Kimmel is next!

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The Marxist poison will consume them all.

Where are all these videos coming from? Down with this kike too though.

>Be Kimmel
>Host shit show only liberals watch
>Push shitty political opinion in every episode
>Literally punished by God with retard son

Then fucking exposed with the rest of (((them))), feels good goys.

They really do play both sides.

Well, when you're a star they let you do it.

Let's take him down

i guess people forgot about the man show.
at least carolla is pretty based

>Literally punished by God with retard son
was he really? I thought it was some heart thing

I mean, he used to host a television show that was almost entirely about objectifying women. There are plenty of these kinds of clips out there. For the record he didn't do anything wrong and used to be at least somewhat funny. Not sure what happened, someone took his balls at some point.