THICC girls are for ________

THICC girls are for ________

Other urls found in this thread:

those with unhealthy fetishes


rough sex and gentle bullying

daily circlejerks

I liked when he used the term healthy and not this normalfag term.

Kill yourself.

THICC meme needs to die

That fat sticking out between her arm and boob makes my dick diamonds
I want to bully Porkchop with my ham sandwich

polluting the catalog without another vapid fetish dump

Uggghhh oh god...

Its spelled thick by the way.

I love this artist


>new Muronaga translation today


I want Pochaco to sit on my face


Reminder that the legacy archive proves that this shitty "THICC" meme only began to be used on Sup Forums as of January of last year. Anyone who is using the term unironically is either a crossboarder or outsider.

He needs to draw more of her ass

>be skinnyfuck
>Porkchop triggers my dick

Kill me

passionate anal sex


Hours of fondling and cuddling as she smiles and enjoys the attention. Then sudden impregnation when she least expects it.

What does being a stick have to do with it?

>tfw no nikuko gf





I want a Nikuko centric spinoff.

And I'd like a Popura focused spin off for Working. But it ain't gonna happen sadly.

what tags on the panda equate to THICC

Chubby, plump or curvy. There's no accurate tag. Just like there's not accurate tag for shortstack girls.

Sadpanda only has a bbw tag and it fucking sucks since it includes everything from girls who are barely any different from the norm to absolute landwhales.

The weight gain tag is good for me, but it doesn't get a lot of love.

>Search: chubby
>4,621 results

Chubby seems to work fine.

You really need to score on a good artist for decent THICCness on sadpanda. Thankfully there are a lot of good ones.

I agree.

>mfw a doujin did the story of Love Hina better than Love Hina did
>the plump Mutsumi character wins

>muronaga chaashuu does a Fujiyama-san wa Shishunki parody that's better than the manga


Hey user. Want to go swimming after I finish eating?


>no proper manga/doujin by this guy

Do I!

You should wait half an hour, you know.

user, that's a myth.

BBW on sadpanda is fine because the true ham-moons are 1/500

Unless you select Western. Western is FUCKED because of the "Ugh there's nothing better than a girl so fat she can't even move" fags

Dude the western tag is so fucked. I mean there are genuinely good western artists but compared to japs it's very few and far between. Whenever I do a search I instinctively disable western.


I didn't say it. But I'll say it now.

Pick one.

I've found a couple gems holding my nose and diving in but there's so much garbage and it doesn't help that Western can mean aggregated works or actual comics with no way to separate the two

Got to start them young

Please post more of this goddess ;_;


Incase, Dsan, Cake. That's it. Phurie before he started doing only pony shit.


I really want him to do a sequel with the little sister.

Same. Was kind of sad thew the little sister left halfway through

Pochaco will do that to you.

My dick says yes to plump Mugi but my brain says that isn't right.

I'm not kidding though.

Neither am I. Pochaco is a goddess.

Something about Incase's art turns me off. That and his love of futa, trannies, and traps. It's not poorly drawn, but it's not my thing


Ignore your brain. Go with your heart.

It's good when it's good and it's not so good when it doesn't suit your fetish. It's hit and miss.1

I dunno, even the alien thing he did which should have been my thing (because they were basically just funny colored people and not very xeno) but I couldn't really get into it.

The best.

Porkchop is ok, even if he face is a little creepy

But her new, even fatter friend with smaller tiddies is just SAD

That's real fucking lewd user. I want to experience this.

Think the author was trying to go to yet another extreme. Thankfully, it looks like Pochako is still the more popular girl. Which is not surprising since the new girl is basically just Pochako with smaller tits and bigger hips. Not enough of a difference to warrant a new character. And it threw off the perfect proportions Pochako had, just making a girl who's too extreme in the hips.

I like her better, personally. Boobs don't do much for me.

Is the author from Okusan and Ashitaba sick or something?
The releases for both series have been pretty erratic for quite a while.

Literally fucking until your skeen peels off and the pain becomes unbearable


I hate this term, because it has strong ties to "body positivity" (AKA if you're repulsed by the idea of banging me, you're morally wrong; it's just another attempt by feminism to take away men's voice and freedom, along with all of the associated inconveniences and responsibilities that these things bring about for them), and is most commonly used will full blown blobs who almost need a wheelchair to get around.

It's an instant boner-killer.

It's older than the body-positivity movement, I'm pretty sure.

Yeah I hate the term too but I'll use it to search for Jap stuff because they don't believe in America-tier body positivity

It's funny reading fatty dating profiles saying they don't want chubby-chasers. It's hilarious. Bitch, who else wants to fuck your 300 pound ass if they don't have some weird fetish?

>jap stuff
What is this, the 40s?

You shouldn't give away how new you are like that, it derails threads.

>Not wanting to Slap-a-Jap

They've been taught by feminism that men are rapist sociopaths by nature, and that any male sexuality that doesn't exist for the express purpose of validating them is treating them as nothing more than a sex toy.

If you're forced to talk with them, or if you feel like confronting them, call them out on being sexist pieces of shit.

>not sexism, because sexism is based in historical contexts and institutions

And if it goes this direction, call them out on attempting to muddy the English language so as to prevent criticism, and point out the flaws in their shallow slogan of a definition. "Institutions"? Oh, you mean like the ones that use affirmative action? Or the divorce courts? Or all of the woman-only scholarships that give you a free ride while men have to pay? Or the ones that subscribe to the feminization of mental health? "Historical contexts", huh? How long after a sexist event occurs does said event become sexist?

True language decay is rare, but regressive attempts to alter the English dictionary are prime examples of it. They've taken concepts that are descriptive and specific and have attempted to make them vague and malleable to their purposes.

Holy shit, who cares?

You don't have to tell me twice

I would agree, if their bullshit wasn't actually taught by academia as "science" and taken seriously by all manner of government agencies and major businesses.

It's fucking retarded, and anyone who's not so far gone that they can't see it shouldn't be standing for it.

Ok, so go dispute it there. Why would you put so much effort into it for a porn thread? No one here is going to fight with you on this.

New official E9!

I've said it so many times at this point that it's not really any effort.

At any rate, it'll serve as ammo against the inevitable "this is fat acceptance and the SJWs have invaded Sup Forums" posters, and perhaps some whale wandering in here looking for validation might have a seed planted in her mind that her fight is not one for equality. That's always my hope.

How do you call a fetish about a slim girl that gets cursed and becomes thicc?

How indeed?

They try but they fail.

The manga is just a retelling of the anime though, right?
There aren't many chances of getting something new with E9 I think.

Still, if VD taught me anything iss that Kaneko is even more based than I initially thought.

It looks like it's about to deviate, looking at the artist's twitter.

A best.



My dick is diamonds from this thread. I've learned something new about myself tonight, thank you all!


3much gut for me



What would your ideal series with a thick cutie be like?