Prison school 223 korean scan
223 is out - korean

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finally that is has come





sorry can't continue, gotta go.
MEiko will die like kiyoshi few chapters ago. The angels are coming back

i dobt speak korean but ill post it i guess






>stop reading for a few months
>check back
>plot has L I T E R A L L Y not advanced

The fuck is going on with this mangaka, seriously?

no fucking clue
i hope they just push over andré or something and get this arc over with


is this bitch still bitching about the place?


she is
fuck sake
someone just punch her in the teeth

>it's a "nothing happens, the plot is still where it was 50 chapters ago" episode



When will this arc end? it's been 10 years


Meiko you are in a moslty girl school and the 5 boys do not matter, just let your boobs hang out and accuse Kate of being a jealous bitch.

Mari about to turn into her father from the stress


Is it finally time for her true form to return?

so, another shitty eventless chapter?
im this close to dropping this manga

So Meiko is gay or at least bisexual?

I fucking hate Andre, I hope he falls over and crushes the A.S.C with his immense bodyfat and suffocates in his own shit.

I think that page specifically meant her dying from embarrassment like Kyoshi did earlier.
Is she bi? Well I guess that only ever matters if a person is dating because otherwise sexuality not important to the story.

She always had a thing for Mari.

I think the author lost interest. For the past few months I've only been reading for fanservice, but even that has been lacking lately.

Even the based president can't save this boring shit.

is that Risa on the cover?

It's wolf girl

>Even the based president can't save this boring shit.
Chairman is literally the only reason to follow this shitty arc.

Moeko is worst thing in whole manga. Whiny sweaty snotty bitch.

The Nothing Ride Never Ends

ah the camwhore right

Will we finally see Meiko again? Or will it be 18 pages of angels and close-up on Mari's eyes with a countdown to the next break? Find out next week! Or not.

>Is she bi? Well I guess that only ever matters if a person is dating because otherwise sexuality not important to the story.
It is important for the story IF she is attracted to Mari.

(´; ω ;`)still in namek

>STILL on namek

The plot looks like it actually progressed this chapter, Kate had to expose something about Meiko for her to die.

Ppl thought i was shitposting when I said I know ppl that know Hiramoto, Meiko will be paired with Kiyoshi mark my words, it's not a coincidence they're both going through the same experiences

>Meiko will be paired with Kiyoshi
And André will loose 40kg and will end fucking Joe.

Is this the longest arc yet?

>im this close to dropping this manga
You don't need to tell us, if you think it's that bad then stop being a fucking retard and stop reading it

If the beginning of the arc is Kate's introduction, sure. Although I feel like the sports festival itself has been going on for like 50-60 chapters. The Hana parts of it seem so long ago

I feel bad for her, she's not very interesting but I'd fell pretty bad that Hana is slowly ntring her.

>Cavalry battle still isn't fucking over

Oh shit, she just 'died" like Kioshi, meaning she's gonna get the "Ive stared Death in the nipple" revival temporal buff.

See the outcome in november, after 6 chapters about her introspection and 3 brakes.

note this!
here is the thing, looks like this series is made according to anime. How's that you ask? don't talk shit. Listen now, the first season is made of 12+1 OVA episode and it covers 89 chapters.
The scond season which needs to be announced will also consist of 12 episode + 1 OVA with Kiyoshi and Hana/blankets, so that's another 89 chapters which gives 178 for those 2 arcs. And finally the third season will... well I don't know yet, but I expect that this will be last season with WET CONTEST at the summer.

it will end probably with another 45 chapters

This manga is like Bleach. It selfdestructed.

it's not completely destructed but it goes down.
I hope they soon end it.

Kyoshi's death was one of the best chapters of Namek, so I'm cautiously optimistic.

I still think this arc won't be so bad when reading it all at once.

I reread Prison School a while ago, and what was out of the cavalry fight at the time worked well.

So close to dropping this shit, literally insufferable.

That would imply she even has romantic feelings for Kyoshi. If anything she seems more like the kind that would help Hana gets the kiyoshibowl if she heard about it.

Nah, compared to Bleach it still has been constantly funny in this arc, especially if you read it in one row. If you think about it most of the main cast got a lot of developement, like for the secondary girls.

Gotta agree what we've been getting since last chapter is too fucking much, that shit about hiding the nipples is ridiculous. This better be useful and end here with Meiko gonna full SSJ.

Still mostly consider this arc to be pretty good, it follows the same idea of making an absurd joke/situation out of ton of trivial stuffs. And extending the arc with tons of new problems isn't really different from the last part of the prison arc.

In Anime it should be much more enjoyable than reading it weekly.

Holy shit, another pointless episode? Tthis is taking so long.

Just make Mari surrender to that bitch already like in the past and wake up Meiko to beat Andre's ass goddamit, stop this nosense.

well Mari will win, can't you see?

Jesus Christ if this gets animated it's gonna take at least 12 episodes just for the fucking cavalry battle.

I love this manga, but come on, let's get it movin now.

>literally the same chapters for over half a year now

God damn what happened to this manga

I stopped reading this after the anime finished and they're still not done with the cavalry fight. Holy shit

Manga was good until Cavalry Namek battle. Fuck you and fuck Andrenomics

This, Andre is the whole reason the arc has gone on this long. Andre should die or be expelled, he doesn't deserve wet t-shirts.

Hiramoto went too far with reused page panels this time

> bear finally goes berserk
> doesn't make Meiko go back at the same time

For god's sake Hiramoto, it would have been perfect, what the hell is up with those angels coming back.

she's yuri


Will they say "that was fast" after the battle?

So how much bigger will Andre end up being at the end of Namek?


So whats-her-face had a super secret ace last time i read this did she reveal it yet?

How is this arc still going on

I think she had several aces,Wolf-chan's secret and Andre are two.

I'm pretty sure at this point, the entire deck is made up of aces.

most probably Andre.

what do you even need translating for.

this manga.

>Prison School has become worse than Bleach

Not in a million years.

At this point I see it as another manga that went on well past it's prime.

hahaha threw the gun at his ass

i know right? this mother fucking arc dont even wanna read. just gonna look at the pics until its fucking done

At least Mari's tits.

jesus fuck I hate this arc so much. Fuck Namek.

What's happening here?

How long has this cavalry race been going on and how long has the sportsfestival been going on in general?

i just want fucking wet tits