Why do fatefags hate him so much?

Why do fatefags hate him so much?

He represents the path that Nasu could have taken, and thus a path away from their precious Arturia. This path leads to no Nero 'umu', no tomboy Mordred, no Titty Alter Lancer, no innocent Lily, no femmy Okita, and no dandere Atilla. Arthur represents the lack of waifubait that could have been, and the demise of so many waifus is considered heresy.

He represents the darkest timeline.

Right now, somewhere out there is playing that version of FSN. If that isn't enough to give you nightmares, I don't know what will.

Do they? Prototype barely gets discussed at all.

I'm wanting to be in that dark timeline, if this is what you call light. You proved my point up above.

I like them both.

He looks pretty handsome

I want Arthur to cook for me and hold hands with him, then go on a date with him all day long.

>I want Arthur to cook for me and hold hands with him
You want him to hold hands with himself? Fucking pervert.

I haven't read Fragments but if he isn't salty about being cucked this is not a good portrayal of Arthur.

No, I want to hold hands with him, then I'll compliment his apron and finally I'll let him taste my delicious japanese cooking.

Because if Nasu went down that path then the majority of the series wouldn't exist

Proto Saber is an Ikemen who is strong from the very start of the series, a literal dream boy of every girl in this ugly reality. I can't self -insert with someone like him and I also hate that handsome confident smile of his. It fucking pisses me off, seriously.

>Not wanting to become the protected princess that he ends up falling for.
Are you even fucking trying?
>Captcha: Choose the flowers.
Even Captcha agrees with me. Choose to be a flower.

They should just make a full length anime about Prototype already.

Dude, not even a fan of Arthur but what's up with this kind of insecurity?

We don't hate him.

> falling for bait
Ignore him and post more Arthur.

>a girl falls in love with Proto saber without even trying

Unlike proto saber, Shirou worked hard to achieve what he owns now, he fucking deserve it. Arthur don't know suffering really is.

>impyling I'm baiting
Fuck off with your fujoshit.

Post more seibah

But that's Arturia Lancer.

any version of seibah will do.

Arthur is otomeshit (otome being the term for reverse harem VNs where the MC is a chick with various male love interests)
If you're gonna shit on something, do it right

This. But only if Ufo does it.

Is it wrong if I want to cum on Ayak's glasses?

will never happen because the average fatefag thinks like this

Shirou also fell in love with Saber without trying.
Also IIRC Protoype's focus wasn't really power levels but more character development, so this whole argument doesn't apply.

There was a lot of otome material made when Zero was airing, so there's still hope.

>Shirou also fell in love with Saber without trying.
Shirou went through a lot of shit b4 seibah fell in love with him and Shirou being a highschool teen makes it even harder.

like what for example?

Saber fell in love with shirou in the span of a week. Even Nasu thought it was ridiculous.

Instead the job goes to the Prisma Ilya team

> a japanese boy should achieve as much as fucking King Arthur of the Arthurian Legend
> comparing a powerful servant to an untrained magus boy
This is like whining that Saber is powerful at the start of the story while Shirou isn't. Your comparison doesn't make sense.

Shitrou fans have been insufferable since he was confirmed as nonexistence in FGO. They hate their self insert is tossed away and only his cool EMIYA version is relevant.

This. even Sieg is better.

Better than Miura

Olga's father as Saber's Master in Fuyuki Grail War made my day.

Seibafag here I don't think anyone who likes Seiba hates Arthur, that's just stupid and self-defeating

I do think butt hurt Rinfriends and Sakura fans seem to exaggerate how good Fate Prototype would be, though

That's the benefits of non-existence, you're given the ultimate benefit of the doubt

Now that's too far.

If we're going there then
Gil > Cu > Kirei > Arthur > Archer > horse shit > Shinji > Shirou

>That's the benefits of non-existence, you're given the ultimate benefit of the doubt
Why would you call it nonexistent when Fragments had Prototype stuff and Sakurai's going to move to write that after he finishes with Fragments? It's very much existent. Hell, the Ozzy gacha brought out more whales than Shuten and Jeanne Alter in FGO.

>Hell, the Ozzy gacha brought out more whales than Shuten and Jeanne Alter in FGO.

Where are you getting this info?

Shirou prove himself to seibah over and over again by fighting alongside with her even though he knows he can only give her a little support. That's the real courage I'm talking about.

Nice taste. Can't wait for the anime adaptation of Apo. Fuck protoshit.

What do Rinfags think of the Proto-Rin?

Iphone weekly sales meme website.

Camelot gacha part one nearly broke 2 million (1.8 million dollars per day on average during the period). Neither Jeanne or Shuten managed to do that. Furthermore, it put FGO back into the top of the paid games during the period, beating the launched Pokemon Go and placed as number one JEW GAME.

I bet the new jew gacha and upcoming swimsuits and camelot 2.0 will also cash more.

>horse shit
who is horse shit?

Shiki Tohno

Doesn't matter. It all happened in the span of a week. As far as romance goes, that's absurd.

Superior version of Rin.

Is she also Tsundere and into girls?

No it's not. Women appreciate effort more than looks.

Not him, but that site with information about the revenue of apps. It was also plain obvious it broke a record when it outclassed fucking Pokemon.

Pic related for the event were designs of *5 that were not chosen this time for the anniversary gacha (the ones chosen were 3* Roman, 5* Seibah, *5 Gilgamesh, and *4 Gudako/Gudao). The fact they put Ozymandias along with established main Chaldea characters and gacha favorites Avengers is because he was whale bait since the beginning.


If were talking about fate protags.
Ayaka(including her f/sf counterpart) > Kerry > Manaka > Shirou(all routes) > Illya >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sieg.


>Women appreciate effort more than looks.
user I....

doesn't matter.

>Women appreciate effort more than looks.

Depends on the person rather than what's between their legs.

still much better than a highschool girl falling in love to a literal prince charming.

Because I still can't roll him

No one hate him. If he were used in some story he would even become monstrously popular. To be a non-existent character, he possesses also a great amount of illustrations.

Suck that he's not present in FGO.

So, an highschool boy falling in love to a literal Queen knight is all right?

>Shirou gets Arthur instead of Arturia

I honestly just want to see this for two reasons: see Arthur treat Shirou either as a little brother or a son, and to see how assblasted Gilgamesh would be that the "wrong" King of Knights was summoned

>So, an highschool boy falling in love to a literal Queen knight is all right?
seibah is cute I don't blame shirou for liking her.

>self inserting into KING FUCKING ARTHUR

That post is prbably bait, but didn't you think for a just one second that you're not supposed to insert yourself into him? Not to mention that the MC would have to be his master.

Arthur already went through his fair share of challenges which is why he's a legend in the first place. Fate doesn't have to show what he's been through in the first place. Besides, Arthur was killed by his own son in a final war against him which is much worse than anything Shirou has been through.

Shirou wasn't the only one to like her. We had Rin dyke out on her and Caster try to turn her into a sex slave.

Leave him. He's literally mad that he can't self-insert.

Everyone in Fate/Zero was obsessed with her, also.

There are a lot of interesting stories. I too would like to see this scenario as well, and I would like to see even Shirou with Caster.

Shirou with a Male Saber would still very much like UBW or HF. Rin (or Sakura) is the waifu of the story. Shirou become badass and Athur acts as his older brother in UBW or ultimate rival in HF.

Correction: So a literal Queen of knights fell in love to an autistic Jap ginger is realistic?

He is self-inserting to shirou.

>I would like to see even Shirou with Caster.

Cut content, sadly

Correction: So a literal Queen of knights fell in love to an autistic Jap ginger in a matter of days is realistic?

And you guys say Fatefags aren't self inserter shitters because"muh Shirou is a deep character"

Correction: So a literal vampire princess from the moon fell in love to an anemic Jap is realistic?

But he would like it if he could self-insert into Arthur otherwise he wouldn't hate him so much. Hating Arthur for such a reason is silly.

Its not like myths and legends have a record of realistic romance in the first place. In Malory Arthur wants to marry Guinevere a minute after seeing her and against the advice of Merlin. I came in for heroes and not realistic romance so seeing these two fall in love after getting their autism waves in sync was alright after getting past Shirou's early route nonsense.

I'd rather give Proto the benefit of the doubt since all we know is outlines and those can make anything sound bad if you can spin it the right way.

what's wrong with self-inserting to the characters you can relate with?

Saber is described as unnaturally beautiful and perfect, and Proto Saber is literally a super handsome, charming king. Why is this a problem in the first place? Nearly all servants, male or female, are super handsome/beautiful in the first place.

Why is Arthur/ia always blond? They were celts fighting krauts should be ginger as fuck famalam.

She's sadistically bitchy and into dogs.

Jap's love blonds.

I think it's far more realistic a HS girl wanting to bone a king charming than a wonderful girl king wanting to bone an autistic japanese HS boy.

Fate was a mistake.

That's kind of a turn-off. I love her look, it reminds me a bit of Mari from PS, but it seems her personality was improved when they made her into Rin.

It's fiction and has to worry about telling a gripping story, not something real. They use this trick because manage two people already in love is easier as a motivator rather than a more realistic, but long and boring courtship.

read the thread he's a fucking self insert autist.

Is not. It's just that /a is full of insecure fags.

At least she and Proto Cu have pretty nice chemistry. She's verbally abusive and in general she treats him with a good bit of distrust, but he's alright with it and seems to like her anyway.

Wait so that fag is actually king Arthur?

Who's writing this shit? Even the art looks different from usual fateshit

IMO the romance with Rin was much better than you know, a fucking queen of england with years of military experience and a tragic legend falling love with a random japanese boy in a couple of days. At least Rin is a girl of his timeline and they sort of knew each other since the beginning so is much more believable, even in the terms of "popular magus girl falls for mediocre magus".

>Saber is described as unnaturally beautiful
I thought she was described as short and scrawny with a boyish face to top off a body that is lacking in feminine curves?




He's pretty cool, but I prefer Percy. It's sad the initial concept was discarded to make a waifubait eroge.

90% of the Fate route is Shirou fawning over Saber's delicate body, perfect face, captivating eyes, and all that shit. Except for the part of cute muscles but that was never brought up again.

So she's also Proto-Bazette?

>Wait so that fag is actually king Arthur?
>Who's writing this shit?
A guy or girl by the name of Hikaru Sakurai.
>Even the art looks different from usual fateshit
That's because the artist isn't Takeuchi.

What about Rin falling for Saber?

> complaining about different art style
> posting KnK

No, she has a much meaner streak than Bazett.