Does Mio have a trypophobia or something?

Does Mio have a trypophobia or something?

what is trypophobia?

Phobia of anything which is NOT dick shaped.


She needs my dick.

Google it.

Trypophobia (from the Greek: τρύπα, trýpa, meaning "hole" and φόβος, phóbos, meaning “fear”[2]) is a proposed phobia (intense, irrational fear) of irregular patterns or clusters of small holes or bumps.[3][4] The term is believed to have been coined by a participant in an online forum in 2005.[2]

is this an anime thing?

also any examples?


Google search "lotus pod"

That's just peanut butter.

Hives, wholes on the ground, etc

That doesn't make it look any less horrifying.


mio is shit mugi best girl

all keions are best


>Trypophobia thread at 3 am

for what purpose?

>inb4 some faggot mention le blak kock

might i ask what episode that is from? is it an ova, or part of season 2?

I mean barnacles are kind of freaking pinching their beaks in and out, especially if you put your hand on them. You can get cut to since they're sharp. It maybe be a common fear/icky thing for girls.

it's a memephobia.

I remember getting it when I was a kid.

Okay, you had your fun. Now delete that.

>Anonymous 07/30/16(Sat)11:46:34 No.144922618
set your clock properly user, its far from 3 am

Just started watching this anime. It's episode 4 of first season.

google it

ritsu dies

what is google?

a corporation of jews trying to take over the world
you shouldnt support them

I don't believe you.

>it is a real phobia

Wow, tumblr-PTSD is real.

How the fuck do manage to turn everything to that?

It's one of the more "valid" ones, infestation and all.

phobia is irrational fear of something

like tumblr is factphobic

>The term is believed to have been coined by a participant in an online forum in 2005
Dumb Sup Forums meme from 2005.

trypophobia doesn't exist, what you feel when you see that shit is just strong disgust, it's not a phobia reaction

as someone who actually has a real phobia (needles) i can tell you it's bullshit

when you actually have a phobia you don't even get that feeling of disgust when you look at whatever it is that freaks you out

a real phobia reaction is like this:

you notice your heart is pounding really fast, your face feels very hot followed by very cold, your head starts to feel really heavy and dizzy. Even though you tell yourself "this shit shouldn't be happening, realistically this needle won't hurt me" you just start to panic more and more, your breath is shallow and ragged, your vision goes black, and then youre out

So your phobia is just the inverse? Holes - points.
How is yours not bullshit?

but mine's exactly like that + the feeling how your gut is slowly rebelling inside of you.

Exposure for a longer period of time will make me vomit. The horror of looking at it is true but Mio here is actually touching its surface, which is one step further.

I flinched back and had to look away immediately.

It's true, but since she's Ritsu she just bounces right back up.

What would happen to you if you saw a picture of someone getting acupuncture? How about even the though of you getting it done to you?

Mugi is my best but no Keion is bad keion
Shame on you, user.
Shame on you!

Post holes manga. You know which one.

I was more referring to the people who look at lotus pods and say "ew that's disgusting! guess i must have trypophobia! xD". my point is that a feeling of disgust when looking at patterned holes doesn't constitute a phobia. if you actually experience symptoms of mild shock like that, you might actually have a real phobia

Did I just kill the needle-phobia user?

Natural aversion to disgusting imagery isn't a phobia you stupid cunt.