Why are most white converts to Islam fat and ginger, Sup Forums?

Why are most white converts to Islam fat and ginger, Sup Forums?

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Because gingers are more likely to be outcasts in society. If you are an outcast, you need a strong sense of community or purpose in order to replace your shit and meaningless life.
Islam provides them with that strong sense of community and meaning, which is absent in modern day Western society

>Gingers have no souls
>send ginger into attack
>Ginger dies, no soul goes to allah
>More virgins for hassan

Gingers are generally victims. Bullied at school, bantered in the workplace, so they want to destroy the West


It's Muslim Kevin Owens!!!

You're making good points. I personally know 2 converts, neither are fat or ginger, but both were the kind of guys that felt like they didn't fit in or belong to certain groups. Both also did it mostly to get accepted in their desired circle of "friends".

They're all downtrodden losers who need Islam to have something in their empty and meaningless lives.

Mosques have pretty tight knit communities and can be pretty welcoming to outsiders. It doesn't surprise me people who feel like outcasts would find it appealing. There's also a study that autistics love Islam because it's a very rules based religion.

fat and ginger here.

when will i get muh 72 vurgins?