises guns or not. If you have a pool shop u can make a bomb. If you have cleaning equipment you have chemical warfare. Stfu with these retard threads. GOD!

Why didn't France's strict gun laws stop this concert shooting that killed 250 ppl?

>implying cartels won't make a living smuggling guns from mexico

if a crazy person want to go on a shooting spree he will find a way to obtain guns

It's current year you fucking racist.

Haha retard.

What about crazy person no guns and good people guns? Inverted deaths?

Shall not be infringed.

If you can't handle freedom Europe is for you

Citation needed, loser.
Come back when it's homicides and not """""deaths""""""
Suicides don't mean a thing.
Go ahead and tell me where all of the homicides are too. I'm sure they're not in some comfy town in Utah or Alabama. It's going to be almost all in Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, or LA

If we indiscriminately removed all blacks from the US, our gun crime would be lower than most countries that have nanmes guns. If we removed all but the white people, there would be next to no gun crime.

So if you ever have any mental diagnosis, you can't own guns? Do you know how prevalent misdiagnoses are in our countries? You can literally be diagnosed with autism for having social anxiety or diagnosed with schizophrenia for having tinnitus.


Where did the option where he drives a truck and kill more people in 20 minutes than Breivik did during an entire day go?




not enough

Serbia has the second highest number of guns per capita in the world, most of it illegal. It is 175th in the world in homicide per capita.

>Countries with efficient gun control see that much death in maybe a year, even with niggers.

250?! Bitch please, living in a gun controlled nation, I die everyday.

Nobody cares fag. We dont care ifi 1000 are murdered a day. The guns are going nowhere bitch. Now go cry larper.


But, is the US other countries?

Serbia doesn't have any niggers, though

But white on white violence is pretty high in the US.
Not a placebo, I've done sugar pills before. It's just that SSRI's literally do nothing for depression and only give you higher serotonin temporarily which can prompt a manic state to regress you back to a depressed state. This will happen over, and over, and over, and over, and over again until you go insane.

I don't understand how liberals think taking the guns away will help when it's so easy to buy weapons of the blackmarket in America. Crazy people who want to kill people will always find a way, be it knives, offmarket guns, trucks, or homemade explosives. If anything guns just keep the stupid lazy criminals away from making more dangerous shit

This image falsely equates the shooter's death to be equal to the death of innocents. The middle image should be labeled 1 death. Also they'll just use knives or tricks you dumb shit.

>Being depressed is the "mental diagnosis" that causes people to go kill 250 people

As a depressed person, can you see yourself starting to shoot 250 people in the middle of Las Vegas? No? Right, so depression won't be the diagnosis to take your guns away

IMO. Stuff like schizophrenia, what have you, should eliminate you from being allowed to own guns.

The children of schizophrenics and other mentally ill parents are usually the people who end up shooting places. We can prevent a lot of shit if we make it harder for kids to take their mentally sick parents's guns.

Pretty much this, corn syrup in everything

Also autism is not what leads you to shoot up schools either. The bigger common denominator is that most shooters's parents are mentally ill.

By most, I don't mean all, but most.

>90% in liberal gun control cities like LA, Compton, Chicago, etc...

I support gun control, and wish you best of luck amending the Constitution. I also hope you are not advocating circumvention of the Constitution, because rule of law is very important to uphold.

US niggers are unique though.


A death is still a death
Yet more people with Bipolar disorder go on shootings than Schizophrenics. And even more so with autism. I don't think you realize that psychotic disorders like schizophrenia cause people to have the inability to actually plan ahead and have a concrete reason to do it. They usually off themselves. With bipolar disorder manic episodes are common and can cause people to have spontaneous ideas and grandiose delusions that can either be extremely positive or extremely negative. It's also misdiagnosed a lot. With autism you have people who are almost always social outcasts and have the inability to bond emotionally with people even if they want to. Autism can cause obsessions that can be downright negative and they usually have crippling depression as a result of inactivity or overactivity within certain parts of the brain. This is also responsible for hyper or hyposensitivity. And the higher IQ can help autists plan very well.
No mental illness causes you to do anything but it can amplify negative traits and cause them to rise out of thin air. You can't predict a schizo but neither can you predict a manic episode or an outburst.

Remember, nothing is gonna stop that crazy person from getting a gun if he wants one. Not even no one having guns, so the only way is to arm everyone because two deaths is better than 7 and not much worse than 0.

Give it a fucking rest already.

Christ we really need to start institutionalizing you chimps.

gun control is just a way for the government to disarm law abiding white men


>kill "crazy" person
>turns out it's a result of psychiatric drugs used for a temporary relapse
Nice going

based baltic nigger speaks the truth, someone had to say it.

posted back when the boston marathon bombing

>Muh government

We have the strongest military in the world. If they wanted to kill us all, they could do it now. Why haven't countries with gun control killed all their citizens yet?

Good. Then you'll have no problem with limiting them. Just fight back with your car.

Funny since area with the highest gun control also have the highest crime and murder rates.

They are called liberals.

>remove guns
>they go to knives
>remove knives
>they go to trucks
>remove trucks
>they go to acid/chemicals
>remove acid/chemicals
>they go to tools
>remove tools
>they go to fists
>remove fists
>everybody dies of blood loss

The greatest mass shooter is still a Norwegian, not an American with 77 kills.
Keep that in mind.

The problem with america are crazy people. In Switzerland for example, every man is forced to own a gun yet there is no mass shootings in Switzerland.
Just fix sanity of your people and don't give guns to niggers degenerates and lunatics.

Listen here you dumb nigger, the problem isn't "gun deaths", it's murder, and you don't need a gun to murder someone, understand?

They are look at their crime rates, many have even genocided whole segments of population, their socilized healthcare kills hundreds of thousands due to wait times and poor care. Not all genocides need to be conducted by death squads.

Because if a government kills all their citizens, that kind of defeats the point of being a government.


>implying that crazies/niggers won't get guns anyway
I actually found a solution to the problem that actually works, OP.


Don't buy a gun then idiot live your life they way you want but do not interfere with other people lives.

>A death is still a death
No, niggers, faggots etc. are not human.
Also when you got rid of them all, you won't need to kill any more.

you can kill with a lot of things, poison, bombs, knifes, spoons, why to ban guns?

Interesting point. The moment that the government places a restriction on guns will this not lead to people selling said restricted guns and firearms over all to a black market?

no guns = more deaths than 2, try stopping a guy with sword or just only a kitchenknife you moron


text of the (repeal) 18th amendment

>poofing all guns away
What fantasy land do leftists live in?


Key word there. Those include suicides which makes up the majority of that number.

What you need to look at are Gun HOMICIDES but you will never see some retard wave those tiny numbers around.

>you fucking racist


And that brings the issue directly back to a mental health crisis.

I should care why?

it will always be possible for criminals to find illegals weapons, hence, all citizen should have weapons.

Firearms should only be given to the unemployed.

Not really.

80% of the gun crime in this country is gang related.


still see a shit ton of death just not by gun

Nonono, I meant for the suicides.
Everyone knows that a large portion of said 'gun violence' is niggers killing niggers.

fuck off shill.
it's so easy to kill people, with or without guns.
people are like ants that swarm into crowds whenever there's some gayass pop-culture event, music concert or festival.

might i remind you that Paris is a gun-free zone and yet look at what happened with those attacks, whether or not they were real or false flag.

anyone could easily make a bomb these days, simply with gasoline or propane.

this anti-gun argument is so tiring by now.

You need to dissect some gun stats to show you that?

It just takes 1 trip to r/politics to see that.


>Gun Deaths

That figure includes suicides you fucking retard.

You need gun homicides.

>There have been 250 gun deaths in America since Vegas


Negative. Its apparent in just about everything. From Cali making its okay to transmit a deadly disease to the LGBTQ bullshit, the mainstream faggotry. the list goes on.

Homicides won't include accidental deaths which is a lib fav for gun control arguments.

yeeeaaaah boiiii!!!



reminder that communism happened because people had no way to defend themselves against the government.
reminder that America is the last guardian of freedom against total government oppression



>that much death in maybe a year
Tell me great sage - in what country do only 250 people die per year. Slide elsewhere.


Let's just ignore reality and believe people won't find a way to obtain a firearm illegally. Let's ignore the other number of various ways to kill massive amounts of people the fastest way possible. Let's ignore the disproportionately high murder rate of black on black shootings compared to the rest of the country's population based on ethnicity. Let's push for more gun control, even though we don't understand basic firearm terminology and how to legally obtain one. Let's willingly believe everything our media overlords tell us and live inside our fringe bubble of echoing opinions and not understand why we are always wrong about everything all the time. Let's pretend to be morally superior in every political debate while ignoring the obvious flaws in our argument, then shouting (((current year))) and various other obscenities when we lose.

liberals are mentally incapable of fathoming any other senerio that involves an individual committing horrific violence to unwitting civilians without the use of firearms

there's a reason why the second amendment is where it is, right below freedom of speech. It is THAT important to maintain and restore civility if governmental powers were to become tyrannical and hold its own people hostage with a country wide martial law.


Oops, fixed shadow. How does OP=FAGGOT plan on dealing with police infiltration by "crazy people"? They'll still have guns.

The military literally has tanks and drones. Your AK wont do shit. Your meme is trash.

>Citation needed