Are they gonna show the aliens LOL

Are they gonna show the aliens LOL

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Im still MAD about GANTZ.

The singer is from the US?

Will Gantz be the best looking full CG movie yet?

daily reminder gantz is ending after temple arc, anything else is bad spinoff

>he best looking full CG movie yet?

Looks great.
I really liked Gantz, shame it went to shit.

Looks good. For real. I hope it's not going to clang though

>mfw some people actually believe this

>ignoring Italy's chapter


Disney films look better.

CG has come a long way since those shitty helicopters in Golgo 13.

Up until now I've legit thought all the screencaps from this were from the new final fantasy game

>tfw you'll never give Nishi a love letter only for him to look at you with disgust
More importantly, what does Sup Forums think of Nishi? Even more importantly, Nishi getting molested by a Tentacle Alien and/or gangraped by bullies doujin when?

It grew on me. I hate edgy idiots who hurt cats, yet I understand his motivations once he died and entered GANTZ.
I might have ended up doing the same, for I didn't need to be surrounded by grandmas, kids and violent punks.

Also when artstyle changed he was hot.

She was hot loli

remember it from kick ass

>Also when artstyle changed he was hot.
Post-resurrection Nishi a CUTE! A CUTE!

He acts tough but he's a scrub

Holy shit, I didn't know about this before now
Thanks user

Is this a bait? This movie is coming out in a few days.

Why would it be bait?


scrubs are best

I didn't even get the uncanny valley effect holy shit.

>Dude what are you, 14?
>Uh, yeah.

Also he was one of the few players that where smart enough to actually fidget around with the tools they were given.