Jonathan was okay, but was not memorable at all

>Jonathan was okay, but was not memorable at all.

>Jotaro was the boring anti-social Jojo who just happenws to know how to be a badass at the right moment and had a large mental list of comebacks and one liners to cover up his lack of interesting qualities.

>Josuke was pretty fun, and proved his place as second best.

>Giorno is proving to be the worst Jojo yet.

Will there ever be a Jojo as crazy and fun as Young Joseph was?


Part 8 Josuke is kind of funny sometimes but the part's overall tone is too serious fr him to be goofy all the time.

mein nigger

S1 > S3 part 2 > S2 > S4 > S3 part 1

what is it with nips and giant cross dressing men

they really love that shit

Jolyne is like the best parts of Joseph and Jotaro with the best character arc and second best development. Johnny has the best development and is an ABSOLUTE MADMAN, but he and Gyro together are excellent. Jo2uke is basically Giorno but goofier and his character development doesn't stop halfway through the story. He's the first all fun allowed JoJo since Joseph though he's not loud and obnoxious but quiet and reserved, mostly because he has no clue what the fuck is happening.

Jo2uke > Jolyne > Johnny > Josuke = Joseph = Giorno > Jonathan > Jotaro imo, although they're all excellent.

Because if you take a skinny twink and make them crossdress it stops being comedy and becomes porn

gappy is getting better and better with every chapter even though he's stone cold nig

Jonathan works perfectly well in context, like a paragon of virtue to mirror Dio, even to a fault

>Jonathan was okay, but was not memorable at all.

When did you realize that Josuke is the stupidest Jojo?

Jonathan > Giorno > Gappy > Joseph > Jotaro > Johnny > Jolyne > Josuke

Boy's a moron


good taste, though jotaro as protag and jotaro as mentor have different ranks for me

Oh yeah Rohan? Well if he's so stupid why isn't he the one whose house burned down?

why does this piece of shit exist?

I like this list.

>shit talking Giorno

bitch i will fucking cut you up
don't you dare say shit about best boy
fuck you
sorry i was rude you still have shit taste tho

Giorno's literally worst JoJo, with worst Stand
Johnny > Joseph > Jolyne > Josuke > Jotaro > Jonathan > Giorno

It does not

Jonathan > Joseph > Jolyne > Jotaro > Josuke > Giorno

Part 2 > part 6 > part 1 > part 4 > part 5 > part 3

Pucci > Dio > Kira > Kars > Diavölo

>Jonathan, Giorno and Gappy on the top
My man, that's some great taste

Both Jonathan and his dad were fucked over by Dio but still loved him in the end. Some sad shit

I don't know man, turing a gun into a banana and making 50 cars into frogs is pretty wacky.

garbage taste right here

Jonathon > Joseph > Giorno > Jotaro > Josuke > Jolyne

I havent read part 7 or 8