Is there something like loost media in anime and manga?

is there something like loost media in anime and manga?

i mean an anime or manga that just disappear without a trace and no one knows why

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If it had disappeared, how'd we know about it?


eny example?


I think losing cels is a common thing, which is why some series cannot get a proper res version.

The anime "Anata no okāsan wa okane no shōryō no tame no sekkusu o motte imasu" just disappeared. It was on episode 6 of it's first season, then gone.

user pls stop the shadiness

Jojo: Phantom Blood movie.

>serch it on google
>thers nothing about it

wow it is really gone


can you repeat the question?

ya, theres one called "kore ni henshin shinnakatara anata no okaasan wa konya shinu"

Wagahaga Nekomusume de gozaru literally vanished from the timeline, that's why no one knows it exists.

kind of


Yes, an actual example is Chikara to Onna no Yo no Naka, which is also the first voiced anime ever.

Did anyone ever find those missing episodes of Abunai Sisters?

You called?

The big one is the uncut Hokuto No Ken, which got lost in a warehouse fire. Some italian snippets exist and at least one group in the US alleged to have recently shown a full uncut print that they got from somewhere. I'd love to see it.

All of them are on Nyaa

damn that shit was metal

A large chunk of the first Doraemon series from 1973 was destroyed and the part that's been recovered can't be released on a home video format due to legal complications.

Higher resolution versions of older shows (for BD releases and such) are typically not made by doing the photography all over again using the original cels and backgrounds (I believe there is some precedence of this, but it's exceptionally rare), but by simply doing a new telecine of the recorded film. Of course, whether that film is available or in good state is a different matter.

The movie based on Phantom Blood maybe? Not exactly lost media but Araki hated it and now no one wants to remember it.

Maze: The Movie.
Which is actually sad

i hear about this manga and saw it once about a girl that lost a leg and if i remeber correctly an arm to
she was like a protitude and was really joung maybe 15, the manga had 5 volumes but only the first 2 were aviable and no one ever say the other 3

ghost slide

>Ghost Slide is a forced meme that was originally posted during nightshift Sup Forums on 14 February 2008 (Valentine's Day). A poster created a thread showing a poor shop of a ghost on a slide, attempting to make a bad pun (WHEE-a-BOO), but the many of the initial responses all said "Ghost Slide"[1][2][3]. This eventually mutated into a discussion about the non-existent anime. In response to this, a group referred to only as "Slide Subs" uploaded a subtitled "anime" onto TokyoTosho referred to only as "Ghost Slide 01", which turned out to be a troll sub for an episode of Sex Demon Queen, an H-anime[4]. Upon discovering the deception, a group of Anonymous continued to to try and trick the rest of Sup Forums (which was at the time occupied with being miserable/ronery because the holiday) by hyping the fake show as the latest, smash-hit anime.
The talk started off ambiguously, with vague statements like "it's awesome, just watch it" since there wasn't an actual story. This worked for a while (with an effect similar to Guitar Ninjas) that lead to more Anonymous ganging up on the joke. To better conceal the deception, some Anonymous began insulting the show, and (based on the original shop) a drawfag created a fake title image. Soon, much of Sup Forums was torrenting the file, only to discover the surprise and either join in on the conspiracy or start spewing shit in topics about the fictional anime. The hype continued to spiral out of control, culminating in the creation of a Wikipedia article about Ghost Slide, the story involving a young man named Akira Ouhashi who ended up in an alternate universe after posting on a messageboard. In this paranormal world, humans have engaged in a millennium war against "ghosts", where a hunter of ghosts is termed a "slide". The Wikipedia article stayed up for a day before getting deleted, but the torrent for "Ghost Slide 01" was pulled from TokyoTosho early in the morn on 15 February 2008,

Ok, there's a lot to pick on on this post but
So the rest of the volumes didn't fly do good?

There are several episodes of various anime that never got aired because of censorship. The Pokemon episode where Ash gets a Tauros in the safari zone was cut from english dubs. The reason being that it involved a gun being shown.

The previous episode still says that Ash is going to the safari zone. Obviously, the later episodes show the Tauros as well. Millions of kids thought they had somehow missed an episode.

>in the dub
And who the fuck cares? Did it air in Japan? Then shut the fuck up.

It's such a shame, it was a really good show. What happened to it?

This is one
Only a mangled 15 minute or so portion of it can be found

Back in the day when I was staying in Japan. Around 1997 or so, there was this RPG game for the PS1 about a Demon Lord who killed himself and because of the reverse of Karma made him the new hero of a new world and he fights his previous lackeys who he somehow empathizes when only discover that there was no demon king sitting on the throne, thereby making his twist of fate meaningless. I tried to find the name of it in Nip but I can't seem to find it anymore.

That's the closest to lost media I have encountered.

Many children cared. Hell, I cared when I found out. If you're trying to say that the jap dub is so much as bearable, let alone preferable, maybe you need to shut up.

No one cares about an overseas release. Did it air in Japan? That's all that matters. And yes it exists, it's not lost.
>arguing with muritardclapistanis

the MAZE: MEGABURST SPACE movie and manga

With the attention it gets lately, it should show up somewhere already. I'm getting pissed.

Most anime does air in Japan. Anime is bigger than Japan, though.

Tell me how is an anime lost if it aired/is avaliable in Japan, but in the US.

You know, I think dubbed releases that have been pretty much lost is an interesting topic

the s2 of your favorite kyoani anime if you don't have shit taste

As a separate form of media that got lost, yes. But you can't say the actual anime is completely lost. Depends on OP's definition.

Whatever happened to that lost 20th Century Boys demo anime reel by Gonzo?

Tell me how we can count any example as lost when we have evidence to show it existed.

>how can we count x being lost if we don't have x anymore only records that it existed
I think you are stupid.

There are generic harems that get shat out and instantly forgotten every season.

I think you are using a narrow interpretation of what it means to be lost. There is an english episode version that never saw the light of day. It's lost for all intents and purposes.

Berserk 2016. It was supposed to be released a couple weeks ago, but then no episodes actually came out.

I know quite a few I wish I could rewatch
The Japanese dub of power stone.
Mirumo de pon (mirmo zibangs)
Bakusō Kyōdai Let's & Go!!

I heard kill me baby going through it because a VA was caught with drugs or some shit.

But is there any differences in that episode to the original? If not, then it's only the dub that is lost. I addressed this in a post above there.

When did this happen?
Anyway since it's Gonzo it hardly matters any more. If such a thing existed it's somewhere in a dusty box at a corner of some archive.

>it's a GONZO is dead meme episode
They are paid by the video game industry which pays a lot more than the anime otaku market.

what? maybe you lost your copies none of those even count as lost films.

It's a lost dubbed anime episode, technically.

The sequel of Last Exile. No one would post its full name anymore.

Technically, only the audio was lost, unless there's a lot of redraw for the special snowflake audience. You can take the video and record w new dub any time. If an anime was lost, in the sense that ask copies, cells, storyboards and other shit was lost, then you can't actually recreate it because we don't know what it was like.

Well, some episodes are nowhere to be seen, the torrents are dead, or simply I just can't find them.
Let's and go torrent is mostly dead
Mirumo season 1 is missing some episodes.
I cant find the Japanese dub of power stone. Just episode 1. And that torrent is dead too.
Hamtaro is missing episodes online as well.

I guess I just took the "lost" as can't find online. My bad for misunderstanding.

First thing that comes to mind is anything that was destroyed during the Great Kanto Earthquake or WWII.

The Orion short film made in 2010 by studio 4°c

It's not dead because they still produce something but Gonzo hasn't been particularly relevant since like 2008-2009

That's because they are only hired to animate ad shows for video games. They are prepaid, that's why they don't need to sell a single copy. They are owned by a bigger company so they don't work as your average anime studio.

Tons of shit from the 50s when short low effort manga was cranked out factory style. Some early works of the great were lost

Trinity Blood.

Well if some people really wanted the original, official dub of the episode, they would certainly consider it lost. I accept it as a plausible example under a broad definition. I can understand how someone with no care for the dub would consider it no big loss, at least. There are also those who experience anime in a highly digitized form, where changing the audio track is a few clicks away. They see a distinction between the audio and visual media and don't see anime as one whole of the two.

An accurate dub for Mazinger Z was only aired in Hawaii but it was lost. Otherwise there's only that Tranzon Z harmony gold tier bullshit

Huh look like some anime I would watch in 2008
Is it gone or can I watch episode of this ?

In an other post of mine I said that it can be considered as a different kind of media being lost. But my point was that the anime itself is not lost.

It's even licensed in my country, it's not lost in any way. It has a great ending.

I guess I can agree with that, if you consider anime to just be the images and not the audio.

I'm talking about the novels.

What is the story ?

>Mirumo de pon
>Let's & Go!!
Your case sounds like it could've fit in the thread days ago about anime everyone forgot. Sad really, considering those were very popular shows not so long ago.

Okay, then specify it.

Trigun with vampires.

a lot of older series (pre-2000) that haven't gotten bluray releases is because they lost original film

>I cant find the Japanese dub of power stone. Just episode 1. And that torrent is dead too.
I know that feel, man.
I wanna rewatch it in the original VA as well.

>just images and not audio
Not fucking dub shit. Want to talk about a dub? Go fucking someplace else.

Trying way too hard to fit in.

Kesson Shoujo, the first Bikko doujin from 2004. The author even lost his own copy and became mad at gaijins constantly begging for it. He started releasing new Bikko doujins in 2010.

Can't show up if the masters are destroyed or lost. It was never actually released, aka Gothicmade/Phantom Blood territory.

Just trying to preserve the assholish elitism a bit. We've lost a bit of it and it's really what kept Sup Forums great.

There is a Astro Boy episode animated by Shotaro Ishinomori that was never released, you can see some minutes of it in the Tezuka museum. The original 15th episode of Mobile Suit Gundam was dropped from the domestic releases because Tomino thought it was really bad.

You are doing it wrong though. We talk about the loss of some obscure media. No one in their right minds would watch dubbed anime, but the loss of it is a good technical topic.

do cancelled series count?
something like late-ish 00's a gaijin(?) wanted to make a chinese cartoon about assassins
a pv was made but from what i know the full version never took form

Hard to tell what Japan doesn't have and what's just not making it over here. But from a foreign perspective most of the 60s and 70s, by volume, are just gone.


>a Tauros
Didn't he capture an entire freaking herd?

Really makes you think huh...

Not technically anime, but there is a missing Japanese film called 'King-Kong appears in Edo' made in 1938. A Kaiju film pre-dating Gojira.

Yes and I remember being very confused because I was quite sure I hadn't missed a single episode and then at some point the matter was brought up again "Hey Ash you actually have more pokemon caught than Gary does, because you caught that entire goddamn herd."

Belladonna of Sadness was considered lost until very recently. Small note is that it was available through fan subversion though.

Go For The Punch
t. /x/-phile here

trying too hard to fit in

How are the novels lost though? As far as I know they are available to be bought, it just remains incomplete because the author died, if he never wrote them they I don't think it van count as lost media

Namakura Gatana, I think the oldest anime we have, we have only 40 seconds out of 90.

When megaupload was killed we probably lost a lot of dubbed anime from the 70s, the only way for us to watch them, because no one is going to sub them.

>not watching with dub

I sorry I don't speak CHINK


A handful of episodes of Atom are lost, though the audio still exists. A few of them were restored from negatives and for episode 34 only has a copy from Murrica with changes made to the animation like teacups having handles added.

Also Sennin Buraku has 2 missing episodes, the majority of Big X is lost, and couple episodes of the first Perman series are lost. Part A of episode 5 of Umeboshi Denka is missing audio.