Just because your main character admits he's boring in universe, doesn't mean he's not boring to read about

Just because your main character admits he's boring in universe, doesn't mean he's not boring to read about

Everything in this manga is so slow, do people really like it that much?

Once the whole alien zombie plot came full order in Italy then this manga went to shit.

Reminds me of Eden: It's an Endless World! when the virus became a global problem when the main interest was the characters dealing with each other in their situations.

i dont care what this thread is about but i will post so chinese cartoons

tadome left us off at the ed of volume 20 which is chapter 238?
assadas group was just taken over by KIKI SHOGUNATE

assada is gonna kill all the old people and soilders and i think hes gonna get the kid to do it

aunti and best boy nakata just killed the warrior zombie (ex kuki shogunate member)

meanwile, in china

hideo is on foot in Tokyo , he runs into a mass horde. the horde chases him. leader of that pack ios a dyke from kukishogunate

she is oda-sans sister. who, in the afterlife told her to stop killing hideo or something

hideo and nakata are litterally next door to eachtogether
lets watch

faceoff nakatas boy vs edgelord teen


tadome has closed the gap very fast on english/chinese scans, so close we now have less then 10 chapter difference

does big spirits post I AM A HERO as a webcomic? or online or something?

they do for all the spinoffs so am wonfering


hideo is in the right building

nakata is on the building on the fingering hiromi on a motorcycle he stole

also faggot op
its "slow" because its a weekly
kenny needs to pace himself so he still has a job

this guy is also a helicopter pilot

this is gonna bet the last arc for sure i think

maybe hiromi will carry hideo accross to da choppa

either way theres gonna be a fucking brawl as the chopper takes off and the building is over run

kurusu vs nakata and probably hideo except he is a coward

this is the boy with the half of the manga scripture
assada will make him do bad things i think

fuck the nips are taking down all the am hero RAW download links off google

i dont know where the chinks get there raws (maybe the big spirits website) but tadome is on hold until another volume is released, which according to my estimation should be with in a few weeks because the last one came out april 12-20th or something so the new volume is due any day now

assada is gonna get the kid to kill the old people

[this the the volume 17 cover kinda ]



I just finished catching up to what I think is the most recent chapter and honest to god I'm super confused about nearly the entire overarching plot and where things are going to go from here.

I'm unsure if I missed things along the way, but are the ZQN truly a result of aliens, or something of the sort?

How is the series going to end, since it appears to be getting close to it's finale with Hideo on the move to rescue Hiromi, is such a thing even going to be possible?

I've got so many unanswered questions about this great manga


I tried reading it and couldn't even get to the zombies part.

>are the ZQN truly a result of aliens, or something of the sort?


>is such a thing even going to be possible?

we dont know yet, we do know that there is a time peroid in which is takes to breakdown the human body and merge the mind, so potentially he has some time unless hiromi can hulk out of this shit because shes queen zqn no idea

but at the end of this chapter shit will go down in chapter 247

keep reading asshole its character development, its also really funnyup until it gets zombie

Any idea how much time has passed since the start of the manga?

Think humanity stands a chance or are we gonna have one of those depressing endings to finish this off, since it looks like most countries are completely empty (Barcelona as the example)

hes gonna gas these people for sho

k let me do some math, but it is still early 2009 in the manga

you mean time in manga correct? it looks like not more than a few months

Yeah in the manga itself I meant. Figured it had to be a few months or so, due to the complete "clean sweep" that Barcelona had.

idk how humanity will fare with this but i know how it will end for out hero

he rides off into the sunset
fingering hiromi as they both
mourn the loss of hideo-sensi


in chapter 55, its begging of may 2009

at the end of this chapter (246)is is 23/may/2009

i wikll have to double check that because those faggots on ZQN-chan cant get timestamps right

fucking giant zombie asshole

Can that smug prick even fly the Helicopter, or is he just baiting everyone into thinking he can.

Jesus fuck the ZQN worked quick then if all this took place in a god damn month.

do you guys think this looks like out glorious leader HIRO?

i think its an omage but they all look the same to me

I think that dude was just some 2ch guy.

>even fly the Helicopter,

nakata and myself have serious doubts
but the way he was talking in the most recent english chapters, i think he might be able to, or he knew the one guy would be able to

aunti said in one of the recent chapters that the old mask guy from KUKI shogunate can fly the helicopter. someone is for sure flying this copter and nakata/kurusu arent on board

yeah, so is hiro

The fuck is up with Kurusu by the way, because it look like the second one basically became the first after killing him. Is it sort of a transferred consciousness deal where his personality was fully absorbed by the first Kurusu?

It disturbs me that this Ultra ZQN is going full humanoid. Are we gonna get Giantess Hiromi?

best boy

so weve(at least i have been) been reffering to "kurusu" as anyone with the zombie power

i was almost fucking positive, the original kurusu edgelord was killed (along with naked emporor) by our boy takashi
he seems to be kind of a dick now and way more edge than he used to be and calls him self kurusu as well which is fucked. but he is still way cutier than kurusu was. so honestly im fucking confused as well and im hoping tadome fucked up their translations or something
because he has been acting edgelord as fuck recently but in a cute way, and not a weird way like kurusu was acting, hmm kinda the same i guess

>Giantess Hiromi?
there are 2 heads, i think there will be a battle over control

Remember back when after the school thing happened that Takashi was referred to by the now dead Shogunate guy that always wore the mask?

"So, Takashi.... no, Kurusu-kun, where are we going next?"

He knew something fucky about what Kurusu really was, or something like that, because he immediately started identifying Takashi as the new Kurusu.

crane building
that looks like hiromi's eye
they see or sence hideo is in that building

thats up to date with the chinese

this is where i got current date

>"So, Takashi.... no, Kurusu-kun, where are we going next?"


ok i thought so

that guy is also dead and was killed in the most recent chapter in english

good because hes wearing the same mask takashi was wearing the whole time, but yeah now his attitude is super fucked. naked emp wasnt cute like this

italian kurusu wasnt fucked like this

need an italian kurusu spinoff

Yeah, but he had his head taken off before too. Remember when he was fighting Best Boy on top of the highway, and got his head cut off?

A few ZQN took the head and killed another ZQN, and put the dead guys head on that body, and he got up again before being killed by Auntie

yeah warrior class, he name was like takeshi or tekeshi or someting similar to kurusus

k so in chapter 243, oda-san is talking to her ZQN sister (also ex-KUKI-SHOGUNATE member) who tells her not to kill hideo (i think)

in the most recent english chapters
when hiro is talking to teku on ZQNchan, she says oda is not there


maybe hiromi is the badguy in this manga...

>one of those depressing endings

i am 100% sure we will
i havent read it my self, but
"boys on the run" ending
is probably a good indication of something depressing for humanity or hideo's NTR ending with nakata



you guys remember whats happening in this monthly am hero spinoff right?

if you remember nothing,

know this one thing

this asshole

is still


What a fucking coincidence. I literally picked up the omnibus volume one and two in the store today and read it in one sitting.

Probably gonna read more, too. Seems like a fun ride.

fucking naked

sorry i started watching JAV's and forgot

Wait how the fuck is Oda doing that again? Like you said, she wasn't made a part of the ZQN hivemind, so what the fuck is going on there.

Giant Hiromi confirmed, shits gonna get weird


>how the fuck is Oda doing that

thatsd what im saying
at the beggining of chapter 244, right after this scene, oda's sister starts attacking all the ZQN that are chasing hideo.

are regular ZQN part of the hive? i dont remember what she said

maybe there is like a seperate thing that better not be an asspull

>shits gonna get weird
as of like next chapter for sure, and i think before chapter 250, we will have 3 way contact will the 3 groups

each group with their own kurusu

best girl (now,and by default) (the one that gave warm, worn stockings to nakata) is also a kind of kurusu, she was bit by the doctor and she grew a new leg

So we have Hiromi Kurusu, Leg girl Kurusu, and Takashi Kurusu?

mc is such a queer deranged jackoff
nirei a cute

yes, also technically hideo-kurusu but he hides his powerlevel so much/ doesnt try that hard, so its hard to gauge his stregth

>do people really like it that much?
Is just ok, not good, not bad





It started going to shit when she died

oh good, this asshole is awake (he was the guy in page 2-5 and i dont think our MC gets along with him or something

he was alive yesterday and now hes dead. hmmm

why is everyone else have to stay at the dock and he lives on island...

dont worry everyone nirei-san's got it

ugh fuck yamanda can you just....


i know you guys know japanese pls translate for us and then chapter 3-4
i gib money pls

There is Sup Forums in that manga

yamanda is such a dick
as usual
end of chapter 5

ok i was just thinking about this ,while in full italian kurusu mode,

and i just also remembered

didnt the naked emporor like...eat or merge with original kurusu?

that ZQN monster, that ate hideo, and carried him to safety, im 995 sure that was naked emp. and he had extra extreamides, so they were probably kurusus


takashi killes naked emperor aswell as kurusu

do they become full baka zombies when they die or something?

what happenes to a kurusu to become a full zqn?

because original kurusu is definatly not dead in spirit because he is constantly harassing hideo through his mind

I'm gonna make the assumption that Naked Emperor didn't actually die but somehow had his power stolen/absorbed by Takashi, same with the original Kurusu.

After that happened, original Kurusu may have died, while Naked Emperor wandered off

This is ending soon.

Has to, can't be extended much more.

Oh fuck off, this manga is finally doinf something interesting with the zombie shit unlike all the other shit stale attempts at this dead genre.

>i dont know where the chinks get there raws (maybe the big spirits website) but tadome is on hold until another volume is released, which according to my estimation should be with in a few weeks because the last one came out april 12-20th or something so the new volume is due any day now

Don't be so sure. They released two volumes very close to use the movie promotion, so tehy might waita bit longer to have a backlogue for another movie.

Is that Hanma Yujiro?

What exactly was wrong with eden? I thought it was solid throughout

Fucking old people have no use for the new world

Thanks for dumping


She was the most interesting character in the whole thing

sfx: dozo

sfx: dozo

Is the movie out yet?

It's the exact same demographic that thought Gantz was ever good.

mannn you know i meant whole thing but its cool

im gonna say for sure this thing is naked emperor, mixed with real kurusu

i dont know why we can see the 4 of them inside the vision thing and what oda;s sister has to do with it, and why takashi is there as well

my understanding of this was takashi was still a good boy and kurusu was still fucked but in the physical, takashi is kinda a psyco dick, or just embracing his kurusu or idk

im almost fucking positive thats naked emp

I only dislike that zombies turned un those massive blobs
Every fucking zombie manga goes resident evil
Its cool how the side characters make it a better reading

its kinda weird how the neet just turns into kurusu

he even started looking like him i mean is this even the same character?

also, aunti only hase 1 eye now and several members are dead. before the story runs out i think we will have several flashbacks from more people from the story

I haven't read this since he killed the preggo zombie and her baby.

Anything good happen since then?

it turned into gantz

it seems all full blown kurusus start to grow their hair. italian and spanish kurusu did also

i dont get why naked emperor and edgelord kurusu and now takashi kurusu are sio ultra violent, yet italian kurusu was/is best

im almost positive its the same character, because at the end of chapter 12 you see this page and this page

these pages are back to back

i made not of the mask he was wearing, as it is the mask that hikki takashi was given

in chapter 2XX when the kuki shogunate show up in tokyo , it goes to a frame of kurusu, and he is wearing the same make (its the same fucking frame and they mirrored it and reused it) so thats one reason i also think its the same person

this cell is def the same cell as the one i have quoted


Finish translating Boys on the Run

Tanishi demands it

I don't think it's boring. It's a fun story, but it shouldn't turn the focus away from the characters like said.


I fucking love Asada's faces.

>italian kurusu wasnt fucked like this
>need an italian kurusu spinoff
Italian Kurusu was the best.