Heavens feel was the most boring route

Wait what the fuck is this? New trailer?

The problem with HF is the day 11-12-13 sequence. All the things before (mystery shadow murderings, Saervants dropping like flies, Saber killed, the Sakura reveal, the rain scene, Alter killing Berserker) was great. Everything after (Gil eaten by Sakura, the knife scene, Sakura crazy, Kotomine and Shirou rescuing Ilya, Kotomine VS Assassin, Shirou VS Berserker, the final day) was really, really great.
day 11-12-13 have some strong parts (Shirou and Sakura Going crazy, Sakura-Rin and Shirou-Ilya bonding) but they are very slow.

UBW episode 1

are you using internet explorer?

Looking forward to it, honestly. I will be very pleased if the quality is as high as the KnK movies.
What says is kind of the case. The pacing is probably gonna be weird, but not much weirder than KnK. Some of the movies are going to have more action than others, since they're probably not going to be directed with the intention of being able to be viewed on their own.

I'm making a bet now, this movie will do really bad. I mean honestly bad. The movie will be good but the sales will be horrible.

why the negative attitude?

With Aniplex USA pricing thats highly likely. They should have given it to Funimation.

>3 movies
So they're ripping off kizu now?

just that HF route is like 4 times longer than Kizu-novel

>3 movies
So they're ripping off LotR now?

>3 Movies
So they're ripping off Berserk now?

Let's get to the real question.

Will there be dolphins?

> (OP)
>3 movies
So they're ripping off Madoka now?

>3 movies
So they're ripping off The Godfather now?

There will be vampire Sakura (that's not bad, it means that there will be the Mitsuzuri-Rin dream scene)

>Berserk invented movie trilogies

>3 movies
So now they're ripping off Fifty Shades of Grey?

>3 Movies

So they're ripping off Matrix now?

The first part of Kizu was shit anyway

Of course it did.

Did you think Hollywood invented everything?

I can always use more kotomine

iirc he has his best part in HF

>3 movies

So they're ripping off Dark Knight now?

>3 Memes

So now Sup Forums's ripping off Reddit?

Get on with the times, ojiisan.