Is Re:Zero really the best the isekai genre has to offer? It's kind of disappointing with all those series...

Is Re:Zero really the best the isekai genre has to offer? It's kind of disappointing with all those series, only this is worthy of acclaim.

No, Konosuba is.

Ahahahahaha that's your opinion

And it's the correct one

>I'm a contrarian

Even thought it's the most popular one, I still have a special spot for Mushoku Tensei.

Isekai is already a very specific premise, and Nips are soulless drones when it comes to following industry trends, so the fact that Re:Zero already took the most intelligent twist you can take in exploring the genre (Deconstructing the idea that a NEET would act optimally in their new world, when they can't act optimally in the real world) means we've already seen the best Isekai will ever have to offer.

Nah. It's just a deconstruction but that's about it.

Sounds like pretentious trash tbqh

Maybe one of the best, because almost all isekai series start with a MC that start in a favorable position, are to OP, perfect or start to abuse the knowledge of his former world making things like vehicles.
Vol12 in the last week of august that cover the labyrinth


It's pretentiousness wrapped in a shroud of what would already be a top tier Isekai show. The deeper aspects of Re:Zero aren't immidiately obvious, so even if you want to turn your brain off and just be mindlessly entertained, it still fullfills that desire.

First watch-through, I did just that. It wasn't till I rewatched it a second time that I was able to realize there's a second story hidden under the surface.

I liked this better. Sup Forums was also buttblasted about the guy not being a weak loser.

Of course not. That'd be Fushigi Yugi or Escaflowne.

>Sup Forums was also buttblasted about the guy not being a weak loser.
The fuck are you talking about? Sup Forums was praising Mondaiji exactly because the MC was not a weak loser and instead was a total alpha bro.

There was plenty of crying about him being a Gary Stu.


I just hope this series doesn't spawn a wave of isekai trash like we've had with the battle academy LNs. We already have shit like Gate, NGNL and Outbreak Company, and the Familiar of Zero LNs are coming to a close, so all that new fucking garbage like MT and Shield Hero needs to stay the fuck out of anime. Except KonoSuba, that one can stay.

Where does Touma fall into?

Thanks reddit.

If you say that word one more time, I'm gonna beat you up!

Bit outdated as garbage and trash are Sup Forumss new favourite words.

>these fucking terms
Only otaku pandering and moralfag are actually useful.

OP btfo by the first reply, all's right with the world.


>shit show just like any other lolsorandumbXD shit except its self aware!
fuck off

So say I decide to do like a Japanese middleschooler and enter a LN contest hoping to win a serialization. So naturally, being a Japanese middleschooler, I conclude that my best shot is writing another fucking Isekai story set in a fantasy world like the ones in the JRPGs I play. So that already covers shitty and generic, I make the MC a Japanese middle/highschool student who is an otaku who had social anxiety and was a wimp IRL to let my readers relate which covers self insert and otaku pandering. And I top it off by giving him some sort of unique magic or some other ability derived from the fact that he's from earth that lets him shit all over the saturday morning cartoon villains that incidentally remind him of the bullies from his school which I set up for him. That covers both the power fantasy of having magic powers as well as the wish fulfillment of revenge against the kind of people he doesn't like. At the same time if take things far enough with the power trip he becomes a gary stu or if i make him suffer to get to that point then it can also be a sob story.

The point is that this chart has a bunch of false dichotomies when in actuality a ton of these traits aren't even mutually exclusive. I get that it's supposed to be about how Sup Forums misuses terms but it'd be better as a list than trying to imply that the shitty writing found in MCs is contained to simply one or the other.

Going by series that are strictly Isekai there have been a few manga adaptations I'm enjoying but to give an honest assessment, I think I'll only recommend ones that I have been following for over 25 chapters.

There's a bunch that only have 13-15 chapters out and quite a few turned to shit after the introduction. GATE and Mushoku Tensei have been consistent but Re:monster, Overlord, The New Gate, Shiro no Koukoku Monogatari, Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari, and World Customize Creator have basically had nothing happen for months. Just going through the motions. Then there's series where nothing happens period like VRMMO, Death March kara Hajimaru Isekai Kyousoukyoku, Ore to Kawazu-san no Isekai Hourouki, Chihoukishi Hans no Junan, and a few others that focus on things like dandelion coffee, cooking; arts and crafts more so than adventuring in a fantasy setting.

My favorites so far are Kumo desu ga, nani ka? and Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken but everyone says the power creep in the former ends up being ridiculous which really ruined Re:monster. The fact that the protagonists lack a penis and a harem might help. Re:monster and Mushoku Tensei are so shameless about it, I feel embarrassed for the author. Since Kazuma is scum and everyone acknowledges it, his harem is tolerable on the other hand.

Actually I think I'm on to something. The series where the protagonist isn't a typical Japanese male seem to be the best unless it's lampshaded. The stunted sexuality, the commentary on the genre, the profound ignorance of feudal societies and aristocracy all get tiring very fast. Kazuma is at least aware of all these things and seems to break the mold on them. He's a genuine pervert. He quickly realizes how little romance their is in adventuring in the dark ages and without a hero's blessing he's basically a peasant.

My biggest gripe about Re:Zero is that Subaru isn't maturing. Most of the drama comes from his impulsiveness and inability to learn.

>tfw your genre is so shit that contests have to ban it from entries

Don't start, one user wanted to murder me for agreeing with that.

More like one of the easier ones to adapt really and of course getting an actual adaption instead of butchered crap.

I'm still surprised Youjo Senki got an adaption if anything else. I can't really think how they'll make it work. But well as an LN commercial it'll be fine as usual.

MT will be very hard to adapt though. I'm guessing Arifureta, Shieldbro or maybe Kumo etc would be considered but who knows, probably nobody expected Kadokawa would push Re:Zero for example.
The English license for the LN even happened before the anime announcement if I remember that right.

Is The Devil Is a Part-Timer isekai?

It's not technically a genre, it's a plot device.

It just so happens that the Nips, or rather the body of LN writers that's comprised of literal middle/highschool students, has such a scarcity of imagination that the surrounding elements of tolkien fantasy setting and rpg mechanics have basically become the standard.

They made it into a genre.

>Fushigi Yugi
God fuck this show so much.

As far as serious, Re:Zero is up there. Konosuba is the best one in isekai comedy though, but that might be because there aren't exactly a lot of them.

As a deconstruction? Probably the best one but I don't think it's the best of the genre. I mean, nobody calls Madoka the best show the mahou shoujo genre has to offer or at least I hope nobody does. just because it's a deconstruction.

Would you count Log Horizon as isekai? It seems like it isn't given the initial episodes, but as you watch it it becomes more and more about people rediscovering how to build a community and make it thrive as they accept the new world as their reality.

>Fushigi Yuugi
Fujo pls go.

Kumo desu ga was great until at some point the protagonist jumps from literally who into a literal god in a matter of chapters. I'd have preferred if she had to fight her other classmates that had been born with great abilities.

Only Escaflowne.

I guess so, it's the reverse of what we would normally think as isekai. As far as I could tell from the anime, it's mostly humor and slice of life with little bits of action.

The thing about isekai is that you aren't limited to a typical action hero scenario. It's just that the popular ones, or the ones people largely talk about are the ones where some random loser gets transported to a sword and magic medieval world in order to fight.

Is deconstruction actually a legitimate concept now? I remember back in the Madoka days that word was ridiculed for being a buzzword and if you looked it up, you got a totally different meaning that no one knew about.

No. I'm still using it incorrectly if we apply it to standard conventions everywhere else. The problem is that as per usual the language here has evolved to the point that the meaning of deconstruction has completely changed.

So fuck it. It's easier to use a term that some fag here in Sup Forums can understand in a glance.

The wave of isekaishit anime LNs is coming, so best prepare for it now.

If this doesn't open the floodgates, then the inevitable third season of Sword Art Online, which is practically an isekai world starring Kirito, will.

First post, best post


Why is there such an influx of Rem hentai? Literally every 5th post is of her now pixiv, it's been like this for weeks now.

>saturday morning cartoon villains that incidentally remind him of the bullies from his school

For that extra bit of self-insertion, you should have the school bullies actually be summoned into the new world along with the MC and end up as the leaders or darlings of the enemy faction (El-Hazard, Aselia, Shining Wind, Arifureta).

>is coming
Whee the fuck have you been for the past several years?

Nips love their strong submissive waifus.

Haven't read it, but I heard that pretty much everyone else aside from Kirito becomes absolutely useless. Is this true?

And maybe Overlord, but it's full power fantasy mode with shitty MC now

This, I really can't hate Mushoku like some of Sup Forums even though I dislike the general reincarnation stuff like Re:Monster, Arifureta, Gate, and so on.

Contrary to most people I actually didn't like the first few volumes and only started to really get into it during Paul/Desert arc.

The ending was great too. I would've actually been pissed off if they didn't describeRudeuses death since it was his life story in the first place.
But the fight before that felt kinda rushed. Wish the author wasn't in such a hurry to end it.

I think the author of Outbreak Company wanted to get away from this shit as far as possible and that resulted in the weird shit that happens recently.

You know it. It wouldn't be SAO otherwise.

Look for that copypasta about Kirito fighting the CIA in the archives. It's a bit on the side of hyperbole, but otherwise true.


RE:ZERO > Monogatari

The best Isekai shows are Outbreak Company and Overlord.

Don't drag Tolkien's good name into this, user.

There's this one Isekai where the guy has to fuck monsters in order to make them into normal humans again. That's a pretty ok one.

Is this slut serious?

Konosuba aired right before Re:Zero, how did you miss it?

Nope, that's Konosuba and Overlord.

The show was dropped by most of Sup Forums, is barely ever mentioned and was a complete flop. A small circlejerk "praising" the show is not representative.

>Outbreak Company
It's haremtrash

Your gipsy mother is trash.

"Botsuraku Youtei Nanode, Kajishokunin wo Mezasu," is also very funny, although the first ~fifteen chapters are just regular isekai setup.


Shit taste confirmed

Outbreak Company is average isekai haremtrash. If it's your first anime, I recommend you to watch Elfen Lied and Eangelion

What would happen if you cycled these shows + re zero's main cast between each of their universes?

How badly will subaru ruin the other two, are the others powerful enough for the re zero world?

That spoiler.

Guess I'm going to pick this up after all after the LNs finish. I'm a sucker for protagonist's death.

Calm down Frenchie.

Hey man, losing friends because a game is dying can be pretty harsh. I learned this the hard way.

Outbreak Company treated the whole "invading a fantasy world" a lot more interestingly since it took a look at the social implications of it. Also, it treated the hikki/NEET issue much more maturely by not glorifying it but having a surprisingly un-romantic stance on the issue (opposed to: I'm NEET so I have a lot of time to work out). Lastly, it brought us one of the greatest scenes in the history of anime.

Clearly, people who can't appreciate it are plebs of the highest order and should go back to /ANN/, /reddit/ or whatever shithole they crawled from.

Is isekai specifically for settings that have RPG mechanics, or just any "highschooler thrown into fantasy world" series?

If it's the later the answer is clearly esca-fucking-flowne. You'd have to be a real dumb asshole to say otherwise.

I have a bit of a soft spot for the original el hazard ovas but they're objectively really trashy.

Isekai no Seikishi Monogatari

Mushoku Tensei is one of the few series that deserves its popularity. It's a shame that it's so unsuited to anime (to do it justice, you would easily need 100+ episodes).

>actually mentioning Arifureta
Jesus fuck, this piece of trash is the culmination of everything I hate about middle school fantasy isekai.

MT is still the most popular web novel in Japan as far as I am aware. If the LNs are selling well I'm sure someone will try an anime eventually.

He killed and tortured thousand of people and still bitching about his friends for epic drama. You can't justify it using "b-but he's undead". He bitching about friends and kills people. Double standarts. Salaryman =/= heartless killers with 14 years old mind. His character is completly unrealistic. Overlord will be good without "muh friends" bullshit.

Fucking Rayearth is better than ReShit

Is Sup Forums finnaly turning against Re:Zero now?
Its a shitty anime of the season show like SAO, SnK or OPM.
It's not deep, It doesn't delve into the psyche of someone trapped in another world forced to watch his loved ones die again and again, its not eve fucking good holy shit.

No you're just hopeful.

The first episodes weren't bad, but it turned to shit soon. Especially due to the annoying protagonist who's only getting worse.

nice meme posting

This so much. It blows GATE right out of the water by actually viewing it realistically (as realistically as anime can get, anyway). Where GATE is just a fucking power wank whose MC has no real reason to be an otaku, Outbreak Company uses the fact that MC is an otaku as the entire basis of the relationship between Earth and the other world which is ultimately being used by the government so that the government would do something any real government would do in a fucking heartbeat: hoard all the fucking resources. None of this honest pacifist bullshit.

The last three episodes have been terrible.

Stay mad fucktard. Thanks to this show Re:Zero threads will be on this board for a long time just like every other show you posted.

The hell if death cause mental trauma. The only trauma being done to Subaru is to his self-worth.

Well it's not exactly tragic if you're expecting that.
But I won't spoil the final meeting and the circumstanses as you probably haven't reached vol 15 yet.

Btw the translations for WN vol 19-20 was fucking awfull when I first skimmed the english version(No idea about now) maybe its better that you're waiting for the LN version.

>Episode 15

Literally the best Episode of any show this year. Not that it's hard considering there is like one other good show airing at the moment.

I recommend you to watch picrelated.

I'm guessing you've been here maybe 4 months or so?

I haven't seen most isekais, but Lugunica is one dangerous place; even the strong characters are at risk of being overwhelmed. Like, the Zero no Tsukaima cast would just be fucked over incredibly hard.
Subaru himself just wants a purpose in life he can dedicate himself to, albeit in his retarded way.

Not tragic? How about bittersweet?

Don't be upset. Check some

>people who don't agree with me must be new

Everyone will forget about it about a week after it's finished.

> Episode 15
Stop calling it a masterpiece, it became a fucking controversial episode of everything going on calling it all edgy or some crap which makes no sense. Also, the last three episodes have been great. It gave far more depth to the flaws of Subaru:
> Wanting attention
> Blinded by pride
> Blinded by emotion
> Blinded by greed
> Being worthless
> Directing those words he said to Emilia to himself.