Looks like she wants something from you, Sup Forums

Looks like she wants something from you, Sup Forums.
What can it be?

Other urls found in this thread:


To put my hand in it?

this is my fetish along with sideboobs, thigh, stocking and onahole

She wants my spearmints

I don't understand

Do I have to ejaculate in it? What then, is she just going to wear it?

she wants to wear it, while petting cat. Her hairy, hairy cat.

That's the implication

Oh, ok. That's kind of hot.

think she wants some eggs

this thread arouses me

You're a few days too late.

A duel?
Swords or pistols?

>during the day she glances around the room checking to see if anyone notices her before inconspicuously sniffing her fingers

Wait this isnt a clever visual metaphor for her vagina?

What emotions are these faces trying to convey?

Shock that a pervert would want their gloves to do unspeakable things on.

but they seem to be smiling

Silly girls, it's fucking summer here. What do I want with gloves?

can someone explain what this means? I keep seeing similar images recently. pls help me senpai

They're 'spreading their gloves' out to you.
Get the hint.

I can put gloves on my own just fine though.
Thanks anyway, anime girl.

A bit of nervousness

So the idea is that I put my benis in the glove, then after I cum she just wears the glove normally?

How lewd...

It's not that lewd.

But she's basically holding hands with your cum, that sounds very lewd to me.

I'm not even him.

Nothing wrong with that. It's just cum on her hands while she goes around working as if nothing was wrong.

Nowacchi's finally lost it.

You need to put something inside

hint: not your hand

I don't understand?? Is there no help for me.


Your welcome

Why do they wear gloves? I'd help her take the second glove off.

Look how tight it is. And you fags call her slut all the time

>Trick or treat
I give her candy

Fuck, why is this turning me on so much?

You know what?
I can appreciate all the different ways he's had girls open their gloves

>Fucking gloves

Goddammit Sup Forums

I don't need this

Soft and smooth silk glove and the eager eyes of a cute girl who wants you to fill it with your semen

Make sure to wear protection when engaging in hand holding

Sorry but you have it now.

Please someone tell me theres something on panda like this.

>slut doesn't wear gloves

Shes just already on round 2

It's just one artist doing his best to do the next best thing since cat holes on underwears.


She wants the kanColle threads to be better.

She's going to break my hand, isn't she?

Because it's symbolically spreading her pussy.
Your brain thinks of the glove as a pussy and the girl opening it and inviting you in.
This is pretty interesting to be honest, if you think about it.




She has a persian cat?

Holy crap, can a man really pump out so much semen?


Wouldn't it feel terrible on a cock? I mean, if it's an ordinary rubber glove..damn.

you just ejaculate in the gloves, then the ship slut wears it. No penis is hurt

Those look more like silk gloves, so it's probably pretty soft.

>then the ship slut wears it
This makes it so damn hot. Just jacking off in the glove is whatever. Knowing that her arm and hand will be coated in that slimy, smelly disgusting cum all day? I finished masturbating 15 minutes ago and have a boner again just imagining it. Even better if it's both gloves. And her socks too.

I wouldn't ejaculate in it. I'll instead hug the girl tightly and kiss her on the forehead.


She'd probably hear the cum squishing around in the glove for a while...and after a while it will start to smell funny, but she still won't take it off.

And when she comes home from work, she'd give you a handjob with that same sweaty and semen-stained hand.

It's a cloth glove, so it will seep through. And imagine the smell being emitted around the other girls.

i aint got no change get outta here ya filthy bum

FUCK, I think I found my new fetish.

It's an alright idea and all...but do you know what it needs? Men handling you the glove.

Now THIS is my kind of thread.

i never knew i wanted this in my life

How are there so many of these images?


It's Kancolle (small c), I'm not surprised it attracted this banal level of autism

Didn't know gloves would make me so erect

W-what is she gonna do?

>no glove
Does that mean this is a boy.

What is this and why does it give me boner?

Is there any tags for this?

Resist it anons, you don't want to get boner every time you see a glove.

But you can't fit your foot inside a glove...

She's going to use "that"


Is this a symbol for vagina?

Cummings in girls' clothes and making them wear it was already a fetish of mine but I never realized just how hot gloves could be.

o great
now I have another fetish
thanks a lot Sup Forums

Too late, user. Every time I see a woman with a glove (it's not every day, but..), think about how there might be cum inside it.

What ever's left of my dignity.

I've masturbated with a rubber glove. It feels weird, like someone else was jacking you off.

And I Came like a madman.

Oh. Kagerou class is over? Will we see another kanmusu glove picture next week?
Hold me, Sup Forums.

It's one artist, and one class (so far) of characters from one franchise.

And probably one user re-making the thread whenever he finishes a new image.

>forgetting Hagi, Maikaze, Arashi and Akigumo

>forgetting Ohagi or Arashi

you cum inside and they wear the glove
now we wait until xiaoren does this for socks

Are you blind?

Context is your friend here, user.


Would you?

I already did.

its an analogy for them spreading their pussy

>Cum filled gloves
>Not glove filled panties
The degeneracy of Sup Forums is going down.

G-glove filled panties? What?

Huh, this is a new fetish.

Fuck that, I'm not gonna wear that and be turned into a shipgirl.
Oh fuck, I'm already an abyssal.