JoJo thread


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>tfw no gay priest bf

does josuke have any qualities of that of a "hero"?
he is a fucking jew in head who talks like a yakuza aspiring delinquent.
only likable thing is his mom is hot.
would appreciate lewd tomoko art

First for who cares about Kira's VA in ASB being different in the Anime. We have two smooth talking japanese men who sound MENACING, and I'm content.


Yes, Josuke is evil. He would do anything for money, it is known. I heard once he beat the shit out of the great mangaka Kishibe Rohan for absolutely no reason. And once when he lost to Kishibe Rohan in gambling, he burned my house down. No need to mention that his fashion style is lacking and he also has shit hair. Avoid that tasteless, good for nothing punk at all costs.

The fuck you just say about my hair, senpai?


He insulted a cool dude by calling his hair shit. He deserved getting his house burnt down.

Haven't been in a JoJo thread in a while. Is gaypriest still a meme?

4/10 bait.

Here is your (You),
Now be on your way little one.

How many weeks until this?
Also Cinderella shouldn't be a 2 pater right?

He deserves an award for putting Pink Sock Boi on hiatus

same tbqh

>And once when he lost to Kishibe Rohan in gambling, he burned my house down.

I fucking love you. That made me laugh.

19.part 2 harvest
20.kira want a quiet life
22.sheer heart attack part 1
23.sheer heart attack part 2
24. sheer heart attack part 3

screencap this


Do you think that if Rohan wrote 'I will make an effort to behave like a decent person' in himself he'd stop being such an insufferable cunt

>Six weeks
I can't wait
Also, why did Araki even bother creating Aya if he was just going to kill her quickly. Yeah the same can be said for fatty but at least he was going to hang around Josuke so you would see him often.

Do you think that if Josuke punched his own hair with crazy diamond 1000 times he'd finally have a decent hair? Nah i doubt it, even crazy diamond cant fix that mess of a hair.

At least his house isn't burned down

He´s at it again, guys.

she was introduced to give a way for kira to escape , so that he didnt pull a way to escape out of nowhere

She was only created for the sake of giving Kira a way to escape.


Aya a cute

Jotaro was extremely fucking handsome in some parts of the OVA.Imagine part 3 looking like this, it'd be incredible

at least he can afford fixing his house im not a broke ass piece of shit high schooler who try to rob literal food stamp money from middle schoolers.

i miss you buttsnifer senpai


He looked embarassing more often, though.

I think it's the hat, it really didn't look good.

delete your post

Yeah but for real at least he still has a house and doesn't have to resort to squatting on a manlets couch


I miss the blue

i will give you 1000 yen to fuck off and never come back to this thread josuke

What anime/manga do you think the characters enjoy?
Pucci world god only knows

i like to believe that every character from part 4-6 love to read pink dark boy

why was vanilla so obsessed with dio?

>good for nothing punk
>shit hair
Josuke is a cool guy who saves lots of people all the time unlike that Rohan Kishibe who always writes manga and probably submits it late. His stand is cooler even. And Rohan's hair more shit than my cool hair.

Rohan sneaking up on Koichi!
Rohan incapacitating him and writing in enough commands to stop him screaming for help or resisting too much!
Rohan tearing his pants down, ignoring his humiliation and pleading!
Rohan ravaging his asshole while he sobs quietly and says that he thought they were friends!
Rohan cumming inside him, grimacing when he notices that Koichi's started bleeding all over his cock!
Rohan using Heaven's Door again, making Koichi forget it ever happened!
Koichi wondering why his asshole is inexplicably a neverending tunnel of pain, and trying to get more fiber in his diet!


delete this

Delete this post immediately.

Kira is just a poor boy

do someone have the official episode listing that was released on twitter ? with what chapter each episode would cover and their diffusion date going up until december ?


Lots of people were. N'doul, Enya, Pucci, all of them would have gladly laid down their lives for him. Not to mention all those girls he succed.

Arguably Midler too if you go by her HTTF storyline.

So does Joseph Joestar actually have a potty mouth or was that just something added in by the shitty translator?

ITT: Josuke and Rohan shitposting. And one Oku post.



just something added in by araki

I really wish Josuke and Rohan would try harder to get along. They're very different people, but think of all the good things they could accomplish if they just worked together a little!

And it'd be easier for their mutual friends, too. Haha.

Are you ready for

is this how i pos on fourchan koichi

It's better that they don't considering HEABOONS A DOUAR is overpowered as shit

What if in frozen time Dio quickly came all over kakyoin and then put him back in his spot but with cum all over him. Do you think jotaro would stop talking to him if he found out

if dio could stop time, wouldnt that mean hed incinerate and blow up half the earth with the energy he made by going faster than the speed of light

also, don't light particles also stop when dios time stop is active, like how does this shit work

>inb4 you can't stop the time because S C I E N C E

It just works.
If you want some bullshit explanation, anything touching DIO in stopped time functions normally.

I really hope you've read the rules first, Anonymous poster! If you haven't, you can start here.


I hope you have a great time posting on Sup Forums!

think of it like the world setting the universe's kinetic energy to 0 excluding dio himself.thats why if he touches something he can move them due to him transferring his kinetic energy

Could Mountain Time segment his penis so that when he pulled out it produced an anal beads effect

If araki dies in at least 40 years
you think we are going to get a massive wave of sad art? like when Iwata die

if rule n.3 was applied they would have to delete Sup Forums entirely


there are so many boards that need to be erased

>Araki dying
Vampire's can't die.

i agree on Sup Forums deletion.

Sidekicks who only have memes going for them= Speedwagon. Stroheim, Kakyoin

Sidekicks with character development= Polnareff, Koichi

Is this jojo

But Sup Forumss been deleted before, and all that happened was the people who hung around there ended up moving to other boards and bringing their own brand of posting there.

Sup Forums is a quarantine more than anything else, same as /mlp/. I hope it never gets deleted again, coming from someone who was baying for its blood before it happened.

this , its for the better

yeah but its not really working,they still shit up the other boards

they killed Sup Forums forever when the first star wars 7 trailer was released

As much as I adore him, I'm surprised that Polnareff of all characters ended up getting as much attention from Araki as he did. He stole the show and never gave it back till SDC ended.

>implying that the movie wasn't bad regardless of casting
>implying anyone cares about that shitty movie anymore

i dont give a FUCK about star wars.i watched a total of 2 of those movies.what i know is that they fucked up the place with their racism memes

>tfw no more drive-posting on Sup Forums

It was worse when they had nowhere to return to, trust me.

I want crossboarders to leave

Sheer Heart Attack will only be 2 episodes bro, I guarantee you this.

I'm willing to bet that almost nothing has changed because in 99% of the cases where boards complain that the board changed, it is 100% an imagined boogeyman that lets people complain for no reason and pretend the thing they like is shit not because they grew tired of it, but because of 'newfags'. See: Sup Forums harbor, etc.

Did they add Smug Shigechi to the smug row?


There was a doujin like this apparently but Koichi ends up trying to kill himself a bunch of times but Rohan won't let him.

There was never an official one, ESL-kun.


r8 my taste, m8s

What a beautiful ______


>Favourite Part
>Steel Ball Run
stopped reading


r8 my taste :^)

Isn't there a new template with more stuff in it?


It's big and not enough people are using it for me to spend the time finding all the pictures again

>144924075 (you)
You don't even deserve it.

>zero effort
>least favorite villain is pucci
why waste your time like this

Did I miss the dub? What happnened?