Kyoani animators are the best paid in the industry

Kyoani animators are the best paid in the industry.

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I miss Shirobako

So it's finally closed, huh.

I made a thread about this a month ago but it got autosaged by mods for whatever reason before it even reached 20 replies . I used to believe Sup Forums is passionate about the anime industry and wanted to support it some way but the only thing we do is create sales threads and throw shit at each other in studio wars like does

We're so above every other anime community on the internet /s

Sounds almost like the median of net wages in Polan.

Feel free to go back to plebbit if you don't like it.

Why would we care about how much people in some other country get paid? At least stalker threads give us info that we care about, often being an early predictor as to whether or not something could get another season.

>cheap apartment = $300-400 ($0 if you live with your family).
>food, transport, health insurance (company should provide it but if it doesn't) = $200
>personal expenditures = whatever's left

It's easily doable, if you want more start drawing faster or get another job.

>money earned: 580

They don't really. Why do you think the industry is going through an animation shortage, standards are dropping and so many high profile shows are ending up riddled with QUALITY, delays and shortcuts?

Aside from the very tip top with the fat cat investors and producers many of whom operate from outside the industry proper that take all the revenue from things the Japanese animation industry is poor as dirt more than ever before and stretched well beyond it's means. If I graduate art school and training in Japan and have to make a decision between say doing 2D sprite animation on a Super Robot Wars game at Bandai Namco or doing character and in-between animation freelance in the animation industry I know which one I'm picking and probably pays substantially better just because of what industry it's based out of. It's really no wonder people like Ooshi, Anno, Tomino etc. have been doing more work in Japanese live action or outside the country than in the animation industry too, just such greater opportunity compared to the 80's and 90's when they made their marks in animation. Miyazaki and Takahata also picked a great time to finally retire I would say. Honestly I wonder if the Japanese animation is going to have any half way decent talents a few years from now the way things are going cause I just don't see the next potential Kon, Dezaki or even Shinkai wanting to work in these conditions that'll never be able to realize the visions they might have in modern times. The only people that seem to be coming into the industry nowadays are light novel and eroge industry types who are all but entirely talentless in every aspect necessary to run a memorable show other than character design.

The cost of living in Japan is way lower than just about any other developed nation.

>Sup Forums doesn't care about Animation people.

but seriously Sup Forums barely cares about anime period. It values shitposting, baiting and starting arguments long before it does anything to do with making anime and it's community not completely terrible to be around for any extended period of time nowadays.

I would rather support starving children in 3rd world countries by donating to the red cross or other humanitarian organization than a bunch of adult blokes in 1st world countries doing drawings willingly.
They're free to actually get a real-paying job as a sarariman, or go join one of those countless communist-and-yakuza-affiliated worker unions and complain about their harsh living conditions.


animators sleep in the office anyways, they dont pay rent

Supporting the starving children is like giving a man a fish. The dorm project is like teaching a man to fish.

Fucking hell, what would make people want to go into this industry outside of blind ignorance and wishful thinking

What did you expect? Sup Forums doesn't care about this shit. The only community Sup Forums has is the self entitled pirating community. Less than 1/3 here bother paying for shit here.

Get a clue. This is a shitposting site. And shitposting is free.

lolno. Maybe if you want to live in the middle of fucking nowhere in some depopulated town where everyone under the age of 30 already fled to a bigger city.

Try outright factually wrong info and shitflinging pretty much constantly.

The thing is the healing and improvement process can't actually begin until a community collectively admits it has a problem. Considering it just wants to send anyone that calls shitposters on out on their bullshit to other forums sometimes still within the scope of Sup Forums pretty much confirms that people still don't give a shit and love the shitflinging asshole culture more than the topic the board is supposed to be set up to discuss.

/s/ as in /shitposting? If so I love it and it's very fitting. They really could just stand to change the boards code to /sh or something cause it sure is more about the shitposting wars than the anime most days.

2 fish are much better than one.

Not even joking

>This is a shitposting site. And shitposting is free.

THIS. We shitpost because it's easily accessible. Majority of the people here don't watch anime nor read manga. Or if ever they do watch anime, they're arrogant secondaries.

It's a pity really. Probably a handful can even read or understand Japanese here and rely on subs like a fucking life jacket. Pathetic.

I just don't know why people don't want to admit it. Like you at least admit it which is great while most of the other human waste seems to think it's got it all going on here and people need to migrate over to reddit. I'm fucking adding reddit to my list of filtered words I'm so sick to death of people dropping that meme.

>The thing is the healing and improvement process can't actually begin until a community collectively admits it has a problem.
The only thing you can do is report shitposters and hope mods do their job.

>money earned: 580 (rookie)

Japan doesn't care about its working class.

Anime sucks dude, deal with it.
Ive been here for a decade but slowly you watch less and less anime until all you have left to watch is Sup Forums

>Get a clue. This is a shitposting site. And shitposting is free.

Yeah I mean why pay $70 or more for few episodes that would only give you a few hours of satisfaction when you can just shitpost in this site. This is literally the entertainment people come back for when they think about Sup Forums or Sup Forums.

Fuck anime. Fuck this industry.

I don't need to watch more than 3 episodes to shitpost and act like I fucking know everything.

I think that's giving it too much credit for the moment. The entitled pirating community seems to at least attempt to discuss anime even if it's just splurging and one liner comments all the same. I used to think Sup Forums was a little better cause it can at least see when things are crap instead of all the blind optimism that plagues the millenial and crunchyroll influenced communities but lately I just think Sup Forums is fake as shit which might actually be worse than just being a hyped up teenager on a sugar rush getting his latest does of shoddily ridden edgy action series with Sawano scoring or whatever it is that they're into these days.

>The dorm project is like teaching a man to fish.
They already know how to fish. They survived to adulthood, got an education, had parents with whom they lived together, and learned a craft like drawing stuff.
Them choosing to work as animators is their own free will.
They are adult men and women. They can and should complain to their bosses. Heck, the older generations there joined into student organizations to complain about exploitation. If their parents could do it, then so can they.

I could twice by simply not working here
holy shit japan,at least pay a decent wage

Sup Forums is a shitty community though. It's literally built on the foundations of Sup Forums. So why the fuck do you think anyone here would give a shit like that?

It's your fault for thinking there's something good in this fucking board. Now just forget about it and just remember "When in Rome..."

Other communities like Mary Sue are trying to improve anime, while a just shitflings

>I used to think Sup Forums was a little better

That's the gravest mistake you ever make when you assess Sup Forums. This guy gets it

Nobody gives a single fuck
I actually enjoy the thought of nips working to death for my amusement, they are all spergs anyways that are directing their country to certain doom

Japan seems like a very intense workaholic country yet they create loads of NEET MC's and stuff, It's pretty weird.

>And then the otaku shrug their shoulders and go back to conversations about who the best girl is, whose waifu is trash, and how irrational anyone must be to stop watching a show as soon as female characters show some T&A.

What the fuck? I shouldn't be agreeing with the mary sue

The anime industry will die soon enough, just enjoy the ride.

You can buy BD's to support the industry, the animators must help themselves by unionizing.

Keep telling yourself that.

Right back at you.

I was there for a bit where I watched nothing for nearly a solid year going back to last Summer and just browsed Sup Forums and was being sad and angry with it's lot but then I started watching Dragon Ball Super again and have found it surprisingly enjoyable. I've also been watching Gundam The Origin since it's been coming out and it's been phenomenal. Really no wonder it easily tops the preorder charts every time a new volume has gone on up. I might pick up One Piece and some other 80's anime I had been watching again for the first time in years again as well but had stupidly neglected while I made the mistake of following the current industries output thinking something interesting was still going to come out again any time soon.

There is at least some good shit coming out of Japan still but seasonal late night TV anime that airs on Crunchyroll that is the only place newfags and millenials know where to look for stuff is almost unequivocally utter trash right now that is only good for propping up shitposting communities like Sup Forums and pissing off fans of older content that know the industry can do way better if it can ever get it's shit together and stop relying on light and visual novel trash material so much again.

>posting in Sup Forums


they should get a dorm right outside the city that's close as fuck to station

They should just open a dorm in the trash can. Fucking waste of human life.

From what I've seen of shows in the last couple of years, the animators are being paid what they are worth.

I totally see things that way now don't worry. Just you come from places that are just rife with blind optimism and getting called a hater and initially the change in culture is appealing before you get a real sense of what's motivating it all and the fact that it all gets tired even faster than shrieking hyped up teenagers calling the latest piece of dog shit with some Kalafina music and literally who eroge novelist a masterpiece. You're just trading one extreme for another and I don't know which is worse, people that truly believe in their extreme unfounded opinions or people that obviously don't at all but post them anyway just to deliberately shitpost and bait. It's something I'd have to think about but really don't feel like doing so at the moment.

>People think no one on Sup Forums buys anime products

We have always have a buyfag thread up for a reason.

They have a point here this time but yeah.



The truth is bait, ok m8.

>You are the problem with Western Civilization.
broken clock yadda yadda
they pointed out everything I hate about this board with complete precision

What did you expect, it's summer after all.

>149 unique IPs

Sup Forums is full of cross borders, always has been.

Then fuck off already

Me too user.

>Sup Forums
>paying for shit

Damn son, you are pathetic. You use anime as an excuse to cuddle with pillows and being a worthless human being.
>being this TRIGGERED

Thats all what anime is good for, you are the pathetic one, when I want good storytelling I dont consume anime.

Or just get a tent in a park. Or live in a PC bang. Go to nearby Mcdonalds for cleaning water.

There really is tons of ways to save lots of money and appear normal. If you really enjoy animating and shit and just don't care.

You can say the same shit about any medium.
>movies are shit, I just go to the movies for explosions
>tv is shit, I only watch the big bang theory, bazinga!
>books are shit, I only care about twilight and other trashy novels
stop being a faggot

There are thousands of labor unions in Japan. The animators are free to join or create one to improve their situation.

>This is borderline slavery

Tokyo is overrated, why don't they just move to another cities?

>this whole thread

Tokyo has Akihabara. Animators are all anime otaku themselves.

I want to support Ema so she can live a decent life.

Oh look I've been IP blocked from home for 15 minutes for criticizing the board and anime culture in this thread. I expect this thread won't last much longer because it doesn't conform with Nishimura and his mod goons narratives

>Animators are all anime otaku themselves.
And this is why most anime is fucking trash.

It's like criticizing bikers in a biking club, they'll throw you out as well.

Because it's shilling,even if it's not intended.

You could get banned 7 times for this,you know.

Most animating jobs are concentrated in Tokyo.

That said, Japan is the same size as California. They have fantastic rail system too. They can easily just live a bit further to save rent money sacrificing maybe one hour of sleep.

because most animation studios are there?

I got more as an intern in game programming right after high school holy shit

I dont think the japanese are very repective to crowdfunding.

That's what I'm asking, couldn't they just move? It would also lower the costs for the studio.

You're not doing it in a constructive way at all. Just shitting your pants going "hurr fuck the medium fuck the board"; I bet you're the same guy shilling that garbage offsite article too. Talk shit, get hit.

>Most animating jobs are concentrated in Tokyo.
Does a studio have to be in Tokyo? One of the most expensive cities? Why can't they go out further?

The market is literally fixing it. Hand animation is progressively more dead every second the industry soldiers on this way. Even the 90s was coasting on the boom years of the early 80s when it comes to high end talent.

Enjoy your 95% computer generated imagery.

Because the companies that hire the animation studios are also located there in Tokyo of course.
After all, it's the capital of the entire nation, and the largest city of the world.

Same reason why tech companies in America are ruining SF. All the talent is already there, just waiting to take a contract job.

what exactly is lost by moving the animation studio out into the boonies?

What's happening here.

Just leave a little office there, problem solved, no?
But seriously, the executives need to be so lazy? Use some creativity so improve their situation, not so hard.

we will have to wait a bit til cg can perfectly mimic hand drawn animation that human eyes can't tell a difference. it's inevitable.

I was wondering if a studio had a small office located in Tokyo where a representative of the company handles these clients?

>Because the companies that hire the animation studios are also located there in Tokyo of course.
why do they have to physically have to be close?

Occasional /biz/ thread on Sup Forums, as usual. Discussing income and shit.

Don't they have minimum wage in Japan? What the shit?

>improving business methods by changing things
>in Japan

Animators are basically paid by commission. They are paid per drawing, but if you are animating key frames, you'll get paid significantly more than if you're doing inbetweens.

So if you draw 50 keyframes a week, you may get paid even more than someone who has drawn 250 inbetweens that week.

What is stopping market forces from working? If it was not worth it people would be doing it no?

people at the top, bureaucracy, economy, and society

Because the stereotype that the japs work the longest isn't true. They have a culture encouraging it, but the U.S. is untouchable when it comes to how long people work on average.

>15 years later
>everything looks just as bad except for coloring, which is still inferior to hand drawn
No thanks.
>take model
>create sequence
>render at 12fps because it "looks" anime
The industry has almost no idea what they're doing nearly a generation since the transition from analog.

Japanese economy has been in a recession for over 20 years due to their ridiculous immigration policies.

>due to their ridiculous immigration policies.
no. that's a small factor though

The problem is a lot of animation is easily outsourced to Korea and Vietnam, who knows where else these days.

I also wonder if the overall model of there being a bunch of boutique studios is really the way to go, as it encourages them to just constantly undercut each other in cost/pay. There are mega studios like Sunrise and Toei too of course but the bulk of what we actually watch (because it isn't obviously made for 5-10 year olds) are made by the boutiques.

Lastly it's the overall television system in Japan itself. Oftentimes many of the shows we like air at 11pm-3am, because those are the cheapest slots available and they know adults will stay up to watch them or just DVR them for later. For most of this kind of format studios do not, I repeat DO NOT, pull in ad revenue during airing. They pay the networks for the right to air it, not the other way around.

Also the overall ease of getting this doesn't help the studios make money at all. Back in the day otaku made great use of those programmable VCRs to record the eps but DVR makes it even easier, especially considering they can just rip ep right off the DVR onto their computers. Nips don't torrent nearly as much as us because they don't fucking have to as long as they have TV, a DVR and a computer.

Finally television as a medium itself is shifting; it's already considered old-hat by many younger people and will be the new am/fm radio in a few decades.. still some use in places, but not a lot. Thankfully for us Japan is slow to adapt so this format shift will take a while. VCRs only ceased being manufactured in Japan this year, a few weeks ago.