Why do people hate him again?

Why do people hate him again?

>he's white
>jews control shit

it's all getting old you weinstein molester jew.

just go back to israel and leave us alone.

Only stupid libtard cucks and feminazis hate him.

He's exposing the lies our reality is built on and those that want to maintain the status quo are chimping out.

>Wall Street loves Trump

Thought he was supposed to be the working class president while Hillary was the pro-big bank?

>deregulates Jewish banks
>Nazis love him
What's wrong with this situation?

Because Trump is a retard for trying to take credit for this. He was clearly screaming "BUBBLE, BUBBLE!" throughout the campaign. Now he's dead silent or even praising new "'""record highs"""". Yeah, good luck with that when the jews fuck you over with their planned crash. They are trying to put in jjjjjust enough time between Obama's departure and Trump's policies to lay the entire blame on him, instead of (correctly) blaming ZIRP and the Fed.

The higher you go, the harder you fall.

>Thought he was supposed to be the working class president while Hillary was the pro-big bank?
he is. and yes Hillary is pro-big bank.

Stock market is up in anticipation to trumps tax cuts that the whole market has known about since the election.

Trump is a business man, business will thrive under him and so will the people.

jew free bread for once.

>the stock market doing well means muh wall street big wigs

im a regular faggot, and i made over 10 grand in stocks with minimal investments since trump got into office.

thank you god emporer of financial gains

Keep telling yourself that. Enjoy your crashed economy. No wait, I'll have to suffer it as well, you liberal piece of shit.

A rising tide lifts all botes.

why can't we just have 1 jew free country or thread?

you people truly want to be classified as a parasitical race.

Because the TV told them to.

werent we supposed to have a recession before noticing any improvements? even mark cuban said this


what does this stock shit even mean wages haven't gone up to reflect that so why does he keep tweeting about it. Literally no one gives a fuck other than finance capitalists. When does the wealth trickle down? Just build the wall no one gives a fuck about the Dow Jones slowly going up unless you want to introduce an executive order tying minimum wage to the dow jones.

>10k net
>minimal investment
Most people would consider $100,000 to be fairly considerable

The economy has to crash. You know this. So it's a good thing.
Whites. As a selfless race, were always able to empathize with their own people first through out history because times were tough as they were for any people. But the modern era can give the impression to many whites that their own race is not only completely fine and not needing any help but in fact has a massive surplus that needs to be redistributed.

Make things hard again for our people and this concept among the brainwashed will be shattered.

>Grab em by the pussy
He definitely said this.

Because your mother's a whore, that's why. Fucking faggot.

wish there was a way to fucking internet fight pieces of shit like you

he said 10,000 not 100,000.

Time to put it all into DRYS and retire by EOY

>tfw depression hits
>tfw lose all my invested capital
>tfw kill myself because im a fucking faggot that can't stand the idea that I won't be able to sit on my investment and just make money doing nothing and might have to become another peon working a payday to payday job

Honestly when I see pictures of those guys killing themselves during the great depression I really am disgusting. These " men " couldn't stand the idea they were wiped out and effectively reduced to being the average working class poor who has no savings or investment either.

OVER $100,000 COMPED!