Is ReZero even worth the watch?

When SAO came out, everyone was frothing to either praise the show or bash it to bits. Eventually I finally got around to it and found myself pretty much indifferent.

Is ReZero the same shtick? Is it actually worth the time to love it or at least love hating it? I fell sleep halfway through the first episode and still have the nagging suspicion that it's just trying to be an edgy genre "deconstruction".

For what its worth, I eventually dropped KonoSuba when the jokes became identical to me.

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Don't bother with it if you didn't like the first ep OP.

Also I'm sure this has been asked a billion times on this board, but I'm a normie and none of the sites I've read have provided any real reason other than "IT'S DARK, BUT REALLY GOOD"

Alright, thanks. I hate making snap judgments on shows, since I'm sure I would have gave up on things like Steins;Gate early on.

I think Re:Zero is definitely going down the SAO path, not that I have a problem with that. Though I think Re:Zero is wrote a bit better, so far at least.

Did you watch both parts of the first episode?

No and I know it definitely turns darker, but that alone isn't enough to get me interested. Like I hated Akame Ga Kill but really enjoyed Pyscho-Pass and would consider both 'edgy'.

I watched the first ep, dropped it for few months, watched till ep 3, liked it and now I want to fuck Felix.

Oh and I also like the series.

Just watch the show or don't. If you're bored to death while watching the first episode then just drop it. Maybe lurk the gorillion other threads that discuss the show instead of making another ass thread that will inevitably end in waifuposting.

>When SAO came out, everyone was frothing to either praise the show or bash it to bits.

People on Sup Forums praised SAO?