What happened to all the fun lighthearted anime that didn't involve highschool/middleschool children...

What happened to all the fun lighthearted anime that didn't involve highschool/middleschool children? I just want some adult comedy in my life.

Reminded me of pic related, tho it went shit in the end

New Game this season

This, so far it seems like it should be good

Chiho was best girl and she fully deserved to be featured in the ED.

This was okay.

Shirobako is a win win

The moeblob is a turnoff.

>tfw no S2 for atleast 2 more years

Why does 3 years seem like an eternity ago?


Watch some normal tv

s2 never. I also want a prequel showing them making anime old school on cel


Well at least she would be if she wasn't retarded. But it's ok, she is still cute.

he say comedy not boring

Why haven't you asked me out already user-senpai ? You're an adult, you are way beyond this high-school drama, right ?

Rail wars ?

>recommendation thread

How has nonone mentioned the best comedy anime of the last 5 years?

>adult comedy

Japan has never been good at this. And no, anime is not supposed to be mature. Take off that fedora and leave.

This would actually be pretty interesting to see.
>one joke man
>good comedy

>anime is not supposed to be mature.
>Implying that animes like Berserk are meant for kids

>falling for such low quality bait

A classic

Adult isn't what the iisekai audience wants.

Yeah, it is hard for their audience to self insert into a character that has any common sense. Or that behaves normally.

Animation Runner Kuromi probably closest we'll get to that.

VOL 12 Translations fucking when?

overlord, gate, outbreak company and log horizon all involve adult main characters thrown into fantasy worlds


Log horizon:
Shiroe: 23, graduate student, guildmates like tankbro and bard glasses mention they had jobs in their real life (accountant, engineer), even akatsuki mentions she is much older and hates being mistaken for a young girl

momonga mentions he was in a guild that required "normal working members of society", most of his guildmates from his stories mention some of them where already married.

Gate MC is like 28, divorced even and has a military history, so is every other human that crosses the gate.

outbreak company guy is 19, didnt enter an university, looking for a job

it doesn't sell - wageslaves would rather fantasize about what their could have been if they weren't so pathetic, than be reminded just how much their life really sucks

>anime is a sophisticated medium for adults
I enjoy it as much as the next person, but these philosophical debates on Evangelionand
>muh cummin of age mastapiece gurren lagann
conversations are straight autism. Its a fun pass time, done.

The female lead in this show is fucking shit and made me drop it. Every damn time there was something funny or interesting happening, she would show up and wipe the smile right off my face and turn my interest into zero.

Jesus christ, why.

Why does it matter? Adult characters all act like school children anyway, might as well stop pretending.

But that is like saying you would rather watch Drake and Josh than Seinfeld.

Not even the funniest anime adaption of a ONE manga, because the funniest is still airing

Im hoping maki gets some love. Could cover it all in 12

How old is Subaru again?

Why don't you go make a fresh new thread and find out, it's never stopped you fuckers from spamming new threads before.

I enjoyed hataraku maou sama because of that sole reason.

Adults don't have fun in Japan

Gaijin tourists do.

Gosh user, it's almost as if you aren't the target audience.

>thinking Sup Forums even knows the best male lead ever to grace Japan

Just watch Seinfeld the greatest anime of our time

Being an adult in japan is grim and depressing. They don't have fun.

But there's already a show about a farting old man this season. Why aren't you watching it?

Was good but Devil is a Part-Timer is better

Around 19, HS dropout and took Kendo lessons, currently a NEET.

>Adult comedy

There are tons of these in nipland and they are live action shows, extremely cheaper to produce compared to animu.

yondemasu yo azazel


>What happened to all the fun lighthearted anime that didn't involve highschool/middleschool children? I just want some adult comedy in my life

Aqua-sama has something to say to you and your fucking rec thread.

>tho it went shit in the end

Shut your fucking mouth

They are still here, they didn't go anywhere.
The simple fact that you started such a thread shows how new you are.
Lurk moar fag