ITT: SCs that were actually lowkey the MC

ITT: SCs that were actually lowkey the MC



apparently common in pleb animu


not only is this a reaction to the thread, but also appropriate bc Jim was MC






>Implying Saber/Arturia is the Main character of the Fate franchise

>Gilgamesh has appeared more than Saber in the Fate franchise.

>having any interest in fate
>being straight
pick one

Read the VN you god damn faggot.

I want to help you appreciate the Eastern literature masterpiece that is Fate/Stay Night but there is no fixing stupid.


you like Fate you have no room to speak

Get the fuck off Sup Forums if you hate Fate since Sup Forums is /Fate/

The only legitimate hunter hunter.

Top kek

Kyon was totally the main character though. The entire story is told from his perspective, it doesn't matter that Haruhi's the one with the harem.

Who else is supposed to be the MC?

you didn't watch duel monsters


This is called a deuteragonist user. They're the secondary protagonists of stories, they're everywhere.



Homura is the real MC of Madoka.
Madoka is a retarded piece of shit.


You would have thought his team were terrible people if they weren't low key about it.

nigger there was nothing lowkey about sasucksgay basically being the main character

Michael and Dwight



Bro, there is a new Duel Monsters torrent on nyaa. You don't have to have that shitty, fucked up resolution, ugly subtitled copy.


It's called a deuteragonist you fucking niggers.

Did the manga end differently?

the 340 GB one? i don't see any that are better than mine other than that

see file name
