Choose one to marry, the rest is raped and gassed by the Nazis

Choose one to marry, the rest is raped and gassed by the Nazis.


Tetora is my favorite so her. My folder has way too many screenshots to find anything else so have a stitch instead.

I'm actually a rich Prince from Saudi Arabia and am looking for five wives.

Sucks to suck, Kigu.

Jugemu Jugemu

Can I have none so they all live?

I want to make Kukuru a mother with love.

>marry Tets
>enjoy life in ezmodo

If you choose none, the Nazis will rape and gas all of them for being worthless pieces of shit.
Per law you may only select on of them as your lawfully wedded waifu.

I choose you, Gankyou!

>believing in the gas meme

good goy!

Tetora is the most boring of them, though.

Only if you have shit taste.


Easiest choice I've made

You mean the cutest of them all. I'm sure my folder consist of at least 75% Tetora. I'm almost certain that if I didn't already have a waifu before I watched it that she would have stolen my heart.

Only commies, chink and Americans raped.



Her and Marii have the best color scheme. Gank looks like a background character.

Gan was my personal worst girl, I just didn't like her all that much. She was violent and annoying and had glasses. That said, I did still make stitches for her since she was good for her body if nothing else.

I want to kiss marii

The last part must be difficult to perform.

Kukuru for me

Marii as all the others are engaged

How japanese do I have to be to watch this show?

Papa Frank level

Just enough to catch things the subs might mess up or something. Though some of the later episodes definitely went over my head at some points so maybe you need to be super japanese.

Kigu is mine.

It's great even if you know fuck all about Japan.

I kill the Nazis

So let me get this straight: this show is just a bunch of jokes that not Japanese won't get like SZS, right? Should I just drop it before I pick it up?

Wait I didn't even read the thread hounto ni gomen nasai I didn't mean to be such an aho

Wait. Is rape a bad thing?
Please respond.



Kukuru = Gan > Tetora = Marii > Kigu

they would not be hurt by nazis, their people were allies. how about raped by niggers or sandniggers instead?

>Please respond

I only want to marry Marii, leave the rest alone.

don't worry, gas chambers were kike propaganda.
gotta watch out for the malnutrition, typhus, and sporadic summary execution though.

can I be the nazis?

Kukuru > Marii > Tetora > Gan > Kigu

Cant remember which is best girl so i'll take yellow for the ahoge

>you will never have to wait for subs ever again

>using their name instead of their color
Black a best

That's because I'm colorblind and I can remember their names.

Marii > Kigu > Gan > Kukuru > Tetora

Tetora > Kukuru > Kigu > Marii > Uzamu > Aoi Wrestler that may or may not have had a name > Gan



oh so they made an anime about backlog girl?

>bullying Gan

Best girl Gan