Why aren't you ok with this? Why should only boys learn to be men and not girls too?
Boy Scouts now Allowing Girls to Join
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Sure, why not.
> A Jewish religious leader has asked the Boy Scouts of America to change its national policy to include gay adults, as well as transgender youth.
> “All people, regardless of their sexuality or gender identity, are created B’tzelem Elohim, in the Divine image (Genesis 1:27), and thus have a place in our communities,” Rabbi Jonah Pesner said
It gets old only molesting boys all the time
women aren't leaders
Good. I didn't participate in the homoerotic activities while in BSA. I would have jumped in the chance to mess around with girls.
But it's boy scouts. How can you be a girl and at the same time be a boy scout? It makes no sense.
Welcome to the Goy Scouts
I suppose those pedophiles need to love little girls too
What the fuck? They have their own equivalent. Boy Scouts serve a very specific purpose in the development of young boys, girls shouldn't be injected into it just like boys shouldn't be injected into the Girl Scouts. Keep it separate.