JoJo Thread


Make JoJo great again!

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First for Valentine did almost nothing wrong.

the best

4th for best boy

Why part 2 is so shit??

I hope I'm fitting in now


In an infinite number of univeres at least a few raped lucy steel

>tfw already halfway though part 7
it flows very well, pacing is amazing

For newcomers to JoJo:

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure has been running for about 30 years, which may seem long to some people but there is a way to easily get into the series. The series is separated into eight parts, with the eighth still ongoing.

The original chronology of the parts is as follows:
{7} > 1 > 2 > 3 > ( 4 > 5 ) > 6 > {8}

The core gist of the original story line is 1 > 2 > 3 > 6 called the Dio arc. They are the most essential parts, although they can be read out of order as 3 > 6 > 1 > 2, with 3 > 6 being the main action of the arc and 1 > 2 being a backstory.

The parts inside of the parentheses (4 > 5) are the non-canon filler parts called the Arrow arc, which is a continuation of the story branching off from 3 but doesn't really have much connection to the overall plot so they can be skipped.

The parts inside of the brackets {7} and {8} are parts that retcon previous entries of the story. 7 is a prequel to the entire series but retcons the entirety of parts 1 through 6 and makes it inconsistent with the original chronology. 8 also follows suit. Because of how inconsistent it is with the timeline, it is considered an optional reading after reading the Dio arc.

The anime is currently at Part 4 but I recommend you watch the anime in conjunction with the manga in the order given.:
3 > 6 > 1 > 2 or 1 > 2 > 3 > 6 with 7 > 8 being an optional further reading and 4 > 5 being an even further optional reading if you're interested.

So other than be fit and not look like a greased midget,
how do I acquire a Yukako at this height?
I'm a completely platonic lover and I really enjoy peoples company when I have it, even if I get really shy and stupid in public.
Is there a place where smaller-than Koichi Koichi's like me can go

reminder that the reason Joseph didn't use Hermit Purple to track Kira was because this fucko existed


He split a British jockey in two, killed a crossdressing nun with a window, and summoned a time stopping copy of a deadman. He did everything wrong.

Not trying to rape Lucy is the real crime.

Gappy makes me unhappy.


>skipping parts


I just went through the full ost and i cant find the piece that plays here. Is it just unreleased?



Nice quads, but let's go to the point:
- Diego was a terrorist and there was nothing wrong on killing him.
- Hot Pants was a degenerate trans and, once again, there was nothing wrong on killing it.
- And summoning the alternate Diego... well, yeah, that was wrong.

I hope I'm yummy for gummy after im in his tummy


You monster!



Pretty legit. Not too often that you see Giorno as favorite JoJo, too. Only thing I have to scratch my head on is favorite fight and the fact that you presumably picked All Star Battle Josuke for favorite voice.

Aight stuff/10

Guys, I just realized... there are no references to Tenacious D on Jojo. Araki confirmed for shit taste on music.

Gappy makes me happy

>fucked up

Part 7 needs to be an anime already. There is almost no fan art/croosover art of part 7. This is the only thing I could find of valentine and it looks liek shit

no gorillaz either

Did none of them think to go "oh hey he's that guy who nearly ran over Koichi what a coincidence hey wait Stand users are drawn to each other he's kinda suspicious"?


Reminder that with the shitty way they are pacing this cour we won't even get this at the end of Kira wants a quiet life, but it'll be the start of the next ep

Hey Doc.

made me think

It's D'Arby

I really like ASB Josuke's voice, though I like the new one just as well if not better, it's just meant as a general for both josuke voices.

I suppose I should make the fight clearer, the fight I was referring to is the initial fight with King Crimson where Bruno gets donuted, I just really like how it was done

That's a shame, but let's forgive the inmortal mangaka. After all, he made Oasis one of the best fights on Part 5, that's all I needed.

You are retarded.

It's a small town, user.

How'd you know

Delete this

Okay Wandering Tofu.

Probably just a combination of being too preoccupied with their own concerns to notice him and forgetting Kira's face. They only saw him briefly, after all.

Consider the following

Guess's ass

Sometimes, bait goes too far.

Not him, but it's easy to know.
Everyone's retarded on Sup Forums.

>Guess shrinking you and shoving your entire body into her asshole

[Spoiler]I wish she was more relevant, like Im fine with her just hanging around with the crew and not really fighting kinda like Abbaccio[/spoiler]

It was a great fight.

>Someone else on Sup Forums knows about Air Gear
You made my day, user.

>sir jesus christ will never speak to you

My sub saharan sibling

Infinite universes mean that Joshua Joestar, Joseph Joestar and Jesus Joestar all existed

>[THE WOOD] this time is only time!
What did he mean by this?


>Jesus doesn't talk to him
Filthy atheist detected

>Pic related


you ok reatard? he has wood



Hey jojofags i made a thing

What do you think your favorites favorite food/meal and drink are?


I'm not going to watch the video because I don't want to get cancer, but you draw like someone I know.


Mine is Giorno, and I think his favorite food is written on his profile


>not having the full "PEP" as the stand cry

>You will never have a midget loving yandere kidnap you.

Alright, so Quiet Life is five chapters, which is the most they've ever done in an episode, but then there's also People of Morioh.
In that case, how will the episode be split up?

>Quiet Life is one episode, and People is moved to the start of Cinderella
>Quiet Life is a two-parter, including People
>They cram it into one whole episode

Calpis Water

I want a Yukako too,
t. 4'7" and fully grown

>Liking Janta
Real men drink Jonster Psynergy

Gonna be #2 fo sho

>!? 『D』
i lose it every fucking time

I still don't get what Diego is trying to convey in that sentence.
Is he saying that because of THE WORLD, the stopped time is only his? Or that THE WORLD was a stand exclusive to him? Or was he trying to do wordplay with world and THE WORLD both being his?

should I skip Part 5? I want to read Part 6 as soon as I can

you bugging
awful start
and D4C universe and gravity bullshit its stupid as fuck.

They will likely just do the worst possible thing and put People of Morioh at the start of the following episode.

There is no way they can fit in ANOTHER episode unless they are planning to use all 39 before they even get to the final third of the manga.

I heard that Jonster Psynergy does things to your sex drive...

Quiet Life is 5 chapters?
They've done 5 chapter episodes with both OP and ED, they can remove those for Quiet and put People of Morioh
Or do a two parter


There are still eight episodes left until the end of the 2nd cour, so it's probably going to be like this:
- 19: Fat jew Part 2
- 20: Muh quiet life Part 1
- 21: Muh quiet life Part 2 + People of Duwang
- 22: The yandere becomes a qt Part 1
- 23: The yandere becomes a qt Part 2
- 24: NO WEAKNESS Part 1
- 25: NO WEAKNESS Part 2
- 26: My dad is a Polaroid photo

-End of 2nd Cour-

did anyone else not like the ending of SBR

felt like a copout

where bd ost

French sparkling water, or else she'd die of thirst.

Who is going to voice Jesus though?

He's saying "this time is only mine" as in when he stops time, only he can move, so he's speaking to say that the stopped time is "his".

Skipping parts is for losers.

That's a lie. I drink a lot of that and I still can get erections and masturbate.

Jesus, himself of course.
B-but all that fucking drank inside of one being, could it be dangerous??

part 4's flashback man

That was what I expected. I do hope DP does address that, though.

What is the appeal to Versace? A lot of his screentime was spent bitching, Underworld made no sense ("memories" of salt from the ocean or some shit.) I give him props for actually growing a backbone and kickstarting Heavy Weather but otherwise he was kind of a wimp.

what's this effect called?

I loved the part when he almost shit his pants when he saw Tusk Act 4 moving in the frozen time

I liked it, but also consider it one of the weakest endings of Jojo. Alternate Diego was just fanservice for the nostalgiafags.

The pope Francis, of course.