Buyfag Thread

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Why aren't you linking properly?

He's retarded and used a comma instead.

He probably just copied the op from last thread. It was a comma there as well.

cool link

Just started watching this. Any chance for pure loli figures, or do only lewd lolis get figures these days?

Akarin already has a few figures.

I always forget the picture. Every single time.


Please do not sexualize the Tsumugi.

Hey, do you have Elite authorization to make a thread?

The Elite 10 DSLR Anons.





Oh yay, it went up a couple yen...


What's so special about this loli that warrants a figure?


>this is the kind of people who visit buyfag threads now

>any chance for pure loli figures
I was pretty clear that I don't want her sexualized

She's actually portrayed as a realistic child, which is shockingly rare in anime. It's usually "Oh, I'm 7, but I act like I'm 16 so it's okay if you want to have sex with me." She's a bit like Yotsuba in that she's just a little girl doing little girl things, with some bittersweet moments thrown in. Plus, her trying to put on the sexy apron pose and that winky face was hilarious.

He promised us stimulus dammit! He promised growth!

What the fuck is he even spending money on to try and get it?!

I haven't kept up with our news, is Trudeau running us into the dirt, or is everyone expecting him to run us into the dirt and our dollar is reflecting that?

Is there any kind of figure/plamo for this guy?

he hasn't really done shit yet except elbow a bitch

He hit someone?

He elbowed someone. It was completely overblown by the media and they couldn't agree if it was accidental or not.

He later apologized. Three times at different occasions during the same day.

Trudeau's been nothing but a joke thus far.

Him elbowing a bitch, doing a one armed push-up, spouting SJW BS, getting put in a comic book...everything thus far the news bothers reporting about him has done nothing but paint him as a complete joke.

I just went and read an article with a video of it, bitch was just in the way, granted Trudeau didn't exactly stop or go whoops my bad or anything.
>I was standing in the centre talking to some colleagues. I was elbowed in the chest by the prime minister and then I had to leave. It was very overwhelming and so I left the chamber to go and sit in the lobby. I missed the vote because of this.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, thats ridiculous.

Not like Canadian politics is ever anything but a joke.

She's being as dramatic as she could since she's from an opposing party.

When is Trudeau going to appear in an anime? Obama, Bush and Clinton had tons of cameos. Since he's apparently popular all over the world, he should too right?

It's not surprising, politics can be so fucking dumb sometimes, of course they would use this as a way to try to attack him and generally blow it up.
Unless that bitch has shingles/sun burn on her tits, she is absolutely fine after being bumped, she'd sooner walk out from getting hot and bothered from the rub than from pain.
Also, I bought a Ryuko and Satsuki figure today on ebay from a decent seller, comming in august, I'm pumped.

Not bad.

Forgot pic.

Forever in limbo.

There's a mini Gunvarrel included with Frau's scale.

Trudeau is shit.

I want Canadians to fuck off and stay gone forever.

Your parliament is a fucking joke

>cheeseburger projecting because his country is fucked.

Could be worse, like getting out of the european union or having Trump as candidate

Canada is America's hat

Nothing could be worse than Canada. Stop being delusional.

Do you often wear hats larger than your body?

Tell your leaders to please invade and annex us. I wanna be american

Now you're being ridiculous.
Made me reply/10

Yes, every day.

I bet you look silly.

Im a touhou

Trump potentially being in power is one of the worst things ever. I would rather move to Canada than stick around here if that happens. I'd have to pass on a lot of plastic butts, but it'd be worth it.

Okay you made me laugh, I forgive you.

Yes, Hillary is so much better than that bumblefuck, right?

It's not like Clinton's much better. This election is a fucking joke.

Who's making that Kuromukuro? The sculpt looks pretty nice.

Our self defense laws are less forgiving and you need a license (or two depending) to get a gun, but if you get shot or stabbed the health care is free! Welcome to Canada, enjoy your safe haven from Trump/Hillary/BLM/Terrorism and other badness.

Any random suggestions for artbooks on Amazon? It's either ten bucks for shipping or put in a ten dollar item and get free shipping. I didn't use it nearly enough to keep Prime.

I'd rather hear you fucks discuss the stupid exchange rate than this Sup Forums shit

>Its the I'll move to Canada if Trump wins faggots. Good, pack your bags we dont want you.

Also enjoy the bad exchange rate.

Although this is political discuss you have to agree this isnt Sup Forums. No ones said anything bad about races yet.

You would only have to pass on naked lolis that actually show stuff., even then like 2 or 3 people ever have been charged with anything when it comes to loli and only 1 was from a imported figure.

They don't even open most shit.

I've imported hundreds of packages and I've never had one get opened.

Post your wants.

shit taste coming through

At least Clinton appears to be more mentally stable. I don't particularly care for either of them, but I'd rather go with the "lesser of two evils" for the next four years.

Let's be honest, if Trump wins it doesn't matter where you move to because he'll nuke the entire world as soon as someone says something on Twitter that hurts his feelings. You know it's true, the guy is fucking nuts.

>>Who's making that Kuromukuro? The sculpt looks pretty nice.
Di molto bene. A joke company to go along with a joke election discussion.

>At least Clinton appears to be more mentally stable.
Oh boy, this rabbit hole isn't something you want to dig through. Just stop all this political shit now please, because you clearly have no idea about Hillary nor the Clintons.

>Di molto bene
God damn it.

You're taste is fine user!

>Clinton appears to be more mentally stable

Lord jesus just shut up you politically retarded child. I bet you fell for the bernie meme.

hopefully he'll nuke the cucks like you

That Miku's pretty cute. Might pick her up if GSC's comes out bad.

you can pull that pants off right?

Ordered these the other day.

thank you i appericate it
i only got her for 24 bucks


Not him but "more" doesn't mean she is mentally stable. Its like lava is "colder" than the sun. Doesn't mean it is cold, but colder than what its compared too.

Just caught up with all the Wonfes figures. How long does it take for uncolored figs to come out? Can't be more than a year right?

Im confused by these no colour figures. Do you colour them yourself? Do they come coloured but this is some sorta preview? Do you just like blank figures? Sorry for my stupidity on this.

They usually get color after leaving them in your closet for a while. Pretty cool process.


>Rob Ford
>All that Quebec shit
Sadly, I've got to agree.

Publicity previews of figures in progress.

I believe this is a figure that is being made by a big name manufacturer.
This was shown at the recent Wonder festival, they haven't painted it yet but companies usually show off the prototype to hype people up for the upcoming pre-order.
Garage kits you order the parts, build the figure, and paint it yourself but it takes a lot of effort.

I feel like I'm being lied to.
Plz no bully.
Ahh alright thanks, that makes more sense than people enjoying blank figures or some weird do-it-yourself shit.

>Let's be honest, if Trump wins it doesn't matter where you move to because he'll nuke the entire world as soon as someone says something on Twitter that hurts his feelings. You know it's true, the guy is fucking nuts.
Clinton has gone to war or wanted a war each and every chance she got as Senator and as Secretary of State.
She got Libya and wanted us to get into Syria FFS. She also hates Putin.

Trump, for all the namecalling, is a BUILDER at heart. Sure, he will fuck you up, but he does things financially. But he will never go to war, because going to war means all his Trump properties gets destroyed along with it.

This is the main difference between Clinton and Trump.

Clinton has never built anything and so doesn't care about the ramifications of war around the world.

Trump built a lot of properties and even a large part of New York City, which is why he will be averse to war. He doesn't want to see his life's work destroyed. He will fuck you out of your money with his lawyers.

So there are actually do it yourself figures eh? I guess I can the appeal if your apt at painting and such.

If only you can actually remove those pants off that fig.

>people voted for trudeau because he looks good
Yep, it's a joke.

Why is the Japanese Yen growing so strong lately?

I don't think there are many people that actually like Putin.

Regardless of what Clinton's wanted in the past and what you think Trump is "at heart", I still don't trust the guy around nuclear weapons. Everything that comes out of his mouth makes me believe that if he gets the power, he will abuse it and everyone else will suffer.

Trump is the only choice. I'll have more money to spend on PVC ass, and the exchange rate will be better.
His tax plan is great and he will stop letting the US cuck ourselves with our shitty trade deals.
The tariffs on China will stop their growth, bring business back to the US, and the best part is that it would probably put China into a great depression.
Mike Pence was a horrible choice for VP though, but Trump was probably forced to pick him. I was hoping he would go with Herman Cain.

I think everything out of his mouth is BS and he's not going to do anything he says he does or even means anything he says. His presence in reality TV removes any credibility from him.

The Yen is seen a safe harbor investment in times of economic uncertainty. Plus the Bank of Japan isn't being very aggressive in trying to drive it down.

Awww shit

>Everything that comes out of his mouth makes me believe that if he gets the power, he will abuse it and everyone else will suffer.
As opposed to Clinton that has actually made people suffer around the world?
Trump has always said that nuclear war is the most dangerous thing in the world, and something that we must be afraid of.
Because again, if it happens, everything he's built for close to 50 years disappears in an instant.
Besides, everyone knows that Trump is an exaggerating loudmouth that is a dealmaker. Clinton is a fucking shit ideologue and warhawk, that again, has gone to war each and every instance she had the power to do so.
People actually like Putin too. They did a Europe wide survey (I think it was Yougov) and Putin was more popular than most of the leaders of their own countries in Europe.
Putin is a murderer, but he's a murderer you can negotiate with. Clinton is an ideologue who goes to wars because of ideas (typical politician), while Trump is a bombastic negotiator.

I'd rather go with Trump, because Trump's properties is what will prevent him from going to war. Also, his penchant for negotiation. And I'm saying this as a dark-skinned immigrant.

Please stop

You can fuck off back to Facebook any time friend.

In what way? They're already doing Negative Interest Rates so hard, the Japanese are buying Swiss gold to protect their savings.

They can't, they're too stupid to look at what board they're on.

>Yen is seen a safe harbor investment
Isn't their economy close to collapse?

>The executive is exclusively in charge of armaments
>Hurr durr teh nukes
Yeah, even if anyone fucking tried there will be a coup

Kill yourself