Who's the most based black character in anime? My money's on Avdol

Who's the most based black character in anime? My money's on Avdol.

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He's Egyptian. More Arab-Semite than subsaharan black
Where the fuck do you racial identity people come from


>Black super coiled hair
>Huge lips
>Large nose size
>not black

Epic meme my friend

>Where the fuck do you racial identity people come from

You're literally derailing a thread with your race autism RIGHT NOW




>being unironically black

Nah. I don't want crossboard shit on Sup Forums. Now fuck off.


Jesus fucking Christ, contain your autism. Avdol is clearly a negro who grew up in Egypt, thus Egyptian.

>Sup Forums derails a thread again
Sup Forumsocaust when?

>the Egyptian Avdol is now black



Please stop stealing our characters and calling them black
t. Berber

>capitalizing the first letter of the board name
Not even a Sup Forumsfag but fuck off back to whatever shithole site you came from

Here's an actual black anime character because OP is fucking retarded

Fuck forgot the image


I think Araki said Pucci was white and that's just a tan. His brother is white too. Sorry lad.

RIP in peace Mashengo

Mixed Hispanic actually
t. Knower

No contest.


Das raycis




He's kind of ambigous if you look at early part 3


The bomb nigga from Jormungand


He's Italian you mong

Yeah, he was great. Sad that I don't have any images of him, actually.