ITT: Anime RUINED bu /u/shit

ITT: Anime RUINED bu /u/shit
Pic related, also the topic at hand. I hate /u/ so much..

Confession of love, hetnigger. Now fuck off.

I want /u/ to leave.

Kumiko is supposed to be with Shuichi. Reina can fuck right off.

Friendly reminder that genuine lesbianism is just a manifestation of female depression.

Girls should be with girls in anime

Shuichifags can fuck off to /y/


fuck off

It was Yuri teasing that wasn't even a problem or affect the show, Why do people still go on about that for Euphonium instead of enjoying the whole show.

Me too OP. I hate /u/ too. Let's make out.

What board gets so angry at /u/, Sup Forums? or is it Sup Forums

I would be fine with /u/ if /u/shit is less common. I mean /u/shit is fucking rare in the golden age of harems. Now fucking everything is yuri. I fucking hate it and I fucking hate /u/ for making this possible.

Because the /u/fags on Hibike are very vocal and stubborn about it despite the series going for a more heto route. You don't see that much people making dedicated threads on how much Homura rug munches as a problem of a show. It doesn't help that /u/fags are shitty people. I hate /u/fags Lelouch, more than I hate you.

IMPROVED you mean, newfag.

is over here faggot.

Yuri a shit, as well as Yaoi.

> despite the series going for a more heto route
Pff hahaha

>retards using the newfag word like it means nothing
wew lad. Sup Forums is literally physically dead.

This desu senpai

I know you only heard about it today but I already knew how to access other boards, newfag.

>he doesn't know

No, it's not going for any route. There's no yuri or het, it's not romance, it's a band drama.

Keep trying to fit in.

Quit projecting

Why is yurishit getting more common? I fucking hate it and I can't filter it out without going full bara yaoi shit. Anything with girls must have yuri for some reason. This needs to stop.

Just stop self inserting. That's not you're supposed to enjoy things.

Just stop trying.

I'm not the one who a whole thread on Sup Forums about how much he hates another board no one cares about, you pathetic crybaby.

>Just stop self inserting. That's not you're supposed to enjoy things.
Fuck you. You're not the boss of me. And you're self inserting to except with a girl which means you're a subhuman below the average Sup Forumsnon.

I can tell you a board being ruined by literal faggots.

>implying we aren't all little girls here
>being this new

I'm not the /u/shitter throwing the word newfag thinking he's hot shit.

What a coincidence, me too. That user might be right though considering how you behave.

>le tumblr meme
I've never once fall for that stupid moot meme and I will never will.

I don't self-insert ever and yurishit is shit

Yuyushiki and Yuru Yuri are the two worst shows I've ever seen, and I like SoL

Of course you wouldn't since you started posted here only after moot left.

Have a stroke and die already chaggy.

>Yuyushiki and Yuru Yuri are the two worst shows I've ever seen

I actually agree.
Shows that focus on only the yuri are pretty much always trash yes.
That doesn't mean girls loving other girls isn't the purest form of love though or that yuri is inherently bad.

ITT: Fat virgin neckbeards defending their /u/ wet dream.

My opinion won't change even If I was here on the first day faggot.

Aside from my /u/ comment which I did as a joke considering that the post was joking as well, you do realize I'm just throwing back the things that are being said to me right? I'm not sure which one of us is the newfag here.

There needs to be a haremshit anime where /u/ gets blown the fuck out as he purifies both grills from /u/ faggotry.

Happy first day and welcome on Sup Forums faggot. Also lurk 2 years before posting next time.

I wish you would always stay contained to your own threads

If you want to feel really bad just look at next season

I remember looking at it yesterday. Idk if theres anything better yet to be listed, but right now there's literally no harems, its just magical girl shit and other shit that looks gay iirc


It's not a harem but didn't the Tamako series BTFO the lesbian?

carpet munching DYKES

But can girls love other girls?

The love between a man and his waifu is the purest form

Girls can't love girls.

>/u/ insurgency continues
No one on Sup Forums ever had a problem with yuri, it's /u/fags that annoyed people here. In recent years both sides have become so cancerous in their attempt to fit in, that this evolved a full blown "war" between both sides. I want all of you cancerous faggots to fuck off.

Hibike got another season because of /u/ pandering.

No way something like that could happen. It's just dykes and a shitty neckbeard fetish that causes yuri to be drawn, right?

>calling out cancer
It takes one to know one huh.

I do not like how Hibike is pandering to Reina Kumiko shipping.

Kumuko is for Shuichi.

2D girls surely can.

Yurifags self insert as the girl, meaning they are all self hating men. These are the same type of people that become trannys. Prove me wrong.

If you could read basic Japanese you would realize you just made yourself look like a retard

>this nigga still think I will start enjoying yuritrash if I've lurked enough
Now that's what I call trying so hard too fit in.

Can Sup Forums explain without referring to buzzwords why /u/ is treated like rubbish here?
I'm genuinely asking here.

Fuck off, the whole lot of you.

Leave for reddit please.

It's literally samefag shitposting.

see Faggot's been going at it for a long time now.

Yuri is the impurest form of love

They have their own board, but they shit up Sup Forums instead.

This thread is shitting up Sup Forums but it wasn't made by /u/.

>Excusing namefagging just because he can speak moon
If translated this guy's name into some cheeky german comment maybe you'd allow it as well.

>anime is mostly yurishit
>even the ones that's not yuri have yuri in them
>Sup Forums is 50% /u/ and 50% /y/
>Sup Forums mods are yurifags
Why am I still coming to this shithole and watch anime again?

Do you seek comfort in that image because it deludes you from the fact that most people hate yuri?

Yeah you should leave immediately.

Hahaha fuck, what yurifags actually believe.

Yeah sure, it's all just one guy. Everyone loves yuri right? You are fucking delusional, not surprising as you fags see yuri in fucking everything too, every female friendship in anime gets cancerized by yurifags.

You are like feminists that see the patriachy everywhere or religious nuts. You connect anything that happens back to your yurishit. You are deluded.

She's not supposed to be with anyone
This is neither a cheap shoujo nor yuri

No ;^)

How ironic.

Which people? Your samefagging?

No, it was just obvious bait to draw out all the /u/fags and they took it.

>ITT: we trigger /u/
Love lab is the best yuribait ever and every drop of yurifag tears are delicious as hell.

You're clearly new and have no idea what you're saying. Leave.

>/u/ constantly shitting up anime threads for shows that can ship digusting yuri couples
>hibike yurishipping shitted up the threads til it was discovered to be hetshit by /u/fags
>they still try to ship yuri in hibike
>regalia shipping begins this season - threads ruined
>threads are literal safespaces for digusting /u/fags
There is a reason there is a /u/ board: containment.

Yurifags are so fragile that they need a fucking nobody as a boogeyman to stroke their ego. You don't see this shit on yaoifags or haremfags.

Nope, girls can only truly know love through the cock.
Can't beat the cock.

Nah, lesbianism as portrayed in anime is pretty much bullshit. Its very unrealistically depicted and all shows which feature yuri or which yurifags idolize have the same fucking premise and have yuri just to appeal to those fans in the laziest way possible.

Yuri is a joke because the Dick exist. Nothing can beat the dick.

Whatever you say nigger.

Exact same can be said about fujoshit. Why are you not shit posting in homopandering animu? Or you sympathyze with fags?

I know lesbians think that looking like a retard is trolling, but it's not. You just look like a retard.

>still grasping on the chagen meme
.dal wew

>le yurifag boogeyman

That's because there aren't any dedicated shitposters for yaoishit or haremshit. Sup Forums's a decent board because the shitposting is relatively small for its size, and most people just ignore what they don't like and visit threads they do like instead.

Meanwhile leave it to literal dick sucking faggots to be triggered and spend their lives dedicated to shitposting yuri on Sup Forums with garbage threads like these. Neck yourself already.

>literally exists
Guess you wouldn't expect a nigger to know english. Samefag harder queer.


Free belongs on this board because it's not a hentai, and the fujoshits keep their awful taste to one thread. Like tomboy threads or feet threads. /u/ infects every show with more than one female character, and refuses to discuss anything that isn't their favourite ships.

Fuck off back to your containment board you delusional fuckface.

Implying haremshit or yaoishit is any way better than yuri

Someone make a poll I want to see atleast one side BTFO.

People always think that people that don't like yuri are faggots. Why is that? I don't understand the logic behind it. I mean, I just want to watch a show about females being friendly to each other without and /u/fags trying to magnify it as they want to fuck each other like they're on heat. I just don't get it.

>Why is /u/ hated on Sup Forums?
>Because they shitpost every thread they go to and ruin every discussion

Were you born with vestigial fingers in your ears?

>dedicated shitposters for yaoishit or haremshit
What about that Rakudai guy, or the tsundere guy?

No one cares about yaoi because it's so rarely seen that it's more of a treat than anything else. I mean Free is in the top5 best anime for KyoAni's adaptations.

Yuri in anime is completely and absolutely fine since I know that they would fall for my manly cock in an instant. In fact all yuri is to get me hard before the start of the 3p.

People always think that people that don't like yuri are faggots. Why is that? I don't understand the logic behind it.

I don't see anybody having yurigoogles on monogatari thread. How about stop lying?