ITT: We pretend its the year 2116

I can't belive they managed to make Naruto filler for 100 years

How are you liking JoJo part 26?

Remember that series Re:Zero that ender up flopping by the end?

Do you guys think Spice and Wolf will get a 5th season?

When the fuck they gonna make Vinland saga anime?

New Gundam looks pretty cool I guess

How does he do it?


Grimgar season 2 WHEN

this is getting ridiculous, when will they get off the boat?

Can't belive he became emperor of japan after outlasting every other person in power

His back still hurts man, even after the transplant to a cyber body

Is Lelouch alive?


Anime has been dead for 50 years dude what are you talking about

I wish Berserk would end already
I don't think my implants can hold much longer
I just wish to see the end of my favorite mahou shota manga

>i want to buy a holo horo onahole, but it's to expensive.
Also the third season was great.

I can't believe SAO became much better in it's 3rd season and is now the greatest anime of all time.

Stop reminding us.

Finally after all these decades, tsukihime will finally get an anime adaption!


S3 when?

Next year for sure

Hey RedditAnons, remember him?

>no Sora no Woto S2

I love those vintage animation.

Remember when Kubo revealed himself to be Satan-incarnate?


My grandpa said that show was shit.

Guys I'm interested in watching detective Conan, but it's over 20,000 episodes long. When can I start the show?



Just download all the episodes into your neural interface.

I didn't think Araki could ever trump part 14. I'll admit I was wrong. Oh boy was it hype when he brought Ultimate Kars Over Heaven back.


So how many of you faggots are going? Seriously considering signing up even though people are telling me that the terraforming project is a huge joke, at least it's better than killing myself here

Which Region Arc is the Worst? Which is the Best?

>inb4 Kanto arc is best arc

Oldfags need not apply.

Chapter 349 is up
Looks like the kickstarter to preserve Miura's brain finally paid off

>still wating for 4.0
You would think by the time we actually have giant human/robot hybrids the movie would be fucking out already

It's just promotion for the remake that should be coming out in a couple years.

Ash winning the league in the Kalos region really did help the series a lot.
With Keit-Ai being revealed in the same year, we really did have a wild ride didn't we?

100 years and OP is still a _____

Newfags detected, everyone knows neo-TM went to absolute shit when Aniplex took over oficially after Takeuchi stabbed Nasu for killing Saber in that one VR game years ago.

Pretty cool guy

Guys i got some super elusive photos of Gokus new transformation in Dragonball Hyper X Fusion Wars X Epoch?
Source:My dad works at Toei

For someone reason I can't log in with Google+ or upvote posts anymore, why is that?

> When can I start the show?
After you finish all 300,000 Sazae-san episodes and read the 800 volumes of KochiKame.

Fucking Iphone 24

SakuraFish™ posted again

get a load of this newfag

So which One Piece saga is your favorite?

> inb4 pretentious strawhatoldfags

We know modern anime is trash and the only good stuff are the timless classics like SAO or NGE. Noone cares

Woah, I didn't really thought that Hisoka was in the ship and he actually beat Chrollo, do you guys think that they will get to the new continent soon?

I found out my dad used to post on this website when back then, when i asked him about that he told me to "fuck off".
He said the same thing when I told him I was genderfluid.

Fucking bigoted oldfart.


Did HXH finish already or is it still in hiatus?

> SAO season 14 announced
> Three generations of hate

Index XIII when?

Anyone enjoying the recent run of historical anime this year?

I really enjoy watching the Slavic conquest of the German Caliphate, and the American annexation of New-eshb Canada.

Why does she sit like that?

Highschool of The Dead Season 2 when?

Why don't they just program out the pain? Why doesn't he just hire an android assistant?

I can't belive they managed to make Naruto filler for 100 years

>It's been 103 years
>people still mad
Get over it, best girl won.

>There was an incident where 50 Kirito cosplayers were brutally murdered for liking badly written trash

This hatred has gotten out of hand

What the fuck is up with Nintendo? Why do they now, after finishing their last big francise anime adaptation Smash Bros. Galaxy, pick up such obscure shit like the upcomming Homestuck anime adaptation? Shit isn't even related to Nintendo at all. Do they try to be innovative again?

I found the original sites on some archive and how the fuck will they adapt this? It has to be like ~90% dialogue. Who the fuck would watch a show with such a fucked up structure


>remembering a flop 100 years later
We don't even remember flops from 10 years ago.

>Still watching anime
They made anime real 50 years ago guys. Get with the fucking program.

I don't self insert so I'm glad my wife didn't win.

When will it happen? I haven't caught up since the end of Dragonball Zero Star X Chronicles, but I really need something to pull me out of playing Pokemon Beta PictureFrame and Gamma Lampdesk.


What path do i have to take to unlock dating nemesis in to love ru's metaverse?

Venus is better, less chance of cockroaches.

I miss when anons used to have creative and make good jokes, no matter how shitty the threads was
Sup Forums is becoming worse and worse

used to be*

Well Kamachi.exe is still working just fine. So probably either never or when his spinning maid on a robot accidentyl trips over his wires.

>2116 still no Index III

>2009 was 107 years ago

I'm so glad there's a Eurobeat revival.

2080's and 2090's anime was so much better, it's all just kawaii uguu fanservice bullshit now

One Piece will end next year

I can't believe everything is CGI.

My great grandpa's last words on his deathbed were "Haruhi S3 never", what did he meant by this?

I don't really know anything about generic old trash though.
Just look at it, it doesn't even have CGI in it.
How can it even call itself anime without any CGI?

My grandps used to tell me these stories about the day when Trump-sama conquered the world and made the declaration that every artistic and scientific effort of all mankind would be towards making anime real.
I pray to Trump-sama's image on my wall 3 times more than the 5 mandatory by law, he truly is our one lord and saviour.

they're remastering everything as full-dive

>Oldfags wanting CGI back
Gosh, stop wanting everything being CGI again,grandpa! Animation has advanced to Virtual Neural Image format, accept it already!

Full dive battle harem anime is the pinnacle of human technology

>tfw have to be a robot to get past the capcha
What the fuck happened?

>he didn't go full cyborg
What are you? some kind of 3rd worlder?

Robots are degenerates and every one I met IRL was a huge dick. Fuck off to your containment board borggy, this is a christian mongolian tapestry meme board!

>this is a christian mongolian tapestry meme board!

>sticking with such archaic concept
>not merging your mind with other anons and generating supreme memes

I bet you still use those piss poor 9K LED screen to watch medias instead of virtual neural imagery meatbag.

I wonder if Hayao Miyazaki will retire again after this movie

>mfw a casual in my anime club has never heard of Code Geass
Casuals who can't appreciate classics should kys.

Will they ever make another sequel to Guren Lagann?

It took 100 years, three full body cybrogizations, surviving the 3rd and 4th world war but we finally got to see Evangelion 3.0+1.0

What a pile of shit.

>he bought in the "next gen human" meme
How does it feel to be a slave to the system?
Same breed as the idiots who used Window 10 long ago, you fags never learn.

So at what point did JJBA jump the shark?
I feel like it was at part 18 when Johannes Joestar Jr. literally punched a black hole into Emperor Funny Kaarsentine's SOUL even though Karsentine already had Heaven's Requiem At A Reasonable Price, Act 5 acivated

Yes, I named one of my androids Lelouch, and set its eye color to viloet, sculpted its face, everything. Downloaded my Lelouch tulpa into its memory and so far it's doing a pretty good job. Only I don't like that he's trying to order me to kill myself like 5 times a day ;_;

Just download one of your other tulpas to another android and sic it on the first one, mate, problem solved. Whenever one of my tulpa-equipped androids get uppity I set my Asuka android on them. Problem solved.

Despera anime next season, but I don't think it will surpass last year AOTY, The Voynich Hotel

I still can't believe they are still in the boat returning from that fucking elf island.

gonna die of old age soon

any other 21st century Sup Forumsnons still here?

Season 3 Never...
Damn you, Bones.

Now that it's been 100 years, we can all agree that Madoka was the greatest anime of all time right?

Why didn't you go cyborg?
I'm 124 years old and all I suffer from is memory loss and sleep trouble, thankfully the integrated computer archive some things for me and I can afford maintenance.

Still, it was better back then.

what even is a madoka, user?

It happens in two weeks during the battle with Yhwach Uchiha when he activates both of his stands The World Over Heaven and Izanagi while activating his Ultimate Despair power